Seventy nine A51 Pax (including 1 FNG) converged on Skunk Works for the 2nd running of the Skunk That Stole Christmas. Thirteen of the SPEARHEAD boys gathered early to carry logs, kettlebells, a 36 inch TV, a deer carcass, and each other through downtown Matthews.
WARMUP: Various exercises to invigorate the fleshy parts: SSH, I-Walkers, Low Slow Squats. Threw in a Hit Man log roll to just get it over with. It’s a mudder’s track today–may as well embrace it.
THANG: A derivative, cliched and unoriginal 12 Days of Christmas workout. Days are cumulative (Day 1; Day 1, 2; Day 1, 2, 3, etc.)
- Day 1 – 1 Dozen Burpees
- Day 2 – 2 Side Lunge with Press (1 ea side)
- Day 3 – 3 snatches (ea side)
- Day 4 – 4 Vikings (2 ea side; rack, reverse lunge with opp leg, overhead press in lunge, stand = 1 rep)
- Day 5 – 5 Renegade Rows (ea side)
- Day 6 – 6 High Pulls (ea side)
- Day 7 – 7 Squat to Curl
- Day 8 – Louganis
- Day 9 – Russian Twists (9 ea side)
- Day 10 – 1 Handed Alternate Swings (ea side)
- Day 11 – Single Leg RDL (ea side)
- Day 12 – 12 Burpees
Left over time for MARY:
- Dolly with KB Press x 10
- Flutter with KB Press,
- LBC x 15
- 1/4 Turkish Get Up (to elbow) x 5 ea side
Lord’s Prayer Ball of Man, in the 51 Convergence tradition
- Well….it wasn’t easy, but it that wasn’t that bad either. A similar workout #throatchopped the Pax last year, but not so much today. Sure, I tweaked it a little to make it harder–added some complexes to tax the body, but given that we’d have a number of infrequent KB users, like the hollow-chested, pencil-armed Fast Twitch boys–but I didn’t want to make it Stupid Hard just to make it Stupid Hard. I suppose I’ve underestimated how strong the Pax has gotten in the last year.
- Lots of chatter and energy for the pre-game bell swap and warm up, but that went away pretty quickly after about 2 rounds of burpees. Byron tried to liven up the festivities with some Jingle Bells about 6 days in but the Pax were having none of it. All business.
- There is no doubt that the Rucktards are a special breed of crazy. But they are special breed of tough, too. Pre-rucked for 45 minutes then did the whole 12 days workout with Ruck.
- Semi-Gloss with double T-Claps: upgraded the KB and headlocked an FNG.
- Lots of Larry Birds out there–Bulldog, Mighty Mite, Radar, Harley, Busch, Haggis and plenty of others.
- One of my favorite things about the 51 Convergences: 80 man strong Lord’s Prayer. Gives me a chill every time.
- Check the weekly email and twitter for Workout schedule this week and next. Lots of changes.
- A51 New Year’s Day Convergence at South Charlotte MS. 0700-0800. Keep an eye out for Joker’s preblast.
- IMPORTANT: New info coming out for A51 viewing of Lone Survivor. Stone Cold to send out details soon.
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