The 2nd Annual Skunk That Stole Christmas

The 2nd Annual Skunk That Stole Christmas

Seventy nine A51 Pax (including 1 FNG) converged on Skunk Works for the 2nd running of the Skunk That Stole Christmas.  Thirteen of the SPEARHEAD boys gathered early to carry logs, kettlebells, a 36 inch TV, a deer carcass, and each other through downtown Matthews.

WARMUP: Various exercises to invigorate the fleshy parts: SSH, I-Walkers, Low Slow Squats.  Threw in a Hit Man log roll to just get it over with. It’s a mudder’s track today–may as well embrace it.

THANG: A derivative, cliched and unoriginal 12 Days of Christmas workout.  Days are cumulative (Day 1; Day 1, 2; Day 1, 2, 3, etc.)

  • Day 1 – 1 Dozen Burpees
  • Day 2 – 2 Side Lunge with Press (1 ea side)
  • Day 3 – 3 snatches (ea side)
  • Day 4 – 4 Vikings (2 ea side; rack, reverse lunge with opp leg, overhead press in lunge, stand = 1 rep)
  • Day 5 – 5 Renegade Rows (ea side)
  • Day 6 – 6 High Pulls (ea side)
  • Day 7 – 7 Squat to Curl
  • Day 8 – Louganis
  • Day 9 – Russian Twists (9 ea side)
  • Day 10 – 1 Handed Alternate Swings (ea side)
  • Day 11 – Single Leg RDL (ea side)
  • Day 12 – 12 Burpees

Left over time for MARY:

  • Dolly with KB Press x 10
  • Flutter with KB Press,
  • LBC x 15
  • 1/4 Turkish Get Up (to elbow) x 5 ea side


Lord’s Prayer Ball of Man, in the 51 Convergence tradition


  • Well….it wasn’t easy, but it that wasn’t that bad either.  A similar workout #throatchopped the Pax last year, but not so much today. Sure, I tweaked it a little to make it harder–added some complexes to tax the body, but given that we’d have a number of infrequent KB users, like the hollow-chested, pencil-armed Fast Twitch boys–but I didn’t want to make it Stupid Hard just to make it Stupid Hard.  I suppose I’ve underestimated how strong the Pax has gotten in the last year.
  • Lots of chatter and energy for the pre-game bell swap and warm up, but that went away pretty quickly after about 2 rounds of burpees.  Byron tried to liven up the festivities with some Jingle Bells about 6 days in but the Pax were having none of it.  All business.
  • There is no doubt that the Rucktards are a special breed of crazy. But they are special breed of tough, too.  Pre-rucked for 45 minutes then did the whole 12 days workout with Ruck.
  • Semi-Gloss with double T-Claps: upgraded the KB and headlocked an FNG.
  • Lots of Larry Birds out there–Bulldog, Mighty Mite, Radar, Harley, Busch, Haggis and plenty of others.
  • One of my favorite things about the 51 Convergences: 80 man strong Lord’s Prayer. Gives me a chill every time.


  • Check the weekly email and twitter for Workout schedule this week and next.  Lots of changes.
  • A51 New Year’s Day Convergence at South Charlotte MS.  0700-0800.  Keep an eye out for Joker’s preblast.
  • IMPORTANT:  New info coming out for A51 viewing of Lone Survivor.  Stone Cold to send out details soon.

About the author

Tiger-Rag author

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Purple Haze
11 years ago

While I don’t consider myself as hollow chested or pencil armed, I am a Fast Twitcher and should have used my running calf sleeves on my forearms to protect them from the unwieldy KB during the clean and presses. Almost snapped an ulna clear in two.

Brutal workout TR…delivered with Christmas cheer of course.

Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
11 years ago

I enjoyed my first visit to Skunkworks. It’s quite a drive for an SOB like myself but I might be making another post soon. Merry Christmas!

11 years ago

Pretty sure we’re gonna have to go back next week for a workday to repair the field. Feeling it in my lats from the 1/3 Turkish Getup. Nice beatdown and an exceptional 2nd F afterwards. Have a great Christmas all.

11 years ago

What a great crowd today. Fun to be a part of it…everything except the workout itself I mean. Did not come close to spelling merlot unlike last year’s Christmas Eve skunkfest. The pax disregard for TR’s call for concentric circles had to be driving him crazy…especially when BLC exclaimed: “Concentric? Whatever that means….” And did I hear LD say: “not doing it!” a couple times? Thankful for the Area51 pax. Merry Christmas brothers.

11 years ago

Thank you TR for the workout. Great start to Christmas, and today’s nap was not optional. Merry Christmas!

Iron Horse
11 years ago

Well played TR- felt “ok” after – but then had a 4 hr drive, after which the pain was splendid.
Was pondering the purchase of a lesser weight KB – bad judgment not to buy it.
Wish I could have joined the coffeteria to see who posted – couldn’t see in the gloom – and then by round 5 my vision blurred. What an experience to be part of an 80 person pax on Christmas Eve – very special.

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