Not Today Clowns…Not Today

Not Today Clowns…Not Today

16 men joined me on a personal cathartic return to my beloved Floater. Blocks, burpees, and suspect counting by YHC ruled the day. Oh, and did you really think I’d let the streak die on my watch!!!? Not today clowns, not today.

Warm-up: Jog down #kjh to Vet. 25 SSH. My form was questioned by Zin. I was moving too fast. Form adjusted. Looked and felt awkward. Disregarded Zin’s commentary.

Calf Stretches (always)

Merkins and Mtn Climbers x 10


Big thanks to Site Q Carb Load for meeting me at the middle of #kjh to strategically place a stack of coupons. Wasn’t sure how this would work, but it’s not every day you get the privilege of leading at ol’ 87.

P.E.A.R – literally only way I could remember it. Sad, but true. Up and down #kjh 2x on each letter with coupon redemption placed in the middle of the hill.

P= Plank Jack Burpees. Run to mid-point, Grab a coupon, 5 thrusters, run to top of hill and 5 Plank Jack Burpees. Run back down to coupons, 5 more thrusters, and run to bottom of hill for 5 more Plank Jack Burpees. Do this twice – 20 Plank Jack Burpees and 20 Thrusters

E= Elbow Burpees. Mahktar Ndiaye (sic?) with a burpee mixed in. Same cadence as above except with curls at the coupon station. 20 Elbow Burpees and 20 Curls

A= Australian Burpees. As all pax realized, these are and were literally the easiest possible burpee to complete. Same cadence as above except with 1 hand on coupon merkins at coupon booth. 20 Aussies and 20 1 hand merkins.

R= Real Burpees. As all pax realized, these were the worst. Same cadence as above except run up #kjh backwards after coupon booth and switch hands on the block for the merkins. 20 Real Burpees and 20 1 hand merkins.

When all completed, grab coupons and take to laundromat…over your head the whole way up the hill. Was harder than I thought.

Grab some wall

1 minute wall sit. 25 jump squats (sketchy counting by YHC on this part). 25 squats.

1 minute wall sit with air presses. 25 jump squats and 25 squats counted flawlessly by YHC.

30 second 1 leg wall sit. 20 speed skaters

30 second 1 other leg wall sit. 20 speed skaters

Run down to laundromat to collect coupons. Walking lunge from stop sign until first light pole 10 lunges were completed and YHC audibled out of it. Awful idea, should revisit.

Take coupons to Carb Load’s truck and put them away. 3 minutes left. Introduced pax to a new ab exercise named today officially as “Muffin Tops”. On your back, legs extended straight out, one hand by your side and one hand straight up in the air. Do a sit up while keeping your feet flat and your hand pointed at the sky. 10 on each side. Then 30-45 seconds (Zin and Carb Load’s watches tell different time) of American Hammers and we were done.


Thank you Foundation and Carb Load for allowing me to lead and thank you, Zin for so graciously being told I was taking your spot allowing me to take the Q today. I love Floater. The memories at that place. If you don’t know what #kjh is or what it means, ask one of the old-timers…or The Old-timer.

Told a couple brothers that oddly the hardest part of relocating was no longer getting to see you clowns in the mornings. I’ve said it and I meant it. Don’t take F3 Waxhaw for granted. It’s such a gift. Show up, grow up, and get up out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to learn as many hospital names as possible. I did and they’re friends for life.


Doughboy is moving up Holiday Watchtower to 6:30

Diesel crew opened a Go Fund Me account in hopes of buying a portable tent for rain and sideline jet heaters for cold. Check with Recalculating and Hooch to see how you can contribute.

Mad Dog’s openness spoke to me. I should drink less and be present more. Who knows, maybe 2020 will be a year of clarity for me as well. God knows it wouldn’t/couldn’t hurt. Thanks also for taking us out and being the epitome of a leader.

Until next time, gents. God bless you and your families. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the guy who just can’t quite fully let go of F3 Waxhaw.

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MoneyBall author

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