Better late than never?

Better late than never?

I’m late with this backblast, it’s from my Q on April 20th at The Appetizer – Tuesdays 1730 at Rea View Elementary. If you haven’t been, you should come check it out and bring your 2.0s, it’s awesome! If you have been, you should do C3PO and High Hat a solid and Q!


So since this is not “hot off the presses,” all the announcements are no longer news.


I hope that you got to experience the trail run on the 21st in preparation for WTF.


The WTF (Waxhaw Trail Fest) is on Saturday May 1st at Walnut Creek Park in Indian Land, SC.

PRE-BLAST for WAXHAW TRAIL FEST w/ updates and course info


Maybe you happened to participate in Episode 1 of The SOB Wars on the 24th.

SOB WARS Episode 1: The Stone Chicken #CSAUP


Some actual news…


We’re having our next Waxhaw Blood Drive at Five Stones Church (1117 Cuthbertson Rd) on Saturday, June 19 09:00 AM – 01:30 PM.


Also if you’re looking for a ‘local’ non-virtual 5k, I’ll be running in Ablemarle’s 17th Annual Beachblast on May 8th. All are welcome to register and join me. I’ve done it before and it’s a pretty fun course. They’ll have tie-dye race shirts if that’s your thing.


Alright so here’s the low-down, it’s lunchtime on the 20th and I go outside to receive my messages (little-to-no cellphone service where I work). I am surprised to see a text message from Bottlecap on behalf of C3PO asking for me to step up and lead that evening’s edition of The Appetizer. I hesitate for a moment, out of fear, but then I say “I’m all in!” I have no idea what I’m going to do and I have only attended The Appetizer once before. Blinded with fear and trepidation, here is what I remember about how it went down.


The pax circles up for the

Disclamer – I am not a professional and was asked to Q just a few hours before launch; don’t sue me, F3, or the school; modify as needed.

Cell Phone – I’ll have mine with some notes, ideas, and a timer; I think Rubbermaid had one too.

CPR – We have a few pax raise their hands (Good work Surge).

Safety – We’re staying on campus but keep your head on a swivel and watch out for cars in the parking lots.


We mosey to back parking lot and circle up for some warm up exercises. I really don’t remember what we did or if my cadence was right.


So the first thang we do I borrowed from Johnny 5:

Run around the school stopping at each corner to do 5 merkins; seemed to be a crowd pleaser the first time. We finish in the back parking lot where we started, do some flutterkicks then recover.


Next we mosey to a parking space for something I borrowed from Rockwell:

Use a timer to do exercises for 1 minute each with a 20 second rest in between.

A few of the exercises we do:

Broad Jumps

Derkins on curb

Seal Claps

Bobby Hurley

Overhead Claps while squating

Toe Taps on curb

Shoulder Taps


Somewhere in there we do something we call Hillbilly Walkers; there is probably a proper name for this exercise but I couldn’t think of it. Basically it’s a Hillbilly with forward motion.


Next we mosey to the track, P1 runs a lap, P2 planks and we do a few plank exercises; including something I remember from basic training about watching tv. Switch until all pax runs two laps.


Most of the 2.0s decide to bug out and head over to the swings and playground. That’s okay I was struggling to keep them focused on the mostly stationary exercises.


Next we use the basketball court to do something I borrowed from Scuba:

Line the pax along courtside and do various ‘walks’ across the court.

A few exercises:


Billhilly – a backward Hillbilly Walker

Bear Crawls and Crawl Bears


Still have some time left so we call over the 2.0s and we do a brief round of Pax Called Mary.


Times up! Jail break back to COT.


Redacted brought his daughter as the Friendly New Girl. She’s a 2nd degree black belt amoung other notable things, so we named her Roundhouse.


Special thanks to Bottlecap, C3PO, High Hat, and Zinfandel! Thank you pax for letting me lead!


I can’t wait until my 2.0s can join me for the fun on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 5:30pm. If you can’t make the morning workouts, or just have 2.0s that need expend some energy, come join us at Rea View Elementary on Tuesdays and Cuthbertson Middle School on Thursdays!

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