Three men showed up at Olympus to get in a lot of running and iron swinging and here is what we did:
SSH x 25
Merkins x 15
Shoulder Press w/KB x 10
Good Mornings x 15
The Main Event:
*1 lap around the track followed by 10 burpees with jump ups on ledge next to track.
40 Two-Handed Swings
30 High Pulls-15L/15R
30 Clean and Press-15L/15R
*1 lap around the track
25 Carolina Dry Docks
40 Renegade Rows-20R/20L
40 Upright Rows
20 Curls
*1 lap around the track
40 push press-20R/20L
30 tricep extensions
20 1-handed alternating KB Swings
24 Staggered merkins-12 w/right hand on bell-12 w/left hand on bell
*1 lap around the track
Viking-10 each side
20 Sumo Squats
20 Cleans-10 each arm
Around the world-20 clockwise/20 counter clockwise
*1 lap around the track
Mosey to playground for:
20 dips/15 derkins/15 incline merkins
15 pull ups/15 diamond merkins/15 wide arm merkins
Head back to the track for Abs:
Dolly w/KB press x 15
Russian Twist w/KB x 10
Flutter while holding KB extended x 15
LBC x 20
*1 lap around track-time’s up
Great work out there today guys, although Lois didn’t seem to enjoy the Viking very much.
With only three of us posting we were able to enjoy some 2nd F, get to know one another and talk about what’s going on in our lives.
Good competition between Hacker and Lois on the laps around the track.
Remember to sign up for the F3 Golf Event
Remember in prayer an employee that works with Lois. He died unexpectedly while running Monday morning.
Thanks for allowing me to lead, a pleasure as always.
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