Monthly Archive April 2014

#F3TheStand: NEW BOOK “How God Makes Men”

#F3TheStand launches into a new book beginning this Friday. The book is titled “How God Makes Men” and it was written by Patrick Morley, who also wrote “Man in The Mirror”. Here is a description of the book and a brief chapter outline:

“How God Makes Men” takes ten epic stories of men from the Bible and explores ten principles, based on failures and successes, that show how God works in a man’s life to help him become the man God created him to be.

Chapter 1 – Abraham and the principle of believing God anyway

Chapter 2 – Joseph and the principle of the greater good

Chapter 3 – Moses and the principle of personal transformation

Chapter 4 – Gideon and the principle of the unexpected leader

Chapter 5 – David and the principle of correction

Chapter 6 – Solomon and the principle of success that matters

Chapter 7 – Nehemiah and the principle of the passionate calling

Chapter 8 – Job and the principle of suffering for no apparent reason

Chapter 9 – Peter and the principle of making disciples

Chapter 10 – Paul and the principle of a surrendered life

Ahead of us are the stories of 10 fascinating men from the Bible and how God used circumstances in each of their lives to shape them through these proven principles. Our discussion and fellowship as we gather together after our time in the gloom will uplifting. Make plans to join us each week. If you can’t make it each week…come as often as you can. We meet at 0630 in the Panera at Carmel/51, following #F3Centurion.

Here are some links for the book:

We look forward to seeing you!

Champagne and Purple Haze

The man in the mirror

Man in the mirror

I don’t remember waking up, or getting there, but when I finally realized where I was, I realized I was standing in the parking lot of Carmel Neighborhood Park.  I have no idea how I got there….but there I was.  As I stood there wondering what happened and how my car was there, men just kept showing up – 21 in total.  We milled around until some guy yells out “One minute”.  One minute?  Until what?  I had no idea, but I was about to find out.  He starts into some explanation about not being a professional, something indecipherable that sounded like someone was dead, and then says to follow him on a warm up run.  Why?  Where was he going?  Curiosity got the better of me, so I jogged with the rest of them.  We jogged what seemed like half a mile, and then he stopped.  Told us to circle up.  I was already there, so I did.  It was like I’d been transported back to my old high school gym class or something.  This man is calling out exercises in cadence:  jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches, and some exercises I had never seen, something called wide arm merkins.  They seemed like push-ups, just with your hands out wider.  This funny looking thing called “Imperial Walkers”, but the whole time these men were just yelling at the guy in the middle of the circle.  Hateful, awful things about how he couldn’t count.  It was odd, and he laughed along, but it must have made him angry.  We just didn’t know it at the time.  Then the guy called another exercise he called the Boone LBC.  I don’t know who Boone is, but I hate him.  My sides ached.  Then some “diamond merkin”, just a regular push-up but with your hands together.  My arms were pretty sore by this point.  Fortunately, he started running again…then stopped.  Why?  We all huddled together waiting on the explanation.  The man called out, “The next exercise is….” And there was a pause, and we all thought, “yes…what?  out with it, man!  Tell us!”  he continued, “…the SIX MINUTE MILE“.  What?  No freakin’ way!  I can’t do that.  It seemed like everyone else thought the same.  There was confusion and chatter, and I could barely hear him tell us to run to the stop sign and back.  Before I could voice my concern, he was gone.  Sprinting up the parking lot, back toward the park where I’d found myself earlier.  I felt like I didn’t have a choice.  I ran as fast as I could.  The road we took to get to the park, which seemed so flat, became a giant, long hill.  My lungs burned, grasping for air.  I ran and ran, then I turned around and ran some more.  Two guys passed me.  I wanted to push myself, to keep up with them…but I couldn’t.  My legs were dead.  They beat me back to the start.  I am 3rd.  It felt good, though.  There was no rest for weary legs, though.  At this moment, I began to hate this man.  He told us to sit against the wall, something he called “The People’s Chair”, while we waited for everyone else.  We sat what seemed like 2 minutes.  My legs burned.  He stood up – Ah, finally I though – a respite.  Then he yelled at us “5 burpees on your own”.  I followed the guy beside me and was barely finished when he called out “Balls to the Wall”.  I was instantly confused.  Everyone followed his instruction, walking on their hands with their feet up on the wall.  We held it until he yelled “5 derkins – in cadence”.  Blood rushed to my head, my arms already shaking as I tried to keep up.  Gosh, that was awful.  I couldn’t help but wonder “Out of all the parks in all the neighborhoods“, I got dumped into this one.  I was beginning to really hate that man.  With a quiet “follow me”, he jogged off.  At this point, I wanted to stay, to do anything but follow him, but my car was the direction he was going….so I didn’t have much choice.  I may have followed him with my feet, but I didn’t like it.  He stopped at the end of the parking lot to explain that we would be running something called 7s on the hill with backwards runs, jump lunges at the top, and squats at the bottom.  Like hell, I thought.  I’m done with this.  Then I saw the hill.  It didn’t look that hard.  We were close to the cars, and no one else quit, so I followed the group.  Less than halfway through, I hated myself for not quitting, but not nearly as much as I hated this man.  My quads burned on the backward runs up the “little” hill, and then jump lunges?  I heard others speak of it in hushed tones, “Quadzilla” they whispered, as if saying the name could summon some monster.  It was like this cruel man was laughing at us.  My hate continued to grow.  We jogged back to the cars.  I thought we were done, but this guy directed us into the tennis courts.  Tennis?  Really?  It was still dark outside, though not nearly as dark as his intentions.  He told us to partner up, then directed us to partner wheelbarrow the width of both courts with 5 decline merkins (which I quickly learned really means push-up) at each white line.  I quickly surveyed the courts and counted 9 lines.  Some guy named Agony called out to me, and off I went, walking on my hands while he held my feet.  The declines grew tougher.  Just walking on my hands became tough as my shoulders burned.  Hate continued to grow inside me for this nefarious man.  We jogged back, and then for the first time all morning, I had what felt like a break.  He told us to lay on our stomachs.  To the best of my knowledge, I’ve never slept on a tennis court before, but I didn’t want to move.  I wanted to curl up right there on that wet tennis court and sleep like I’d never slept before.  Just as I got comfortable, the last guys finished, and he yelled at us again “Sprint to the end and back”.  GO!  Whether it was fright or not, I don’t know, but I ran.  I ran as fast as I could go, so fast in fact that I almost slipped on the wet tennis court.  When I finished, my lungs were burning again.  “On your belly” I heard.  Oh no – not again.  But we did – I did.  And when we were done with that, he told us to find our partner.  Dread seized me.  My shoulders couldn’t do that again.  But what he had planned was worse.  “Partner carry with 5 squats at each line!”  It was at this point that I wanted to tackle him and beat him to death, but Agony jumped on my back.  As I walked and squatted with a grown man on my back, my legs teetering beneath me, I planned my revenge.  I just had to get him alone near the car.  Agony awkwardly fell off as I teetered near the finish.  With my plan in place, I jogged back, waiting for the moment of sweet, sweet revenge against this sadistic man.  We switched, allowing our partners to experience the pain of partner squats.  I watched perched on Agony’s back as man after man stopped to lunge walk.  At this point, I thought a full mutiny was possible.  Collectively, we could easily overpower him and dispose of the body in the park.  Before the group could come to agreement, he said we had 2 more minutes for Mary.  She had not made an appearance, and although I was exhausted, bordering on hallucinating, I hadn’t noticed any females in the group.  Much to my surprise, he called for “Freddy Mercury”, which resembled riding a bicycle from your back.  He called cadence while we all followed suit.  Finally, he called for 10 double burpees (two push-ups, two jumps) on your own.  I burned with an infernal rage.  Mercifully, time was up.  Unbeknownst to him, his time was nearly up.  I walked to my car to grab a pen and paper, setting up my ruse to get him alone, and as I reached across the seat of the car to get the paper, I glanced in the rearview mirror.  I jumped back and fell into the seat.  How could this be?  As I looked into the mirror, I saw that the man was me.


Ok, so most everything is in that long, noir-esque paragraph.  If you click the links, hopefully it will make more sense (click “out of all the neighborhoods…” link to understand why I wrote it this way, even though I wasn’t there – loved that back blast from Slaughter).  I tried to bring in some of my most memorable, most hated moments from the now defunct “HeHateMe” workout at Latta.

Intel was a beast out there.  I think he did the mile in about 5:40.  Agony right there with him, who then started cheering everyone else to finish strong.  I was about 5-10 seconds behind them.  The entire mile all I kept thinking was “if you can’t do it, don’t Q-it”.  Fortunately I made it.  I think everyone made it back in under 8 minutes, so strong work from all.

Intel then went on to kill Quadzilla.  Film Fest bested Agony in the partner wheel barrow race back.  And Abba, who I’m pretty sure hasn’t posted in months, looked like he hadn’t missed a beat.  Strong work, brothers!

Someone told me I “swung for the fences” in my backblast for The Rock.  Hopefully it delivered.  We ran out of time on the tennis courts, so sprints instead of the Nash Circuit.  Maybe next time.  Thanks to Skywalker for the Q and to everyone for pushing me out there!  No scripture verse, but I was given a copy of this poem when I graduated college.  It kind of fits here:

The Guy in the Glass

#F3-Swift Preblast – Calling all Short Distance guys

Swift will launch at 0530 (with special 0515 option) on Tuesday morning from the Vine in Ballantyne.   If you are looking for a little more cardio in your weekly workout with a break from boot camp style, give Swift a shot.  Perfect week for Swift or Speedwork FNGs.

No, the title is not to draw in the Sprinters and trick them.  We’ll actually be working again on Form and Efficiency doing short (200meters) quick (1mile race pace) multiple intervals (perhaps more than 10).

Launch at 0530 with a jog over to the most technical parking lot YHC has ever seen – we’ll call it the Bull Ring (seen here on ).  Intervals will commence.

If you want some more technical warm-up with just 1 mile or so of extra running, launch at 0515 from the same parking lot for 7 Drills + 3 Strides to work on efficient running form.


Posted on behalf of Double E…

6 Eager and Determined PAX arrived at F3 – The Outland University – to welcome the final Saturday Beatdown that April has to offer!  Little did we know that not only would we all be getting an education on the fine arts of physical punishment, we would also get an education from Dr. CT Einstein on the … ummm…. proper formulas to determine the precise count while performing said exercises.  Using only a F#3 pencil, Make your marks Heavy and Dark Gents, Let’s begin!


Double E on Q


25 x SSH IC

25 x IW IC

10 x Burpees OYO

25 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Monkey Humpers (per Horse Head’s request ) – Q stopped after 10 for fear of being stoned

25 x Low Slow Squats IC

Mosey to soccer field aka Pain Station #1 and run perimeter changing exercises on each side

Side 1 – Karaoke Left down sideline

Side 2 – Backwards run/sprint

Side 3 – Karaoke Right down sideline

Side 4 – Bear Crawl to Cone #1 to begin:


6 Cones inline approx. 15 yards apart

Sprint to Far cone and perform called exercise at each cone on the way back to cone #1

Exercise #1 – 6 x Merkins / cone

Plank until All PAX complete

Exercise #2 – 6 x LBC / cone

Plank until All PAX complete

Repeato Soccer Field Perimeter run as above

Exercise #3 – 6 x Bomb Jacks / cone

Plank until All PAX complete

Exercise #4 – 3 x Burpees / cone


Hand off Q to Dr. Counter Top Einstein

It is at this point where our fundamentals of Mathematics 101 education would begin!

Called Core Burnout using 5 of the cones while partner 1 runs, partner 2 does called core exercise, wait, 4 of the cones while partner 1 runs half way to the end cone while partner 2 does ¾ of called core exercise.  WAIT, 5/3 of the Partner 1 sprint while the other 4/3 of the partner 2 core works plank-n-ator.  Confusion running high amongst the PAX while visions of fractions danced in their heads, CT gathers himself and clears the air


Core Burnout

Round 1

•           Partner 1  – sprint length of soccer field / LBCs x50 / sprint back

•           Partner 2  – plank and wait until Partner 1 returns


•           Partner 1  – sprint length of soccer field / Back scratchers x50

•           Partner 2 – plank (right arm up) and wait until Partner 1 returns


  •           Partner 1 – 4 count sweepers x10 while Partner 2 throws feet …and switch


Repeato for Round 2 – with an extra 50 back scratchers to honor Horse Head who ruined the bell curve for everyone by doing  50 additional backscratchers on round 1.

Mosey to field house

•           Peoples chair x ½ of ≤2 minutes

•           ∑5 x 5 speed squats

•           Peoples Chair x ½ of ≈2 minutes

•           √100 / 5 lunges each leg OYO

•           Peoples Chair x ½ of 2 minutes

•           Merkins x ¼ x ∫80 OYO

•           BTW and Walk the wall end-to-end (kinda)

•           Wide arm Merkins ∞

•           BTW and Walk the wall end-to-end opposite direction

Indian Run back to soccer pitch for Cone retrieval and mosey back to shovel flag

•           Burpees x E=MC∆12∏ to round out the time

Masters Degrees to all for completing DR. CT’s Pain & Education Station!


Great work by all today including Outland FNG Drop Thrill. Welcome!

Tclaps to HH for running a personal best time / mile for the 4.2 mile Pre-Run!  Keep it up brother!  Much chatter when HH and CT raced the 90 yard sprint!  Well done!

And Especially to Dr. CT Einstein for developing a new scientific formulary method utilizing the scientific method to produce the greatest piece of retroductive reasoning ever performed by a Q at an F3 event!  You are The Man!


–          Continued Prayers for Coy – – 5 year old boy that just had surgery to remove a cancerous Brain Tumor in Pittsburgh.  Unforgettable experience working alongside F3 men and strangers to build a 6’ privacy fence – approx. 500ft. – for this family in a single day.  Continue to pray for a speedy recovery until Little Coy and his family can finally come home.

Thank you for allowing me to Q such an excellent group of Men!

Stonehenge Alive and Well

Stonehenge managed to survive without Dolphin who decided to run all night in the woods somewhere in the NC mountains. Hope he made it out of there!  The pre-workout included a 5:30 kettle bell routine with YHC, Champagne, Wingman, and Madame Tussauds. The rest of the PAQ arrived and all 20 of us launched at the Vine and jogged to the parking lot above the lake:

Warmup: SSH X 25, Squats X 25, Planks+Peter Parker X 10 + Parker Peter X 10 + Merkins X 10, reverse lunges X 10, curb tricep dips X 20. Jogged to knee wall above the lake.

Workout: Started with Mary on our sixes on the wall which in YHC’s opinion should be the only way to work abs – it raises the level of intensity. LBC’s X 20, Dolly X 20, Flutter X 20, Heels to Heaven X 20, Bicycle X 20, Protractor for 1 minute. Between each set of Mary, Decline Merkins X 10 (3 sets), Decline Merkins X 15 (3 sets) and High Knees X 20 (4 sets) + Step-ups X 10 (1 set) X 15 (1 set).

Ran to fitness trail and rotated between 3 stations. Station I: Dips X 10, Merkins X 10, Squats X 20. Station 2: Supine pull-ups X 15, Merkins X 10, Squats X 20.  Station 3: Chin ups X 10, Merkins X 10, Squats X 20.  Ran from fitness trail to bridge for 2 sets of people’s chair with alternate leg raises and overhead press X 50. Ran to Met Life field by the garage. Various sets of sprints with exercises in the middle and the other side of the field. bear crawl, burpees, jump squats, merkins, LBC’s.  In the parking garage, split into 3 groups and rotated between running up the stairwell, running up to 2nd level, and running around level 1 circle.  Ran back to Vine about 3/4 mile with 1 stop for LBC’s X 50 and Merkins X 25.

Three’s Company At Olympus


Three men showed up at Olympus to get in a lot of running and iron swinging and here is what we did:

SSH x 25
Merkins x 15
Shoulder Press w/KB x 10
Good Mornings x 15

The Main Event:

*1 lap around the track followed by 10 burpees with jump ups on ledge next to track.
40 Two-Handed Swings
30 High Pulls-15L/15R
30 Clean and Press-15L/15R

*1 lap around the track
25 Carolina Dry Docks
40 Renegade Rows-20R/20L
40 Upright Rows
20 Curls

*1 lap around the track
40 push press-20R/20L
30 tricep extensions
20 1-handed alternating KB Swings
24 Staggered merkins-12 w/right hand on bell-12 w/left hand on bell

*1 lap around the track
Viking-10 each side
20 Sumo Squats
20 Cleans-10 each arm
Around the world-20 clockwise/20 counter clockwise

*1 lap around the track

Mosey to playground for:

20 dips/15 derkins/15 incline merkins
15 pull ups/15 diamond merkins/15 wide arm merkins

Head back to the track for Abs:

Dolly w/KB press x 15
Russian Twist w/KB x 10
Flutter while holding KB extended x 15
LBC x 20

*1 lap around track-time’s up


Great work out there today guys, although Lois didn’t seem to enjoy the Viking very much.
With only three of us posting we were able to enjoy some 2nd F, get to know one another and talk about what’s going on in our lives.
Good competition between Hacker and Lois on the laps around the track.

Remember to sign up for the F3 Golf Event
Remember in prayer an employee that works with Lois. He died unexpectedly while running Monday morning.

Thanks for allowing me to lead, a pleasure as always.

Running like a dog

This week’s Rumrunner was loosely planned by YHC (Rumrunner FNG) after it being explained that the first one to tweet about Rumrunner is the leader. #rookiemistake

6 men and a K9 forsook the fartsack and posted to the ABC store of Arboretum.  There was a thin red crescent moon just above the tree line as the adventure began.  Was it an omen? A sinister sign?  Probably not, but it looked cool.

More on the lessons to be learned from Cheese Curd’s K9 in the moleskin.

The plan was to leave Arboretum via 51, then snake through Raintree to Strawberry Ln, then head south to enter Rosecliff neighborhood and snake through that to Rea Rd. (standard Devil’s Turn route).

The group then had options:

1) Stump Hugger and Rock Thrill decided to run back to the ABC via Rea and 51 for a total of 6+ miles (PR for Stump Hugger – beast mode out there just coming back from his deathbed)

2) Haggis and YHC ran south on Rea to the entrance of Piper Glen and turned back to catch SH and RT for COT for around 7+ miles total.

3) Cheese Curd and Stage Coach did the whole enchilada and circled through Piper Glen via Old Course and Piper Glen Dr. then back on Rea and 51 for 9+ miles total.

After COT #1, Haggis, RT, and YHC went for another ~2 miles to round out the morning.  All said the PAX experienced between 6 and 10 miles of running pleasure in ideal spring conditions.

The Moleskin:

– Our 4 legged friend this morning had several lessons for us which started to be evident before even leaving the parking lot.  The first order of business upon exiting the car was to go pee on the bushes (always a good idea to lighten the load before getting down to business).

– The second thing that Zoe did was to rally the troupes to get morale up taking advantage of PAX while the were bent down stretching to get in a quick nose nuzzle.  It was like a dog version of a chest bump before a football game.

– Finally Zoe showed the PAX proper effortless, efficient running form for the full 9+ miles.  She didn’t even seem that tired at the end.  Something YHC can not say for himself.

– Congrats to Stump Hugger for the long run PR!  Strong brother.

– Haggis posted to a long run after arriving from Scotland last night and getting only 5 hours sleep.  Impressive effort overcoming jetlag and getting the job done this morning. He even had energy to continue his lobbying to get some one to join him on a 50 mile race.  Crazy man.

– Props to Cheese Curd and Stage Coach for taking on the hills of Piper Glen.  Those things are no joke.

– Finally good luck to Rock Thrill in his upcoming triathlons and fall marathon.  The man is a beast.  What more is there to say.

– YHC out.

Yodeling at Ascent

The Thang:


15 each: SSH, slow merkins, IW, slow squat

Mosey to field sideline for 11s – merkins near side, squats far side

Circle up and on your 6 for Ring around the Mary – pax calls Mary and bear crawls or lunge walks around circle until back to his spot while rest of pax does exercise OYO count (except  Scissorhands calling protractor; well played, brother).

Mosey “anti-clockwise” (as Bulldog would say) around school to playground.

Ladder mini-Murph: 1 pull-up, 2 merkins, 3 squats, 2/4/6, 3/6/9, 4/8/12, 5/10/15, and back down

Indian run: Rea, Summerlin, Abbotswood, Windyrush, Foxworth, OP.  Pax-called exercise at each street sign.  Burpies, Merkins, Peter Parker, 6 (or 8) count Manmaker, and several others YHC can’t recall

Circle up on field for some Jack Webb (up to 7 and back down)

Two minutes left: Rosalita IC

One minute left: LBC OYO


Mosey back to parking for COT.  Great sendoff by Monkey Joe.


T-claps to Pele for pushing through the pain of an injured foot.  Heard some mumble chatter about Runstopper with Jack Webb, but not much else . . . well, except when Scissorhands called for burpies at first traffic sign along the indian run.  So much for my unspoken goal of a burpie-free workout.  We made sure he was not in the lead position at any of the rest of our stops.  Nice Q-jack in the last 2 minutes by Geraldo: declined to provide Q-requested 10 count, and instead called for more Mary.

T-claps to High Tide for helping me both before and during workout.  (Beginner mistake/senior moment: I forgot to put on my watch and realized it too far from the house to swing a U-ee and still get to OP on time.  HT was timekeeper.  Any complaints about too long/short need to be directed to him.)

This was my first Q, only one year and one week after joining F3 Nation (#laggard).  Definitely an honor and a challenge.  I hope the intensity was sufficient to push, but moderate enough not to discourage.


New moderate-intensity workout at Matthews Elementary launching Thursday, May 1.  Geraldo and Slimfast are site Qs.  Look for details in upcoming pre-blast.

If you haven’t, sign up for F3 Golf.  (#beatadeadhorse)

(posted by High Tide on behalf of Swiss Miss)

Stack, Rock, Run

YHC tweeted that with end of Easter, Spring Break, and post Mud Run that we would just get back to work and sweat.  On a nice spring morning here in the Carolinas that is what we did.  Morning unfolded like this:

  • Jog around the soccer field and circle up

COP (all exercises in cadence)

  • SSH x 25
  • IW x 25
  • Squat x 20
  • Peter Parker x 20
  • Parker Peter x 20

Mosey over to the end line for The Stack

  • Run to midfield, 5 burpees, Back to endline, 5 burpees/10 knee-ups
  • Plank it up and wait for PAX to regroup (RHH, RLH, LHH, LLH)
  • Run to midfield, 5 burpees/10 knee-ups/15 merkins, Back to endline, 5 burpees/ 10 knee-ups/15 merkins/20 LBCs
  • Plank it up and wait for PAX to regroup (RH back pocket, LLH, LH back pocket, RLH)
  • Run to midfield, 5 burpees/10 knee-ups/15 merkins/20 LBCs, Back to endline, 5 burpees/10 knee-ups/15 merkins
  • Plank it up (Regular, 6 inches, Regular)
  • Run to midfield, 5 burpees/10 knee-ups, Back to endline, 5 burpees

Head over to rock pile and grab a rock (Size matters as PAX will be on move)

  • 5 curls, run to midfield w/ rock, 10 curls, drop rock and run to soccer goal & back, 15 curls, back to start line w/ rock
  • Rinse & repeat with 5/10/15 goblet squats
  • Rinse & repeat with 5/10/15 chest presses

Jog to side of school for PC:

  • PC x 60 sec
  • Lunge walk to bushes
  • PC x 60 sec
  • Lunge walk to bushes

Mosey over to playground for a little circuit work

  • Pull-ups x 10, Dips x 20, Incline Merkins x 20
  • Pull-ups x 10, Dips x 20, Decline Merkins x 20
  • Pull-ups x 10, Dips x 20, Squats x 20

Head to back of school for 6 MOM:

  • Dolly x 20 (IC), hold’em for long 10 count by Callaway
  • Flutter x 20 (IC), hold’em for 10 count by Slapshot
  • Rosalita x 20 (IC)
  • Back Scratcher x 20 (IC)
  • CCV x 10R (IC)
  • CCV x 10L (IC)

Mosey over to stumps

  • 10 jump ups/step ups on stump, 10 tire hops, 20 dips
  • Rinse & Repeat x 2

Jog long way around school back to launch point

2 minutes left, so 50 LBCs OYO



  • Originally scheduled to co-Q with Far Side.  However, rec’d TM on Friday from Far Side that his kids had decided they wanted to spend another day on the beach.  Can’t say I blame him as the weather the last couple days has been ideal.
  • Ocho Cinco seems to never get tired.  Always find him at front of pack for runs of any distance.
  • Apparently O’Tannenbaum lost track of how many adult beverages he had on Friday night.  Feeling it a little bit out there today.
  • Tclaps to Callaway for toughing it out after nagging leg injury reared its ugly head.


  • F3 Golf is scheduled for 5/29 at Olde Sycamore Golf Course.  Sign up by 5/15 to participate.  70+ have already signed up for one of the 144 spots.  Proceeds will benefit F3 Foundation.
  • Area 51 work-out site (Saturday morning site) will be sponsoring a hole/tee box for the event.  Contact YHC ( or Far Side ( to contribute.  Money raised benefits F3 Foundation.
  • New Friday work-out starting at Westminister (?).  Several F3 PAX are members there.  Callaway may be able to provide more details.
  • New Saturday work-out, F3/The Hill, starting 4/26 at Marian Diehl Park.  Work-out geared towards bringing Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith to the men of Forest Hill Church.  Open to any and all PAX.
  • Next F3 Trips for Kids Bike ride at Francis Beatty Park scheduled for 6/14/14.  Look for additional details in the upcoming weeks.  Working with kids in Bulldogs Matter After School program at AG Middle School.


The Asterisk

8 men showed up to the McAlpine Proving Grounds for another #F3DayZero Challenge…but this time it was different. The list was different; the music was most certainly different…this was the Partner Edition. You and your partner vs the list. You and your partner vs the other teams. We did the exercises and took a 1/3 mile lap in between. Sometimes you were with your partner…other times you were running while your partner did his share of the reps. Here’s the list:

  • Partner merkins x 20 (that’s 210 per person)
  • Partner jump squats x 20
  • Ski Abs 200 total
  • Partner Carolina Dry Docks x 20
  • Calf Raises 300 total
  • Dollies 300 total
  • Backwards Bear Crawls up hill 30 total
  • Partner Deep Squats x 20
  • LBCs 300 total
  • Sandbag Presses 100 total
  • Partner Knee Tucks x 20
  • Mountain Climbers 300 total
  • Partner Diamond Merkins x 10 (that’s 55 per person)
  • Lunges 100 each leg
  • Russian Twists 300 total
  • Partner Burpees x 15 (that’s 120 per person)

After much explanation of the list and of how the Partner exercises worked, there was still confusion at the start. Splinter and Frasier, who won* the Partner Challenge by a few backwards bear crawls, totally bungled the beginning and it remains in question as to whether they completed all the reps required. Regardless, they didn’t do them correctly, how the 2nd place did them. And so, their victory will remain forever marked by the asterisk.

But still Splinter took advantage of the free coffee to the winners offer and had YHC buy his M’s $4 coffee while he ordered himself a $1.50 decaf on his own dime. Not sure how he slept last night.

Long Distance showed strong during the Challenge after his long hiatus. Tiger Rag was full of his normal, uh, banter, threatening refusenik from the onset and calling others’ form into question halfway into the Partner Merkins. Stagecoach and Harley went about their business from beginning to end.

After Radar’s disclaimer that he did not have a playlist and that we would be shuffling through his songs and that some of them could have offensive lyrics, he hit play and the very first song was Barry Mannilow: Live from Mandalay Bay…yes very offensive…he blamed his M…but sang Copacabana under his breath for the duration of the workout. TR gave up his time to fast forward through some of the other questionable music choices that came up…thank you TR.

YHC’s partner and co-site Q worked hard but, when not singing, spent most of the hour encouraging YHC, in his own special way. YHC heard things like “C’mon Haze, you’re killing me here” and “How does it feel to be costing us victory?” Then he skipped out on the coffeeteria, leaving it to YHC to take out a loan to buy Splinter’s M’s white chocolate latte with a peppermint twist.

The Partner Challenge was hard…but a lot of fun. There’ll be some tweaks…but it will certainly return. Next time find a partner and come out!


  • Sign up for F3 Golf men. Don’t delay. Do it now.
  • New moderate intensity workout launches Thursday in Matthews.