Tag Archive Yeti

Great Grandma Wilby

ByChinMusic Feb 16, 2018

8 men gathered to collectively visit Great Grandma Wilby’s house. Unfortunately, we didn’t actually see her house as the large hill spoiled o

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The Well-Oiled Machine

ByChinMusic Jan 31, 2018

Skunkworks has really become an AO that puts up numbers week in and week out.  On a chilly morning, 4 of us jogged in from the pre-run at 5:28 Â

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“Only” 4 Exercises

ByMAD Jan 26, 2018

6 men took the DRP and emerged from the fart sack to roam the frozen tundra on hands and feet, up and down stairs and hills - all to do 4 exercis

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King of the Hill

ByHorsehead Jan 23, 2018

From now on, the only woman I'm pimpin' is sweet lady propane. And I'm trickin' her out all over this town. Hank Hill   A dozen po

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Snow Angels

ByYeti Jan 19, 2018

I'm not going to lie, I was planning a solo workout this morning, but was pleasantly surprised to find 7 bright-eyed and bushy-tailed PAX ready t

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Puffins and Reindeer

ByYeti Jan 5, 2018

Lobster Roll took charge on a balmy 12 degree morning at Joust. Warmup Lap 50 side straddle hop, 25 merkins, jog the length of the field ba

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Giant Weinke – The Office Workout Part II

ByBaracus Dec 6, 2017

On a nice, mild December morning, nothing better to do than swing some iron around.  So that's what we did.  After a very, very short disclaime

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Mission Accomplished

ByFletch Dec 4, 2017

During my Q at Skunkworks this week, I was tapped to substiQ for StoneCold who learned he would need to travel for work on Friday.  Was looking

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Hills are alive with the sound of Kettlebells

ByFletch Nov 28, 2017

4 of the heartiest, sleep deprived souls arrived for the 3 mile pre-run only to be met in the lot upon thier return by 13 other hearty souls f

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Early Bus

ByBaracus Nov 17, 2017

Nine men came arrived at Charlotte Christian this chilly morning, looking for a way to get warmed up.  They found it. Mosey up the parking lo

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