Well, YHC should have thought ahead when volunteering to Q the day after an IPC, but alas, we must persevere and push through. As YHC started to lay down last night, the soreness of 250 Merkins the morning were starting to settle in as the legs started to tighten up. The body shop is smaller AO, but one i wish I were abel to get to more often. After going for a ridiculous two weeks in a row, Das Boot said, W”hen you gonna Q here now that your a regular!?” I obliged since it was between skating sessions.
The smaller crews can be more enjoyable at times as you can chat and hear some more mumblechatter amonst the 90 alternative and Grunge tunes. We had 5 Pax to start, then the “6” Posse showed up @ 20 mins late.
Head to the wall, pair up run a lap while working the wall. All do 2 of each exercise and laps around the front lot per.
This is about where a car rolled in and Das said, “hey, thats Posse!” Posse walks up ready to go and evens us out at 6 PAX which was helpful.
To the rock pile:
Grab your coupon and rifle carry 100 yards to light post near “Smugglers Notch/Cove”. Civilian count in unison 2 exercises then run laps.
Rifle carry 100 yards back to rock pile, head to COT.
I really hope more folks head out to the Body Shop, I know there are tons of PAX that have not been to the furthest MArvin/Waxhaw region, but it is one you should. we often get a good cross from SOB. there are a ton of options at this AO from playgrounds, tracks, hills….And a Restroom!!!!
As usual, good times leading. we thought we would just have 5 of us, but with Posse coming in…….Not so Hot!?! we had a good even group. Good on him, he could have easily said “Screw It” and pulled the covers back over for a few more winks. But he got his butt out and made the effort. Even it was for his self titled “best 20 minute Workout!”
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