12 men (including 1 FNG) entered TheMatrix today and found themselves dealt 2 pair – not a bad poker hand – unless it’s Jacks and Legs…
The Thang
Jog around the field to the back lot for
COP – Jacks part 1
SSH x20 in cadence
Seal Jacks x20 in cadence
Stride Jacks x20 in cadence
Plank Jacks x15 in cadence
Merkin Jacks x10 in cadence
Indian Run around the school to the stumps
Legs part 1 – Pair up for some leg work
Partner 1 does step up on Left leg only
Partner 2 runs to far telephone pole and back
Repeat 2x
Partner 1 does step up on Right leg only on the stumps
Partner 2 runs to far telephone pole and back on the stumps
Repeat 2x
Jacks part 2 – Mosey to field for Jack Squats
Single count jump squats and 4x regular squats from 1 to 10
Mosey to back lot for some Mary
LBC x20 in cadence
Dolly x20 in cadence
Freddy Mercury x20 in cadence
L side LBC x10 in cadence
R side LBC x10 in cadence
Legs part 2 – Lot work
Lung walk across lot – 10 merkins – jog back
Shuffle right across lot – 10 merkins – jog back
Shuffle left across lot – 10 merkins – jog back
Backwards run across lot – 10 merkins – jog back
Jog back to cars AYOP
1) Welcome FNG Stumphugger. When he joined us before the workout, he told us he learned about F3 from his doctor. YHC thinks there could be a revenue opportunity for F3F in this. The only way he wasn’t getting a health care nickname was is something happened during the workout. Read on for details…
2) The disclaimer was in full effect today. “all F3 workouts…are undertaken upon uneven ground…” O’Tannenbaum found an unknown curb behind the school today, stumbled and executed a perfect roll to the ground and bounced right back up.
3) Disclaimer part 2 “all F3 workouts…are undertaken…during periods of limited visibility” During step ups, our FNG lost sight of the stump during a step up and quickly finding himself chest down on the stump giving it a big old hug, hence the name Stumphugger. Welcome and looking forward to having you back out
4) We missed Zip out there today with the counting, but Liquor Cycle took up the mantle and was belting out the counts while rucking his way through 228 squats during the Jack Squat
5) Always a privilege to lead out there, thanks.
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