So I’ve got that goin for me, which is nice

So I’ve got that goin for me, which is nice

Diccs Given

Warm Up

.35 M Mosey into Marvin Creek, Left down Turkey Hunt Ct down to Cul De Sac. SSH IC, Jimmy Doogans, Moroccan Night Clubs IC, Merkins IC, Plank Jacks IC.

The Thang

Mosey back up Turkey Hunt Ct towards Groves Edge, Left onto Groves Edge and Stop at Trail Entrance. At every house, alternate between 5 Bobby Hurleys and 5 Squats. Approximately 9 houses.

Mosey up to side of school by parking lot. Grab Some Wall. ‘Donkey Punch Web’ – 10 Mike Tyson’s, 20 Donkey Kicks, 9 Mike Tyson’s, 20 Donkey Kicks…all the way down to 6 Mike Tysons, 20 Donkey Kicks

Partner Up. 1 Partner at opposite end of parking lots lined up with cones, facing each other. Both Pax broad jump – burpee, repeat until partners meet up. 5 Hand Slap Merkins. Bear Crawl remaining distance to cones. Mosey around the island in opposite directions until partners meet up, 5 Hand Slap Merkins, Mosey back to parking lot cones starting point. Repeat 5X’s.

Circle Up, with Partners. 2 sets of partners run backwards around island. AMRAP of the following exercises until all runners are back. Once runners are back, 4 more pax run backwards, etc. Go until everyone has gone 2X.

V sit ups, LBC’s, American Hammers, Flutters, Bobby Hurley’s, something else I forgot

Grab some wall, complete Donkey Punch web, 5 Mike Tysons, 20 Donkey Kicks down to 1 Mike Tyson, 20 Donkey Kicks

Circle Back up w/ partners. 4 pax run backwards around island, the rest complete AMRAP of following exercises, switch exercises once running pax are in, next 4 run, etc.:

Merkins, Squats, Plank Jacks

Hot lap around Circle to COT.


Check other backblasts/group me for Friday AO start times and locations, I think 6:30am start times?

Elon Park football game, check slack for details on Thursday

Lawson and Millbridge have Turkey Trot 5K’s on Thanksgiving morning

One Start took us out – reach out to those alone or in need during this week.

About the author

Rudy author

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