Stack, Rock, Run

Stack, Rock, Run

YHC tweeted that with end of Easter, Spring Break, and post Mud Run that we would just get back to work and sweat.  On a nice spring morning here in the Carolinas that is what we did.  Morning unfolded like this:

  • Jog around the soccer field and circle up

COP (all exercises in cadence)

  • SSH x 25
  • IW x 25
  • Squat x 20
  • Peter Parker x 20
  • Parker Peter x 20

Mosey over to the end line for The Stack

  • Run to midfield, 5 burpees, Back to endline, 5 burpees/10 knee-ups
  • Plank it up and wait for PAX to regroup (RHH, RLH, LHH, LLH)
  • Run to midfield, 5 burpees/10 knee-ups/15 merkins, Back to endline, 5 burpees/ 10 knee-ups/15 merkins/20 LBCs
  • Plank it up and wait for PAX to regroup (RH back pocket, LLH, LH back pocket, RLH)
  • Run to midfield, 5 burpees/10 knee-ups/15 merkins/20 LBCs, Back to endline, 5 burpees/10 knee-ups/15 merkins
  • Plank it up (Regular, 6 inches, Regular)
  • Run to midfield, 5 burpees/10 knee-ups, Back to endline, 5 burpees

Head over to rock pile and grab a rock (Size matters as PAX will be on move)

  • 5 curls, run to midfield w/ rock, 10 curls, drop rock and run to soccer goal & back, 15 curls, back to start line w/ rock
  • Rinse & repeat with 5/10/15 goblet squats
  • Rinse & repeat with 5/10/15 chest presses

Jog to side of school for PC:

  • PC x 60 sec
  • Lunge walk to bushes
  • PC x 60 sec
  • Lunge walk to bushes

Mosey over to playground for a little circuit work

  • Pull-ups x 10, Dips x 20, Incline Merkins x 20
  • Pull-ups x 10, Dips x 20, Decline Merkins x 20
  • Pull-ups x 10, Dips x 20, Squats x 20

Head to back of school for 6 MOM:

  • Dolly x 20 (IC), hold’em for long 10 count by Callaway
  • Flutter x 20 (IC), hold’em for 10 count by Slapshot
  • Rosalita x 20 (IC)
  • Back Scratcher x 20 (IC)
  • CCV x 10R (IC)
  • CCV x 10L (IC)

Mosey over to stumps

  • 10 jump ups/step ups on stump, 10 tire hops, 20 dips
  • Rinse & Repeat x 2

Jog long way around school back to launch point

2 minutes left, so 50 LBCs OYO



  • Originally scheduled to co-Q with Far Side.  However, rec’d TM on Friday from Far Side that his kids had decided they wanted to spend another day on the beach.  Can’t say I blame him as the weather the last couple days has been ideal.
  • Ocho Cinco seems to never get tired.  Always find him at front of pack for runs of any distance.
  • Apparently O’Tannenbaum lost track of how many adult beverages he had on Friday night.  Feeling it a little bit out there today.
  • Tclaps to Callaway for toughing it out after nagging leg injury reared its ugly head.


  • F3 Golf is scheduled for 5/29 at Olde Sycamore Golf Course.  Sign up by 5/15 to participate.  70+ have already signed up for one of the 144 spots.  Proceeds will benefit F3 Foundation.
  • Area 51 work-out site (Saturday morning site) will be sponsoring a hole/tee box for the event.  Contact YHC ( or Far Side ( to contribute.  Money raised benefits F3 Foundation.
  • New Friday work-out starting at Westminister (?).  Several F3 PAX are members there.  Callaway may be able to provide more details.
  • New Saturday work-out, F3/The Hill, starting 4/26 at Marian Diehl Park.  Work-out geared towards bringing Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith to the men of Forest Hill Church.  Open to any and all PAX.
  • Next F3 Trips for Kids Bike ride at Francis Beatty Park scheduled for 6/14/14.  Look for additional details in the upcoming weeks.  Working with kids in Bulldogs Matter After School program at AG Middle School.


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Abacus author

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