About a month ago Gerber asked who I had signed up to Q Diesel for today’s date. He had the Swarm Q and wanted to do a mini-convergence between the two sites. I said I’d take the Q (Site Q’s prerogative) and we’d make it happen.
Fast forward to this morning and I’m setting gear out and the cars just keep rolling into Diesel and my mind is spinning trying to figure out whether I have enough stations. I figured between the two sites we’d have 20 pax total. Gerber is texting me telling me they have 6, no 7 at Swarm. No one at Diesel and no one at Swarm has any clue what’s about to go down, so no worries, we’ll figure it out.
5:30 – DiCCS provided. Emphasis on form. Modify as needed, not as desired.
Honestly, between figuring out stations and what gear we’d use, and how we’d pair up, and all the other logistics I hadn’t given any thought to what we’d do to kill time until Swarm arrived. They’re running across the street and I didn’t want to give away what we’d be doing so everything in the warmup was made up on the fly. Apologies if I leave something out…
Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, more Side Straddle Hops, Merkins, Calf Stretches
Now grab your coupon (or the giant tractor tire) and bring it to the base of Mt. Chiseled.
Sit your gear down and circle up for…
More Side Straddle Hops, Slooooooow Merkins, Big Bois, Super Mans, T-Pose Merkins, Box Cutters, Low Slow Squats, Diamond Merkins, Heels to Heaven and maybe more????
Then, out of the gloom comes a loud whistle (kudos to whoever can whistle like that, it was pretty sweet): Swarm has arrived!
The Thang
With 16 from Diesel and 8 (I think) from Swarm it wasn’t gonna be exact, but partner up, if possible, with someone from a different AO than you. Stations were laid out as follows:
The timer for these stations varied depending on whether you were a Diesel pax or a Swarm pax. Diesel pax were to Rifle Carry a coupon to the far curb and back. Swarm pax were to run up and over Mt. Chiseled and back around to the front. With about 4 minutes prior to launch I timed both of them to make sure they were roughly equivalent. Originally the goal was to make it more of a competition where the loser had to do 5 burpees, but with the large numbers and commotion of even more pax showing up I completely forgot about it. Oh well.
We made it through 1 round of the above before Swarm had to hit the road. We stopped for a good group picture and then they were gone.
Diesel pax weren’t off the hook though. We continued to push through the stations until a few minutes were left where I forced everyone to carry all the gear back to COT so I didn’t have to pick it all up.
That was a great idea, Gerber! Thanks for putting it out there. It’s a good opportunity for pax that don’t normally see each other to interact and work out together. Fuse Box brought out an FNG from his neighborhood who has already committed to Commitment tomorrow morning so it couldn’t have been too terrible of a workout. With the last name Ledbetter we went down the Pearl Jam route and named him Butter Man. Why not Better Man? Because years ago YHC heard a radio show that had callers name songs they’d misheard lyrics for. One of those was Better Man/Butter Man and now I can’t hear that song without thinking of that. Sorry buddy, but welcome to F3 Waxhaw!
Q Bites – Following Asylum (5:15 to 6:00am) this Monday (7/12) is a discussion on Racism in America. Come prepared to listen and discuss
F3 Dads Camp is coming up! I think there might still be some spots available, but check with Radar for details
Prayers for Magi. His mom passed away yesterday
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