Juggling Kettlebell Qs

Juggling Kettlebell Qs

Tuesday afternoon, Urlacher (our scheduled Q for Meathead on Wednesday) sent an urgent communique that the COVID vaccine was making him its b*tch and he needed a substi-Q. I posted on Slack for volunteers and tagged the usual suspects. There were no takers, but Frehley’s suggested a round robin workout where we all took turns. Problem solved, I slept soundly Tuesday night.

On Wednesday morning, 6 pax showed up with their bells and their bad intentions. I gave a disclaimer, then we did a little warming up (SSH, Windmill, Prying squats, halos) and we got to work.

Voodoo (I had it easy since I was following the spreadsheet for my portion):

  • Single press ladders (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) on 1 side
  • 10 x heavy 1-handed swings on the other side

Repeato for 10 rounds (5 per side), but switching arms each round. After the first 2 sets, we decided to only go up to 3 reps on the presses because it was taking too long.

Frehley’s Comet:

10 merkins on the bells, then 1o rows each side for 3 sets.

Ickey Shuffle:

20 swings, waiter carry out to the 2nd light and back (switching arms), then repeato with 10 swings and carrying to the first light.

Uncle Leo:

5 reverse lunges, 5 staggered squats, 5 single leg deadlifts, repeato on the other side for 3 rounds.

The Worm:

10 high pulls, 10 curls x 3

Soul Glo:

5 cleans, 5 racked squats per side x 5 rounds

Elbow plank for ~2:00 until 6:15


  • F3 10 year anniversary
  • 10/29 blood drive at Matthews Town Hall
  • Slaughter (F3 Nation Nantan) is Qing Centurion on Friday, so be there.


  • Thanks to the pax for posting and specifically to Frehley’s for the round robin Q idea. My portion was definitely the lamest, so next time we’ll just ditch the spreadsheet and do a complex of some kind.
  • Urlacher on Q next week. I hope to see you (and him) there!
  • Please add any color commentary below.

About the author

Voodoo author

Area 51/SOB, Meathead co-site Q

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