Blackhawk – Increment of 7’s

Blackhawk – Increment of 7’s

The Warmup

The Warmup started with a little Mosey to start dynamic stretching

  • Ran 400M and completed 15 SSH (to the dog poop stand)
  • Ran back to start 15 IW
  • Ran 400M opposite direction Leg Stretches (end of parking lot)
  • Ran back to start more leg stretches

The Thang

PAX started with completing (3) exercises at the start in reps of 7.

  • Merkins, Heels to Heaven, Squats – ran to poop stand and completed (14) of each exercise

PAX ran back to beginning to complete (3) new exercises, reps of 7

  • Shoulder tap, Big Boy, Bobby Hurley and ran 400M to complete another set of 14

PAX ran back to beginning to complete (3) new exercises, reps of 7

  • Dips on curb, Peter Parker, Muroccan NC and ran to poop stand and another set of 14

PAX ran back to beginning to complete another (3) exercises, reps of 7

  • V-Ups, Dry Docks, Burpees and ran 400M to complete another set of 14

Amazingly we still had time, so we decided to start over but this time with reps of 21 and 28. PAX made it through Bobby Hurley and headed back to COT with one minute left. Just finish by holding in Plank until time ran out.

It is crazy to think you can still get in 4 miles by running up and down a sidewalk.

I do have to give a shout out to Dasher since he is beast. He ran 3 miles prior to starting and then completed Blackhawk.

As soon as we finish, we see Smithers and Rubbermaid join us after they ran 9 miles!




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