A cool morning in June?

A cool morning in June?

9 manly men posted at Meathead yesterday for the second round of the new kettlebell program. With weather in the 60s, a few pax noted that it was almost chilly when the wind was blowing. I’ll take the unseasonably cool weather in June instead of the usual wind that’s hot and thick like dog breath.

After a brief disclaimer (it was a veteran crew), we got down to business.

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • 10 swings
  • Halos x 5 each way
  • 10 swings
  • Prying squats x 2
  • 10 swings
  • Windmill x 10
  • 10 swings

Main Course:

  • 5 sets of 5 DCL and DFS. Pax choice as to whether you do all the cleans, then all the squats or clean/squat x 5. Just get it done. Since it’s doubles, we took ample recovery time with 1:30-1:45 for each set.
  • Voodoo complex x 10:00 EMOM (swing, high pull, snatch, clean, squat, press L/R)
  • 3 lawnmowers, 3 high pulls, 3 snatches x 10:00 EMOM, alternating arms every minute
  • Waiter carries x 2 per side for 1:00 each

Mary: glute bridge until time expires

COT – I volunteered Ickey to take us out and he did a fine job.


  • Grow Ruck Training Event – first weekend in August
  • Crane Relay – second weekend in August (8/13). See Slack/website for sign-up details


  • This was the second round of the new kettlebell program. It started with some pretty terrible squats and then went right into some interminable single arm complexes. Hopefully everyone got what they paid for.
  • The music on Wednesday was much better-received than Monday’s playlist (“too much Smashing Pumpkins”). This was Spotify’s 90s Rock Anthems, so it was a pretty big hit. However, it did lead to a discussion between Ickey and Frehley’s about what constitutes an anthem. Since they’re usually on the same side of most arguments (at least outside of football season), it was like watching a married couple fighting. Uncomfortable.
  • The respects were all in a line yesterday and they were getting after it. Strong work by some guys that are setting a great example by continuing to get stronger.

About the author

Voodoo author

Area 51/SOB, Meathead co-site Q

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