Born to Run??

Born to Run??

Well, after too many laps around the lake last week, I proclaimed that Foxhole would involve “no running”!  Instead, 7 brave soles and myself (Frehley’s Comet) were to endure a full body experience with the Kettle Bells that would surely leave some in pain for a few days. That was the goal anyway.  

Warmups: (Mosey from parking lot to circle up on soccer field)

SSH X 25, Squats x 25, Mountain Climbers X 15, Merkins x 20 (40 total), Hitler walks x 10 (each leg) 

Stayed in circle for yet another version of 12 days of Christmas (12 exercises with Kettle Bells, 12 reps (some in cadence), and burpees/man-makers in between each exercise):

2 hand swing + 12 burpees; LBC’s in cadence w/KB press + 11 burpees, Upright Row + 10 burpees, Dolly in cadence W/KB press + 9 burpees, Bent Over Rows each arm + 8 burpees, Squat+Curl+1-Arm Press + 7 burpees, Romainian Dead Lift + 6 burpees, Flutter in cadence w/KB press + 5 man-makers, Lunges w/KB twist + 4 man-makers, LBC’s x 24 w/KB press + 3 man-makers.  For last 2 sets, we jogged to playground area: Pull-ups + 2 man-makers; Finished with People’s Chair w/KB for final exercise (but I used executive priviledge and turned last set into 4 sets).  1 minute People’s Chair with diffeent exercises with Kettle Bell / 30 second breaks (Sack Draggers, 15 overhead presses, 15 Upright Rows, 10 Curls each Arm).

2 sets of Mary with Kettle Bells (12 Mason Twists in cadence, 15 Freddie Mercuries) and 1 set without kettle Bells (12 Heels to Heaven + Dolly).

2 sets of Pass the KB / Tunnel of Love (Lined up all 8 KB’s and passed back and forth 4 times).

Finished; 2 dozen Merkins.

Fun was had by all…




Drive-Thru Nativity & a Big Gulp

17 PAX continued my repurposing of church campuses, we hit Carmel Presbyterian.  Lots of good areas to play.  Not much on the creativity side of things, but this was a good old fashion high-heart-rate downpainment.  Keep them moving.

The Thang:

Mosey to CPC
Warmups x20:

  • SSH
  • Emperial Walkers
  • Merkins

Bear Crawl up the ramp to pain station

Painstation (20reps+1lap)

  • Dips
  • Durkins
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Merkins

NMLB Planks

  • Partner Resist Front/Lat Raises

11s: Box Jumps & Jump Lunges
Active Recovery: People’s Chair

Mosey to playground: 10 pullups, 20 merkins, 30 squats

Mary: LBCx20; Dolleyx21; RussianTwistx16

IndianNative AmericanOriginal Americans…Run-from-back-of-line Run home.


  • A bear crawl audible is always necessary when DREDD posts at my Qs
  • After the fourth lap, I overhead the whispered…”That’s why they call him agony.”
  • Missing the DMZ realtor–Skywalker–it took the PAX a while to figure out what neighborhood we were running home through: Town & Country.  And the lack of street lights, suggested its a bit more country than town.  Not to mention the F150 on blocks.
  • Our laps took us past the scenery set up for Carmel Presbyterian’s drive-thru nativity scene tonight and tomorrow at 6pm.  Get the full Christmas story without ever having to leave your car…BigGulp not included.
  • 958 on my HRM–still shy of the illusive 1k mark.


Full Moon Monday‏

Under a Clear Sky and a Full Moon Monday High 20 degrees start of the week, 7 brave men came to get their dose of pain and who knows maybe shave some pounds off since we are yet to get through half time the holidays feasts.

The Thang:


A lap around the parking lot
15 Side Straddle Hop
15 Imperial Walker
10 Merkins
10 Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the Baseball field

Two Series:

1.- Series
5 Burpees
10 Sub prime pullups
15 Dips


2.- Series
10 Merkins
20 Dips
30 Low Squads


Mosey to the track and Field

Circle up for Jack Webb’s (Ladder up to 10, 1 Merkin, 4 arm raises,….)

Indian run lap around the track

Backward run to the bleachers and sprint on the way back

Karaoke back and forth to the bleachers

Backward run back and forth to the bleachers (and YHC must have not explain well, because most of the pax thought they had to sprint on their way back)

Circle Up for Marys with a Twist:

Whomever pick the exercise have to run a lap around the track while the others do the exercise (we switched afterward for a run just to the bleachers)

1 J-Los
2 LBCs
3 Squads
4 Superman
5 Flutter
6 Rozalita
7 I am getting to old….. don’t remember…..

Another Indian run lap around the track and continue all the way to the Wall for some people’s chair lead by Udder (thanks Man!).

People’s chair with a 20 Count from Robin hood, and then YHC interrupt Udder to ask for lowering at least for more inches, so legs end up parallel to the ground, and another 10 count…..

Boy that burn……

Udder continue with another round of peoples chair with 15 arm presses count by YHC.  Another People’s chair with a 10 count by Relo

Run back to the parking lot for a last round of Marys

10 Rozalita
Protractor with Arms and legs
20 Russian twist.



While YHC run his lap around the track everyone else had to do the J-LOs, and the crowd loved so much that counted 100 of them….. I guess next time we should try to get 200 hundred ;)……..   just kidding

Udder great job with the Arms and Leg protractor.  That was pretty cool.

Robin Hood has great information about some Family camps for next year.  He will follow with an email with the details, since I can’t remember… Sorry Folks…….
Thanks for letting me Q again.  Hope everyone got your 45minutes of morning pain…..

Happy Holidays.

Two Pair – Jacks and Squats

12 men (including 1 FNG) entered TheMatrix today and found themselves dealt 2 pair – not a bad poker hand – unless it’s Jacks and Legs…

The Thang

Jog around the field to the back lot for

COP – Jacks part 1

SSH x20 in cadence

Seal Jacks x20 in cadence

Stride Jacks x20 in cadence

Plank Jacks x15 in cadence

Merkin Jacks x10 in cadence

Indian Run around the school to the stumps

Legs part 1 – Pair up for some leg work

Partner 1 does step up on Left leg only

Partner 2 runs to far telephone pole and back

Repeat 2x

Partner 1 does step up on Right leg only on the stumps

Partner 2 runs to far telephone pole and back on the stumps

Repeat 2x

Jacks part 2 – Mosey to field for Jack Squats

Single count jump squats and 4x regular squats from 1 to 10

Mosey to back lot for some Mary

LBC x20 in cadence

Dolly x20 in cadence

Freddy Mercury x20 in cadence

L side LBC x10 in cadence

R side LBC x10 in cadence

Legs part 2 – Lot work

Lung walk across lot – 10 merkins – jog back

Shuffle right across lot – 10 merkins – jog back

Shuffle left across lot – 10 merkins – jog back

Backwards run across lot – 10 merkins – jog back

Jog back to cars AYOP



1)       Welcome FNG Stumphugger.  When he joined us before the workout, he told us he learned about F3 from his doctor.  YHC thinks there could be a revenue opportunity for F3F in this.  The only way he wasn’t getting a health care nickname was is something happened during the workout.  Read on for details…

2)      The disclaimer was in full effect today. “all F3 workouts…are undertaken upon uneven ground…”  O’Tannenbaum found an unknown curb behind the school today, stumbled and executed a perfect roll to the ground and bounced right back up.

3)      Disclaimer part 2 “all F3 workouts…are undertaken…during periods of limited visibility”  During step ups, our FNG lost sight of the stump during a step up and quickly finding himself chest down on the stump giving it a big old hug, hence the name Stumphugger.  Welcome and looking forward to having you back out

4)      We missed Zip out there today with the counting, but Liquor Cycle took up the mantle and was belting out the counts while rucking his way through 228 squats during the Jack Squat

5)      Always a privilege to lead out there, thanks.

A Surprise Flanking Maneuver on Day Zero

The SF was planted then uprooted as 11 pax including 1 FNG carried Old Glory 1 mile west to join the Day Zero pax for Semi-Gloss’ 1st Q.

After 4 of the pax including YHC did 30 minutes of iron and rope pre-work, TR convinced YHC to take The Rock show to Day Zero.  And it was a good call.

The Thang:

See Day Zero backblast for most of what the pax did.  But other than the 2 mile round trip run in between the 2 sites, we did some plank work and some Mary along the shovel flag parade route.  One particulary unsavory exercise that was a first for YHC was the downhill Freddie Mercury.  It will return to a workout near you, and you won’t like it.

Kudos to Semi-Gloss for a strong tabata regimen incorporating rocks before handing off to Bananas for some 11’s and some partner bear crawls, sprints and other sundry painful work.

When The Rock pax got back to home base, we had some time for some more Mary including protractor, plankorama and CCVs, of course.

The Moleskine:

Tiger Rag was his usual vociferous self, Q-jacking the pre-work even though he was 10 minutes late.  Welcome to GoodRide who was EH’d by Spandex and some Metro brethren AP and Booty.  Good to have you out with us brother.  Look forward to seeing you again soon.

Favorite moment of the morning was probably when Tadpole was carrying Old Glory, and remarked as we were returning to The Rock campus: “I love that sound!”  He was referring to the flapping of the Stars & Bars in the wind.  Aye!  That young man is wise beyond his teenage years.

Appreciate the hospitality of the Day Zero pax despite the fact we weren’t invited.  It was also great to see Strawberry and Dickies back out – Kotters to both of you.

2 years in F3 for YHC.  Thankful.  Humbled. Two of my favorite aspects of an F3 workout: (1) seeing an FNG who you know will become a fixture among the pax and (2) seeing a 1st time Q step up and ably accept and handle a mantle of leadership.


Mostly the usual stuff you’ll read about in the weekly email and Twitterverse, but do want to remind all of the Joe Davis Memorial 5k on January 4, 2013.  Convergence with The Fort pax, coffeteria, and then the 5k for a worthy cause and to lock shields with our brother Rock Thrill.


She Hates Running

(Backblast write-up by Gummy.  Delayed posting by High Tide.)

The Thang:
  • Jog to field for warmup
  • SSH x 20
  • Burpee x 5
  • IW x 15
  • Burpee x 4
  • Mountain Climber x 15
  • Burpee x 3
  • Slow Squat x 15
  • Burpee x 2
  • Arm Circles x 20 each way
  • Burpee x 1

Mosey to the baseball field 

Baseball suicides to 1B, 2B, 3B, Home

Mosey to the playground

She Hate Me #1 (modeled after the upcoming Murph Saturday):

  • 5 pullups
  • 10 Merkins (rotate regular, diamond wide)
  • 15 squats
  • Repeat for 8 minutes
Mosey to front field 

  • Two groups on the goal line
  • Group 1 AYG to 30 and back, Group 2 goes when last of group 1 crosses goal line
  • To mud in middle of field (30 yards) and back x 4
  • To batting cage (60 yards) and back x 2
  • Around batting cage (100 yards) and back x 1
She Hate Me #2 

  • Merkins x 10  (rotate regular, diamond, wide)
  • CDD x 10
  • Sister Mary Catherines x 10
  • Repeat for 8 minutes
Goal line – Mary with running – do exercise then AYG to 40, get on the line and back together for next exercise

  • LBC x 13
  • Flutter x 13
  • Dolly x 13
  • Rosalita  x 13
  • Protractor – called by Taffy (age 12), including the first 180 degrees call I’ve heard – only he attempted it.

Grab some wall at the school

  • People’s Chair with arm raises for 1 minute
  • Dips on the nearby ramp x 15
  • Half do one leg jump ups on low wall, other half does dips, flapjack
  • People’s Chair for 1 minute
  • BTW or Plank for 1 minute
The cold and rainy forecast scared a few off, but the 6 of us out there were pleased with the balmy 45 degree morning. Good work by Robin Hood and Relo hanging in through the running exercises. Sorry, I like running. Thankfully, we didn’t have time for the third She Hate Me near the concession stand. Scissor Hands get extra credit for running to and from the workout. And I think Swiss Miss is almost done with his rehab assignment at the moderate workouts – look for his return to full speed this week. Great workout guys – thanks for coming out.

8 Tiny Reindeer

Eight strapping young bucks emerged from the gloom for a pre christmas workout to rival the abominable snowman himself. The forecast was cold and wet. Just the way we like it in the outlands. Shovel Flag planted, time to do work.

Countertop on Q

SSH x 20
IW x 20
Standing Lunge x 20
Mtn Climbers x 20
Merkins x 15
LBC x 20

Rain started to come down and the breeze off the grassy plains was brutal easily making it 10 degrees colder. Luckily Countertop had a plan. Mosey on to SV Middle for some She Hate Me. Hey, lookie here… there’s someplace under cover we can do some work.

She Hate Me (5 mins)
20 Supine Pullups
20 Dips
20 One Leg Squat (10 each side/leg up on bench)

Still subject to the breeze and now cold metal and concrete the pax pulled it together and smoked it. All pax finished at least 4 rounds in the 5 mins. Strong work men.

After a thorough Hate Me beatdown, plank it up just for kicks. On your feet, follow me he says. The pax take off for the bus lot where Countertop explains our next exploits.

Snaking the Gauntlet
With the busses lined up perfectly we begin “The Snake”. Start at first bus and circle front to back, to the next bus and the next and the next… you get the picture. After about 10 buses, and some spinning heads, we head over to “The Gauntlet”. Lunge Walk the length (60yds), followed by 10 burpees OYO. Repeato with Squat Shuffle in The Gauntlet and you guessed it, 10 burpees OYO.

Plank it up as all pax finish and so does the rain. Hand off to Udder.

Mosey to front parking lot. YHC hears someone say, “Do I smell hair burning?”. Why yes, yes you do as YHC uncovers some nice 10lb weight plates. Split into 2 teams of 4. Time for the Hairburner/Inchworm relay. Winners get a special surprise! (crowdpleaser)

Hairburner for 10 parking spot lengths, exchange the baton with teammate (merkins while you wait)
(2 HB’s total and you end up where you began) T-Claps to 8 Mile as he fried his lungs on the second HB. Next up, The Inchworm

Keep same team and line up single file at start. Inchworm up and down for 5 parking spot lengths, exchange the baton (mary while you wait)

Who won you ask? We all won, and since everyone is a winner, we all do 10 Burpees. Strong work by all as I tested out the double plate method. 2 10lb plates per exercise. Hand and foot coordination was most necessary as YHC tried to keep the momentum moving.

Kick em to the curb and mosey to the soccer fields. Stop for a quick plankorama at ShovelFlag and on to the pitch. YHC planned for another round of HB/IW relay with Ultimate Frisbee discs but called audible. Sorry Haze, I will have to report back how they rank against plastic plates another time. Instead, we tossed some frisbee… 10 yards apart on the field for 50 yards. Suicides with merkins ensued.

Round One
Run to first disc and back – 1 Merkin
Run to second and back – 2 Merkins
Same to 3rd, 4th and 5th – x Merkins

Repeato – 8 count Body Builder Merkins (YHC tried to count out the 8 and quickly became O2 deprived)
Repeato all out – no Merkins (gasser)

Rain and wind began beating us down again as it seemed Old Man Winter was toying with us and our emotions. Grab the discs, ShovelFlag, head for cover and some Mary.

LBC x 20
Dolly x 20 (hold em for a slowwww 10 count from countertop – burner)
Freddie Mercury x 20
Russian Twist x 20

The Outland pax are a strong and dedicated group. The Postman says is best with regard to the Rain, Sleet, or Snow, the beatdowns will still be issued. My thanks for the invite to Q with CT as Zip was out of town with a death in the family. Our sympathy and condolences to you and yours. T-Claps to 8 Mile for his second post. Keep on coming out brother. It only gets worse. Kotters for Hairband after a week long hiatus. YHC looks forward to posting with you all again soon. Next time I’ll be sure to get Electric Slide and Hardwood out there to spill some sweat. 2nd F at Starbucks was well attended as we shared some coffee. I encourage all F3ers to make a concerted effort to attend a 2nd or 3rd F. Just as 1st F changes lives, so do 2nd and 3rd. And yes, The Stand (fridays 6:30am at Panera @ carmel and 51 conveniently held after Centurion – shameless plug) does accept all members of the Pax. Even ones with goatees. But hairless is a plus. Can’t mess with the ratio.

Semi-Gloss Saturday

The Thang (Semi-gloss on Q):


SSH x 25

Mountain Climbers x 20

Imperial Walkers x 15

Merkins x 15

Tabata work 20 on 10 off for 25 minutes straight

8 rounds of Merkins

8 rounds of Burpees (about round 3 the party crashers from @F3TheRock rolled up in style, Shovel Flag in front and plenty of humor in tow.

8 rounds of rock bicep curles

8 rounds abs (assorted)

8 rounds of Wide Arm Merkins,and Carolina Dry Docks

1 minute AMRAP bicep curls

1 minute AMRAP tricep extensions


Put rocks away and mosey to the hill for 11’s Burpees and Squats

Bulldog led Plank-o-rama until all are finished

Line up on the end line of soccer field for partner work.

P1 bear crawl there and back

P2 six inches plank

Rinse and Repeat

P1 sprint

P2 six inches on your 6 (Protractor)

Rinse and Repeat

Exit The Rock Pax

To the track:

Lap 1

50 merkins on corner 1, 50 squats on corner 2, Dolly’s on corner 3, 30 Suppine pullups on corner 4

Lap 2, run at own pace

3 minutes of Mary

Backscratchers x 25

Something else x 20 can’t remember

20 burpees OYO



Semi-Gloss brought the pain in his inaugaral Q.  Funny, we never suspected Semi-gloss to lead F3 into the future of workout technology.  The space computer against the basketball goal for all the pax to see the tabata counts was futuristic.  We really got a charge out of The Rock boys rolling in for the fun.  Plenty of opportunities to discuss important items such as the british sponge cake aka #spotted dick.  Apparently the kind of parties (white elephant) that TR goes to provide sufficient opportunity to get #spotted dick.  Thanks to Radar for lending me his watch.  I wear one every workout and somehow forgot on my day to Q, not acceptable.  It was a big leap of faith for him to enter the downpainment giving away any knowledge of time.  Thank you boys for letting Semi-gloss and YHC lead you today and congrats to Hops on his 2 year anniversary at F3.  YHC and the Bananas Clown Car family tree can thank him for a year long EH two years ago that came into fruition a year ago next month. Hops doesn’t take no for an answer.  #closer  Good job pal. 




“You guys must be Crazy”…

10 men came to Olympus to throw some iron around for a while and test their endurance…everyone was smoked with the exception of Lab Rat and Night Court who must have been injecting a superhuman serum before the routine!

06:15 Extra Credit Ruck with 85lbs sandbag (known as Bone Crusher) and Ruck Sacks (The Hoff, Wolfman,Gullah, Big League Chew)

The Thang:

Rack bells and alternate arms while moving to School Entrance’s grass field

Warm Up: COP

Plank Jacks x 20

Pelvic Rotations (Thank you Byron for assisting) x 20

Up Downs 3 Minutes with Merkins called out

Partner Up: Farmer Carry Catch Me If You Can

P1 Merkins x 10/ P2 Farmer Carry With Bells;CMIYC – flapjack until reaching neighborhood hill

– Plank

11’s On The Hill

At Top of hill:  High Pulls x 10 on each arm; run down hill with Kettle Bell

At Bottom:      Goblet Squat x 1, run up hill with Kettle Bell

At Top:           High Pulls x 9 on each arm, run down hill with Kettle Bell

At Bottom:      Goblet Squat x 2, run up hill with Kettle Bell

**Continue until down to 1 rep of High Pulls (10,9.8.7…etc) at top of the hill and 10 Goblet Squats at the bottom of the hill (1,2,3,4…etc)

Partner Up: Farmer Carry Catch Me If You Can

P1 Merkins x 10; P2 Farmer Carry Bells; CMIYC

– flapjack until back at Boom Box in parking lot of school

Circle of Pain = Target 1,000 reps

Perform 100 reps in cadence.  Each person taking turns being Q and calling out the exercises

Gullah: Upright Rows x 100

Big League Chew: Kettle Bell Swing x 100

Byron: Turkish Get-Ups x 50 (we had to audible to 50 reps for time and this exercise was horrible)

Hacker: Goblet  Squat x 50

Wolfman: Merkins x 50

Mater: LBC x 50



T-Claps to the Pax…strong work by all and welcome to Night Court and Lab Rat who were FNG’s to Olympus today…however if you read the description above you already know there was something inhuman about their performance today.  The two of them were 3 runs ahead of most of the Pax on the hills and really had us pushing the pace to keep up with them.  Next time, someone give these guys heavier bells as to slow those beasts down!

As they were waiting on all of us to come back from the 2nd Farmer Carry, Lab Rat reminded us that Sugar Ray vs Butterbean would have ended with Sugar…and he even quoted an old WWF match between Andre The Giant and a smaller guy (we were too smoked to remember the name, possibly Hulk Hogan or The Ultimate Warrior) where the smaller guy over time wore down the much stronger and larger Andre…Also that same tactic worked for The Dread Pirate Roberts when he too wore down the Giant…right before having to do a battle of wits with Vincini.  Lab Rat was right…I am sure after all the meatheads came back from the 2nd Farmer Carry he could have taken all of us down. lol


The Quote of the day happened during the Catch me if you can where an older gentleman said to us”You guys must be crazy” because he stood in complete shock at what we were doing early on a Saturday.  It’s always nice when bystanders reinforce our CSAUP!

This was a complete smokefest! When Gullah and I wrote this one up it didn’t look like it was going to be this difficult, but it was definitely a kick in the teeth. It is with great appreciation that we Thank You for coming to our site today.  It makes being Q so much more rewarding when surrounded by such strong and determined individuals.


The Hoff and Gullah




Block Party Saturday

8 pax eschewed the fartsack to go for a stroll in the drizzle and use a little teamwork to put some mileage on A51’s cinder blocks.

The Thang:

Warm up with a jog around the school to the back field and lot for COP:

  • SSHx20
  • Squatsx20
  • Merkinsx20
  • MCsx20
  • Burpees oyo x10

Line up on field for 100yd suicides, stopping at breakpoints for exercises; 10 reps at 25yd tree, 15 reps at 50yd lightpost, 20 reps at 100yd road.  Exercises:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • CDDs
  • Lunges
  • LBCs

Mosey over to cinder blocks, grab a block, circle up.  15x presses, 15x squats.

Block Party time:  Tight circle, every other pax holds block.  Pass to your left, turn right, grab block from your partner.   Continue until Q says to switch direction. repeato.

Replace blocks in pile.  100yd dash, 100% back to start.

Circuit workout:

  • 5 pull-ups
  • 10 burpees (later changed to squats)
  • 10 mtn climbers
  • 10 merkins
  • run to edge of parking lot around island, and back

Repeat above for ~15 min

Mosey to wall for chair, merkins, and balls-to-wall.

Mosey to track for bear crawl across field, jog back, 3X

Mosey back to lot for Mary:

  • Flutters x30
  • Freddie Mercury x20
  • Backscratcher x20
  • TR Thrust x15


  • Despite the threat of an early downpour the pax lucked out with fairly mild morning to put in 60 minutes of pain
  • We were joined by furry friend out in the back lot.  Seemed like an average size golden retriever, but you would have thought it was a moose given the landmines he left us in our suicide track. OT and Floor Slapper were jumping around like pixies out there trying to dodge the bombs left for us on the field.
  • Put some good mileage on our cinder blocks today, despite not moving them more than 20yds from the pile.  All that work moving them nowhere inspired some good 2nd F discussion on the heavy lifting by our government recently.
  • Extra credit for Ocho Cinco for somehow lapping us all on the circuit workout
  • Our old favorite Balls to the Wall exercise nearly caused TL to share his tikka masala from last night.  Makes YHC wonder what masochist created this exercise.
  • Nice work by all out there!  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.