Sharing is Caring

Sharing is Caring

Enjoy this little time machine back to The Floater from last week where we shared 600 things together.


.5 mosey around town and circled up in the gravel lot behind Dream chasers – Planking in gravel is a great way to help you appreciate those weathered parking lots we sometimes crawl over.


Partner up at the wooden RR bridge – Be nice and share 100 Burpees, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s
P1 runs a lap around and over the bridge while P2 cranks out as many perfect reps as possible

Mosey over to the bottom of A Bad Idea? ( the one past the skatepark )
7’s – 6 Mike Tyson’s at the bottom, attack the hill and 1 Big Boy SU at the top
Rinse and repeat until 1 MT and 6 BB’s

Mosey back to COT as the clock struck 6:15


This ended up being one of those “It looked a little easier on paper / in my head.” Weinke’s… BUT with that being said the whole group powered through and crushed it! There was constructive feedback in short, simple choice words, encouragement and selfless offerings of PAX doing extra credit reps to help the group complete their 600. That’s what this is all about.

Life is hard right now. At times it really just sucks if I’m being honest. However, F3 continues to support me in nearly every area of my life. I am still blown away when I reflect back over the past few years. So, thank you again F3 brothers for walking shoulder to shoulder with me through life. 🙏👊


There were a couple.

About the author

Glidah author

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