Born to Run??

Born to Run??

Well, after too many laps around the lake last week, I proclaimed that Foxhole would involve “no running”!  Instead, 7 brave soles and myself (Frehley’s Comet) were to endure a full body experience with the Kettle Bells that would surely leave some in pain for a few days. That was the goal anyway.  

Warmups: (Mosey from parking lot to circle up on soccer field)

SSH X 25, Squats x 25, Mountain Climbers X 15, Merkins x 20 (40 total), Hitler walks x 10 (each leg) 

Stayed in circle for yet another version of 12 days of Christmas (12 exercises with Kettle Bells, 12 reps (some in cadence), and burpees/man-makers in between each exercise):

2 hand swing + 12 burpees; LBC’s in cadence w/KB press + 11 burpees, Upright Row + 10 burpees, Dolly in cadence W/KB press + 9 burpees, Bent Over Rows each arm + 8 burpees, Squat+Curl+1-Arm Press + 7 burpees, Romainian Dead Lift + 6 burpees, Flutter in cadence w/KB press + 5 man-makers, Lunges w/KB twist + 4 man-makers, LBC’s x 24 w/KB press + 3 man-makers.  For last 2 sets, we jogged to playground area: Pull-ups + 2 man-makers; Finished with People’s Chair w/KB for final exercise (but I used executive priviledge and turned last set into 4 sets).  1 minute People’s Chair with diffeent exercises with Kettle Bell / 30 second breaks (Sack Draggers, 15 overhead presses, 15 Upright Rows, 10 Curls each Arm).

2 sets of Mary with Kettle Bells (12 Mason Twists in cadence, 15 Freddie Mercuries) and 1 set without kettle Bells (12 Heels to Heaven + Dolly).

2 sets of Pass the KB / Tunnel of Love (Lined up all 8 KB’s and passed back and forth 4 times).

Finished; 2 dozen Merkins.

Fun was had by all…




About the author

Frehleys Comet author

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