Rumor was that there was going to be a lot of crying at Cuthbertson this morning. So to my delight there were 8 pax that were having none of that and wanted to man up and crush some miles at ignition. No costumes, no crying, just your’s truly and 8 pax going all out for an hour straight.
Warm up
Mosey front of the schools around to the back of the high school over to Transporters shed (although Dasher could not make it to the shed and bailed out somewhere near the football stadium). and circle up.
20 x SSH
15 x merkins
(Dasher shows up looking several pounds lighter)
15 x Mountain Climbers
Calf stretch
The Thang
Mosey behind middle school to trail that leads to Lawson. Start at Surveyor General drive and run to Papaw Drive. Run up 2 streetlights and 10 Bobby Hurley’s. Run back 1 street light for 10 hand release merkins. Continue the up 2, back 1 until you make it to Papaw Drive.
7’s on Papaw Drive. Start at the bottom of Papaw drive with 1 burpee and run to the top of Papaw drive and complete 6 merkins. Continue until you reach 6 Burpees and 1 merkin. (at this point Carb Load throws his back out and Bottlecap starts lathering on the chapstick!) Thankfully no CPR needed and Carb Load was able to stretch in out with the assistance of our in house yoga instructor (Goodfella). And we are back on track and mosey to the front of the neighborhood. At the front of the neighborhood 5 burpees OYO and then mosey over to the high school gym.
Once at the high school gym start a triple nickel. At wall one complete 10 mike Tysons then run down the stairs and hang a right on the path back up to the gym and on wall two complete 20 donkey kicks. Rinse and repeat 5 times.
Mosey over to middle school entrance grab some bench. 20 step ups + hot lap, 30 dips + hot lap, 20 Derkins +hot lap.
Finish with 30 dips and Mosey to COT right on time.
MOLESKIN: nothing mushy for me. I’m Irish and we like to bottle that sh*t up and store it deep down. Just keep showing up to post and be the best you can be.
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