5 of us posted at Olympus on 4th of July eve. Rather than running around, chasing the human flagpole that is Hoover, we decided to stay in one place and lift some weight.
Since the Q rolled in hot from his pre-run #cobains, High Tide did the honors and led the warm-up, which culminated with 25 swings, which just so happened to be the first item on the weinke.
On to the Main Thang:
- 2 sets of 5+5 single leg deadlift with moderate weight
- 5 sets of 5+5 single cleans and 5 goblet squats – go heavy since it’s singles. For recovery between sets, do 10 merkins, 20 lunge walks, 10 merkins, 20 lunge walks back.
- Waiter carries – 2x out and back for :45
- 3 sets of 5 reps of single arm swing/clean/snatch/push-press/reverse lunge (L+R is 1 set)
- 1:00 elbow plank
- 1:00 hollow body hold
- 2 more sets of the 5 rep complex above (L+R is 1 set)
- 1:00 glute bridge
Time. Circle up with the RockZero crew for some COT.
- Metro Grow Ruck is scheduled for the first weekend of August. 120+ pax signed up so far. If interested, reach out to Cheese Curd, Hoover, or Wild Turkey.
- Crane Relay 2021 will be held on 8/13 in Ballantyne. Get signed up soon – see Bunker’s post on Slack for link. You don’t have to be a runner to do this relay, you just have to be crazy enough to do a few runs in the middle of the night with some of your closest friends.
- Thanks to the pax for starting their 4th of July weekend with me at Olympus. We listened to Spotify’s Garage Rock Revival, which had some hits and some misses.
- The two complexes we did today were pretty awful. 20 lunges is way too much between the squats. The Voodoo complex-like second complex didn’t seem too bad on paper, but added up quickly with all those reps. I think everyone was ready for both of those sets to be done well before they actually ended. Thanks to the pax for sticking with it.
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