It was wet…from sweat

It was wet…from sweat

16 Pax braved the threat of rain, avoiding fart-sacking, and shunning the alternative of the cozy indoor confines of Club Stonehenge (“not that there’s anything wrong with that”).  Clearly, guys were ready to shake off the extra fluff of the holidays, sweat it out, and get to work.  Layers were quickly shed, as 50+ degrees and fast movement warm up a body pretty fast!  The over/under on Commish losing his hoodie was 12 minutes…I took the under & won.  The drizzle stopped just as we were starting, so 90% of our sogginess was due to sweat, and not rain.  Covered about 2.5 miles, and all should have pretty shaky arms, core, and legs now.  Scheduled Q OchoCinco rolled into town late last night from Denver with his family, so needed to call YHC out of the bullpen.  An honor to oblige…

The Thang:  Welcome FNG Mike (eventually “Trickle”) Disclaimer given (not a pro, suggestions, modify, can’t sue)

-Warmup circle: Imperial Walker, Low Slow Squat, Mtn Climb, PeterParker/ParkerPeter, Bulgarian Ball Busters…YA!

-Mosey/Warm-Up toward Target: butt kicks, side shuffle, backward, high knees

-Partners behind Target (that doesn’t sound good!)- 10 Ab Throws/flap jack, then at each light post do 10 Hand Slap Merkins and 10 Jump Squats, then finish other end with 10 Ab Throws/flap jack.  (Transporter led some wall sit/shoulder stuff awaiting the Six.)

-Run toward Old Navy Wall- 60% speed to curb (5 burpees), 75% speed to gate (5 burpees) All Out to wall (5 burpees).

-To the Hill…10 Carolina Dry Dock & 10 Sister Mary Kath (x2), then up the hill and grab lifting rock.

-Rock Circle – Various Pax called out Shoulder Press, Curls, RHL, Calf Raise, Squat, Rows, Triple Lindy, Merkins (etc), Hammy Stretch Thing (from FNG “Trickle”).  Rotated around the circle various times to change up the rock sizes.  (put rocks back, head back down hill)

-Some Mary in parking lot of 131 Main.

-Stairs, Rails- 10 Pull Ups under rail 1, 10 Split Squats at rail 2, upstairs and over, do 10-15 Wide Merkins up there.  Loop that for 5 or so minutes.  Swift mosey back to AO.



As we took off at 6:31 and Circuit City sprinted out of his car, “Circuit City, we’ll be at Best Buy” was a no-brainer (he actually works for Best Buy).  During Imperial Walkers, I looked at Boitano and said “Where-is-One-Star?” in my cadence, only to have OneStar sprint into the circle 10 seconds later – that was perfect.  Usually One-Star’s ability to entertain is very purposeful, but in this case it was a happy accident.  Wisconsin contingent of 4 today (Circuit City…Sheboygan, Hearthbreaker…Madison, Transporter…Kenosha, Bucky…Greendale/Milwaukee), who each called Mary in succession at one point-  Transporter’s never-ending American Hammers were not popular, yet appreciated.  Wow, quite a variety of rock sizes for Rock Circle – some stones, and some planets.  Lots of mumblechatter about “compensating” for various things based on size of rock picked.  FNG “Trickle” was called on during the Rock Circle, and provided both an explanation & demo of an elaborate hammy stretching move #OverAchiever #TooGoodForUs?  Soft Pretzel & Transporter were out front on most moseys, and circled back for Pax for extra mileage.  Many are on the “Dry-uary” train, and further connected at Coffeeteria to help support each other with a month of general detox.

Paper Jam, Chopper & Madison joined COT from the runners (there were at least 10 more, most at Coffeeteria…which was BIG!).

Announcements:  Likely convergence next week at Stonehenge…try to stay tuned.

FNG “Trickle” was EH’d by Gilbert (we all live in the same neighborhood).  He comes into ’20 wanting to serve more in the community, and be more purposeful about his health – perfect alignment with F3.  How many others in our communities want this, but don’t know we are an option?  Be a talent scout for FNGs, and get them out!

Takeout by PaperJam.  Prayers & good vibes to Chopper (test results), Doc McStuffins (big procedure in 3 weeks), and Gillooly (baby coming).

Always an honor to lead/Q.  Great to see you all today, and great push – thanks for your efforts.  We all are coming into 2020 with hope & intent to improve, grow, shed, slim, strenthen, etc.  There is no magic formula – got to put in the work and get uncomfortable on a recurring basis.  And that is much easier to do together.  So get out this week!


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Bucky author

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