Day One

Day One

You may or may not have noticed, but my attendance has been slipping in the past couple months. Starting last year and through the majority of this year I was getting out 4-5 times a week…my diet was locked down and I was making progress week over week. This summer I hit my lowest weight since early high school at 212 one particularly slim morning. But the past couple months have not been so great. Lately that fear of the scale has been creeping in…If I get on the scale what I assume is happening suddenly becomes true. This is a problem, but I can’t left this slip up define me. This morning, it was back on the scale….230 (WTF am I doing?). So here it is again…day one. Time to recommit to myself, to my health. I’ve lost weight before in my life…and every time I put it all back on. Maintenance is not something I know how to do apparently, so this time its can’t be about doing something drastic that I won’t be able to sustain. I’m going to have to learn how to do the little things. Eat a piece of pizza without it turning into 5…go out to eat and just make a decent choice that won’t leave me feeling like sh!t…and make that the new normal. Some of you may not understand the challenge that maintaining can present, but I’m sure there are some of you out there that are just like me. And if there is anyone else that’s in the same boat…struggling a little to not screw up the good work that you’ve done for yourself, let me know. I know that maintenance doesn’t seem as bad ass as some of the other things this group gets into…but for me it’s the dream.

Enough of that…we worked out today. Here’s how it went down.


  • Mosey to the front of the middle school, circle up
    • SSH x30
    • Imperial Squawkers x 10
    • Potato Pickers x10
    • Calf Stretch
    • Merkins x 20
    • Mountain Climbs x 20

The Thang:

  • Mosey to the start of the path…Burpee Mile!
    • Run down and back twice
    • 5 burpees at each end and at the middle intersection
    • Group did last 5 burpees with the 6
  • Short mosey back to the lot for some core work
    • LBC x20 / American Hammers x20 / Gas Pumps x 15
    • Plank 10s – 6″ 10s – Plank 10s
    • Hot Lap
    • Rinse and Repeat, 2 rounds total
  • Mosey down to the shed – Grab some wall
    • Air jabs x 20 / Shoulder Press x 20
    • Rinse and repeat, 3 rounds total
  • Mosey to the patio behind middle school
    • Dips x30
    • Run to the street and back
    • 3 Rounds total
  • Mosey long way around middle school back to COT w. bear crawl on covered sidewalk


I was a bit grumpy (at myself) coming into the morning, so I wanted a workout that was going to be tough. Hopefully I succeeded at that. The crowd definitely loved starting with the burpees mile (apparently that also made an appearance Friday…oh well). Welcome FNG Drop Cloth (Catfish is on a roll with the FNGs), and it was good to see Gator Cub and his new beard making a reappearance. Great work fellas!


  • Dancing bear is still collecting shampoo and soaps, and using them at home donating them to people in need. Keep bringing him what you have
  • Christ Closet is collecting toy donations all week. Bring them to workouts.
  • Month Happy Hours starting this Thursday. 6:30pm at Queen South. Feel free to come sweaty.
  • Holiday party on 11/16. $15 per person with a $10 (childs) toy or $25 per person without a toy

About the author

Wedding Singer author

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