Block Party Saturday

Block Party Saturday

8 pax eschewed the fartsack to go for a stroll in the drizzle and use a little teamwork to put some mileage on A51’s cinder blocks.

The Thang:

Warm up with a jog around the school to the back field and lot for COP:

  • SSHx20
  • Squatsx20
  • Merkinsx20
  • MCsx20
  • Burpees oyo x10

Line up on field for 100yd suicides, stopping at breakpoints for exercises; 10 reps at 25yd tree, 15 reps at 50yd lightpost, 20 reps at 100yd road.  Exercises:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • CDDs
  • Lunges
  • LBCs

Mosey over to cinder blocks, grab a block, circle up.  15x presses, 15x squats.

Block Party time:  Tight circle, every other pax holds block.  Pass to your left, turn right, grab block from your partner.   Continue until Q says to switch direction. repeato.

Replace blocks in pile.  100yd dash, 100% back to start.

Circuit workout:

  • 5 pull-ups
  • 10 burpees (later changed to squats)
  • 10 mtn climbers
  • 10 merkins
  • run to edge of parking lot around island, and back

Repeat above for ~15 min

Mosey to wall for chair, merkins, and balls-to-wall.

Mosey to track for bear crawl across field, jog back, 3X

Mosey back to lot for Mary:

  • Flutters x30
  • Freddie Mercury x20
  • Backscratcher x20
  • TR Thrust x15


  • Despite the threat of an early downpour the pax lucked out with fairly mild morning to put in 60 minutes of pain
  • We were joined by furry friend out in the back lot.  Seemed like an average size golden retriever, but you would have thought it was a moose given the landmines he left us in our suicide track. OT and Floor Slapper were jumping around like pixies out there trying to dodge the bombs left for us on the field.
  • Put some good mileage on our cinder blocks today, despite not moving them more than 20yds from the pile.  All that work moving them nowhere inspired some good 2nd F discussion on the heavy lifting by our government recently.
  • Extra credit for Ocho Cinco for somehow lapping us all on the circuit workout
  • Our old favorite Balls to the Wall exercise nearly caused TL to share his tikka masala from last night.  Makes YHC wonder what masochist created this exercise.
  • Nice work by all out there!  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.


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Turkey Leg author

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