WARM-UP * Mosey lap around CMS Front Parking Circle
* 20 Rocking night clubs * 20 Side Straddle Hops *20 Imperial Walkers
*Plank Position – Calf Stretches, Jack Knifes, Downward dog, Upward Dog.
* Mosey to doing 3 Merkins at each light pole to front of high school hill for sevens: Top Hill – 1 Mike Tysons / Bottom Hill – 6 (2 is 1) Speed Skaters, 2/5, 3/4, 4/3, 5/2, 6/1.
* Mosey to back of the High School parking lot in back for 4 Corners – Burpees in the center, exercises in each corner:
Round 1: Start with 3 Burpees in the center
(25) Bobby Hurleys / 3 Burpees center
(25) Jump Squats / 3 Burpees center
(25) Freddie Mercuries / 3 Burpees center
(25) Big Boys / 3 Burpees center
Round 2: Start with 5 Squats in the center
(25) Mountain Climbers / 5 Squats center
(25) Heels to Heaven / 5 Squats center
(25) Backward Lunges (1 is 1) / 5 Squats center
(25) LBCs / 5 Squats center
Round 3: Jack Webb’s. 1 Merkin/4 Air Press..2/8, 3/12..up to 10/40.
*Mosey back toward COT doing 5 merkins at each light pole until Stop Sign by Middle School Sign.
*Jail Break back for COT
* F3 DAD’s Camp Sign Up (ages 4 and up) – need 40 more registrations to break even, so if you considering it, please apply now.
13 Pax enjoyed Impromptu “Merkin” Day. Great work gentlemen! Thanks for the opportunity to serve and lead this morning.
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