

The Setup: A charter member of the #ballpit (in fact, the proprietor of the #BALLS meme that started it all) had a long awaited BIG day today. After several previous attempts, Recalculating officially turned 50!!! Far be it from the goons of WUC to let such a joyous occasion pass without a little fun. They say a picture is worth a thousand words…How about 11 different pictures? With several NOT SERIOUS text exchanges and phone calls, the plot was hatched. With a TON of help from our resident PhotoShop Guru, Deflated, it all came together this morning at the last unofficial Floater workout.

The Pre-Workout: A collection of #ballpit members had a pre-run of sorts. By that, I mean we arrived at the AO 30 minutes early to run back and forth from my car to grab another sign and duct tape and apply it to the areas we were going to workout. As it turns out, Waxhaw’s finest post up next to the playground most of the night in order to catch riffraff attempting to vandalize or do the drugs down by the monkey bars. As soon as we’d been ID’d we walked over to the officer. Bottle Cap informed him we were “A part of a men’s workout group”. Luckily, he bought it. He told us the playground was closed from sunset to sunrise, but he’d let it slide this time so long as nobody called in complaints. We thanked him, hung some signs and got on to the next station. By 5:27 we made it back to the COT to take part in a healthy dose of laughs, smiles, and birthday well wishes to Recalculating. Oh, did I mention the Floater shovel flag was unveiled…? It’s got double the flags for double the fun!

The Thang: 5 decades of Recalculating. 5 Stations. 1 additional encounter with local law enforcement. Ready…Go

Station 1: The Warmup (all x10)

SSH, Mtn Climbers, Merkins, Potato Pickers, IW and Mosey to Station #2

Station 2: The Half Wall (both x20)

Box Jumps, Step Ups, and Derkins

Station 3: The Playground (both x 30)

Supposed to be Partner work. Pull-ups and Derkins – Station 3 was interrupted by the same kind police officer. He asked us to leave. Somebody called and complained. Probably Tuck or Goodfella over in Mill Bridge. We cleaned up our signs and moseyed on to Station 4.

Station 4: Railroad Bridge Loop (both x 40)

Dips and Bobby Hurley’s (Recalc’s favorite man and exercise)

At both of the bench areas, do 40 dips, run the loop and/or go over the bridge and do 40 dips at the other side. Then do the same with the BHs.

Mosey to Station 4.9. A little Mary at the LaundroMat. 49 American Hammers…the count might have actually been a little higher, but Foundation had trouble getting past 49…just like Recalculating has for the past couple years.

Station 4.9: Keith Jong Un Death Hill (Partner Up and run to bottom of hill)

Partners combine for 49 burpees. One partner runs to top of hill while other does burpees at the bottom. All under the watchful eye of the hill’s fearless leader Keith Jong Un.

Yet again, we got stuck on 49…it’s happened at least twice.

Two trips up and down the hill for both partner regardless of burpee count (so we did more than 49 burpees, several more…I’d say at least 49 or so).

Mosey back towards COT- found another half-wall. As a final show of respect to Keith Jong Un, we did People’s Chair and 49IC air presses to finish it off.

Circle Time:

It was a privilege to be a part of honoring the #ballfather himself this morning. He’s a great friend and someone many of us look up to (both in age and in character). Happy Birthday, Recalculating. So glad you’re with us. I don’t mean to speak for everybody, but I feel like you’re now worthy of a lot more #RESPECT!

Two FNGs came out this morning. The birthday boy brought his friend with the ironic last name ‘Young’ out today. Mr. Young is now affectionately known as ‘Button’ – as in Benjamin. The second FNG has been a long time coming and a testament to consistently inviting people. Transporter’s 3 year EH finally paid off! Mr. Brown was rendered ‘speechless’ at the end of the workout by how difficult it was. Because he was rendered mute, we named him ‘Teller’ – as in Penn &. Welcome to both of you. We’re thrilled to have you and hope you’ll come back often!


Thursday, February 1st at the Waxhaw Water Tower, The Floater is OFFICIALLY in water. This is the biggest site launch since Cabela’s opened last Friday in Waverly. Come on out for a good time!

AMRAP tomorrow at Impromptu. Come out and test yourself…or just do what the rest of us do and chase Goodfella.  He sets and breaks all the records we’ve ever had!

Collage of the many faces of Recalculating will be posted on Slack for reference. Have a great day, Gents!


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MoneyBall author

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