Paxhaw Ridge

Paxhaw Ridge

9 Pax decided to brave the elements on a warm but wet morning to run suicides up and down Paxhaw ridge.  Given the Q was not announced and the forecast called for thunderstorms all morning, I was shocked to pull up at 5:13:30 to 8 PAX anxiously waiting for someone to claim the Q spot. This left 90 seconds for DiCCS, which was given and we were off:

Warm Up
– Quick lap around Hickory Tavern to circle up in the Target parking lot
– 25 SSH IC
– 10 Merkins IC
– Calf stretches (100% mandatory at all AOs – at least they should be)
– Quad stretch
– Mosey to the top of Paxhaw ridge (Blackwood & Springwood Dr in the Wesley Oaks neighborhood)

The Thang
– Run down Paxhaw Ridge to stop sign – 5 burpees at each intersection (20 total)
– Suicides back up Paxhaw Ridge
* 10 speed skaters (each leg) at each light
* Return to start / 10 jump squats
* Repeat = total of 10 lights
– Quick mosey back to start to end at exactly 45 min

– I’m always amazed at how long it takes to run up/down this hill, which is sneaky hard. I actually had another full segment of exercises to call, but the suicides took the full time – not due to lack of effort from the PAX (which was great this morning), but just the shear suckery of this hill…
– Great job by all, but especially Transporter, who despite a knee injury, lead the way the whole time and was the only 1 to get the full 10 lights in…
– It was great to see some new faces (Blades of Glory, Nails) as well as Asylum regulars (Shop Dawg, Posse, Transporter, Chastain, and Dana)
– Bottle Cap would be proud that there was no form policing this morning – just a lot of encouragement

– Document your goals on Posse’s spreadsheet to be held accountable – this is the year you could actually keep them and accomplish what you’re after!
– Gremlin coming up this Saturday (Zinfandel shared the link) – Let’s get a big Waxhaw showing
– Thank you to all who joined Saturday’s folding party – 250 (did not #fuse that number) bins were filled. Amazing turnout and accomplishment by all who participated!

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Damascus author

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