Monthly Archive July 2013

The World Tour of Pain

14 of Area 51’s finest convened at McAlpine Elementary for a holiday weekend beatdown.

The Thang:  Purple Haze Q

As soon as the clock struck 7 PHaze picked up the shovel flag and began jogging to the entrance of the school.  After about .5 miles, we stopped on the corner of Highway 51 and Elm Lane.


SSH X 20

Burpees X 13

Imperial Walkers X 20

Burpees X 13

Merkins X 10

Burpees X 13

LBCs X 20

Burpees X 13

Mini Convergence with The Rock: Runstopper Q

The newly combined forces of Day Zero and the Rock circled up to take on an especially angry Jack Webb.

1 Merkin + 4 arm presses, 2 merkins + 8 arm presses,…all the way to 15 merkins + 50 arm presses

The convergence now finished, Purple Haze picked up the shovel flag and started the half mile back to McAlpine.  Upon returning to McAlpine the pax began the…

World Tour of Pain: Mighty Mite Q

Mosey down to the track for instruction

Turkish getups with rocks X 10

Run a quarter of the track

Russian Twists X 20

Run a quarter of the track

Hindu Merkins X 15

Run a quarter of the track

Sumo Squats X 20

Return to the beginning of the track

Plank up in a circle around YHC’s yellow corona shirt for the Merkin Mexican Hat Dance

The pax rotate counterclockwise around the circle, doing a merkin every 3 paces.  Once a full revolution has been made, turn it around and go clockwise around the circle until a second revolution has been made.

Complete another lap around the track with the same Turkish getups, Russian twists, Hindu Merkins, and Sumo Squats

Plank up and wait for the rest of the pax at the end of the lap.

Mac Tar Gai X 10.

Wheel Barrow Merkin Race.

Pax partner up for a 30 yard wheel barrow race.  The only catch is, YHC yelling stop and instructing the participants to do wheel barrow merkins.  About 15-20 merkins were completed over the 30 yards.  Flapjack.

Return to the Turkish getup rocks for Alternating Squat/ Overhead Presses X 20

Circle Up for Mary

Heels to Heaven X 15
Rosalita X 20

Protractor for 1 min

Burpees X 13


At the start of DayZero Baracus had just completed the jog over from the preRock Kettlebell work.  He was less than pleased when he learned we would be returning from whence he came.

Purple Haze’s COP was burpelicious.  YHC doesn’t recall ever being so happy to see Runstopper showup.

YHC’s thoughts during the Jack Webb

“10-  He always stops at 10.  Nice mini convergence.  Great idea Purple Haze!

11-  He’s just trying to be funny.  We’ll just do one more Jack Webb round and be done with it.

12-  Twelve is a nice even number.  This has to be where we stop.

13-  Ok, I get it.  We’re unlucky.  C’mon!

14-  Am I going to be able to Q the second half of this workout?

15-  We’re done?!?  I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to see Runstopper leave…”

Great work by the 2.0’s on pushing everyone else during the World Tour laps.

Spackler inspired the Merkin Mexican Hat Dance with his Corona infused tweets night.

YHC tried to give the pax an opportunity to help decided on the next exercise after Mac Tar Gai.  Instead, they learned the perils of an inefficient democracy and began the wheel barrow merkin race.


Sign Up for the Pig Pickin that is next Saturday (7/13) at Olde Providence.  Bug Eater needs a count of how many people will need to be fed.  See the email for more details.

Foxhole: New Gear workout starts up on Monday at Elon Park Elementary(on the western end of Ardrey Kell Road.  Next to Sports Connection).  Market Timer and Honeybee are your Q’s.  Bring a kettle bell.

15:50 Jack Webb? Say it ain’t so!

20 strong and able-men gathered in the shadows of Calvary Church for a little surprise pop in at day zero.


  • SSH x30
  • LBC x30
  • Prison Squat x30 
  • Merkins x30
  • Mountain Climbers x15

Ninja Turtle grabbed the Shovel Flag and led us on a nice easy Indian run down 51 to Elm to meet up with Day Zero as Purple Haze was in the middle of his COT.

Circle up for a little Tiger Rag Special aka Jack Webb

  • 1 merkin; 4 arm raises.
  • 2 merkins; 8 arm raises continue until 15 merkins and cap at 50 arm raises for merkin #11 to 15

Pay homage to Old Glory by repeating the pledge of allegiance, optional for our Canadian and British PAX 🙂

Rickshaw grabbed the shovel flag lined us up and jogged in formation down to the green-way, across Rae Rd up to 51. Pull into the Library.

Partner up.

  • Partner #1 Run to end of parking lot 200 yards and do 10 burpees
  • Partner #2 Mirkins until he returns
  • flapjack
  • Partner #1 Run to end of parking lot 200 yards and do 10 squats
  • Partner #2 LBCs until he returns
  • flapjack
  • All partner #1 and #2 Run to end of parking lot 200 yards

Jog back to Calvary for Tibatia

20 sec on 10 sec rest

  • Flutter
  • Dolly
  • LBC
  • Squats
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Russian Twist
  • Merkins
  • Wide Arm Merkins


Naked Moleskin

so need to call out Wolf-man for his Farah Faucet impersonation… whats up with tying his ASU shirt up to show his abs? Did he think we were on TV again? #TMI

Nice surprise dropping for our PAX (both PAX at Day Zero and The Rock) meeting up at the corner of Elm and 51. Not so nice surprise introducing Jack Webb and his 15 merkins and 50 arm raises… im sure it looked easier on paper, but then again i didnt write it down just felt the energy and went with it! T-claps to Purple Haze for coordinating!


Deadly duo on Q at Kevlar

(Bulldog on behalf of Snakebite and Fletch.)
16 non-fartsackers fought off the desire to stay in bed after a wet July 4th to venture into the unknown with Snakebite and Fletch at the helm.


Snakebite Q – mosey to parking lot for the following:
SSH x 20
IW x 15
MC x 10
Enough of the cadence and to the hills and partner up:
Partner 1 sprints to top and back. Partner 2 does burpees. 50 needed between pair.
Partner 1 bear crawl up hill and run back. Partner 2 does merkins. 100 needed.
Partner 1 runs backwards up and regular on way down. Partner 1 does squats. 100 needed.
Partner 1 bear crawls up. Partner 2 does LBC’s. 100 total LBC’s needed.

Fletch Q – mosey to the creek and grab a rock with your partner.
Catch me if you can. Partner 1 runs around church with rock while partner 2 does 10 burpees and sprints to catch partner.
Plank to wait for stragglers.
Repeato with partner 1 running with rock and partner 2 doing 10 jump squats and chasing.
Plank and LBC’s waiting for partner.
Mosey to wall for Peoples chair. Arms above head, right leg up, left leg up.
3 minutes of Mary.

A night of HDHH cornhole resulted in Snakebite and Fletch taking the Q at Kevlar. As the pax arrived in the rainy, humid conditions it was only the hardest of individuals that would show for this one. We left the parking lot with 12 pax accounted for and somewhere in the warm up we gained 3 more with Mic Check, The Worm, and Lugie appearing. Big Gulp then showed up in Matlock style around 5:45am so we had our crew.
Snakebite took the warm up and had a whole new appreciation for Q’ing a workout and doing the count as he went silent after the 10th SSH. Yours truly thought that the emotions of finally being asked to lead a workout had got the best of Snakebite but instead of tears it was the O2 deprivation causing us to hear the crickets. The Imperial Walkers and Mountain Climbers really finished him up as he audibled “screw the cadence, lets hit the hills!” This is where Snakebite delivered the pain with some heavy running with exercises mixed in at the bottom.
Fletch then took the lead and we moseyed over to the rock pile to select a rock as big as your heeeed (hence the video.) According to Fletch many pairings selected some boulder style rocks which in hindsight was a poor move! This Q was not messing around either with a 10 burpee chaser around the entire church. Apparently TR wanted to avoid the burpees so much that he took off with his rock only for Mic Check to catch him just the once. Needless to say the pax were sprawled out all over the church grounds after lap one. Once we reconvened the call for lap two lead to some serious mumble chatter as the rain fell and those boulders got slimy. Time was a ticking and it was a brief stop at the wall for some Peoples Chair and Mary to finish.
Great lead from the new Q’s and a tough workout to take us into the weekend.

Base Camp Monday 7/8/2013 Rookie Q Day

Passport and High Tide taking their first Q’s, splitting the Base Camp workout on Monday.  Pain to follow.

Centurion, Warriors In Search of Pain

The Warriors of Centurion found their daily dose of pain this morning at Charlotte Catholic High School, the day after an epic beat down by the 4th of July Q’s.

The PAX started out with a little dynamic stretching, not well counted (to say the least) by YHC but after that started off to the Panera parking lot for a COP warm up of:

SSH x 50

IW x 25

Merkins x 10

Mtn Climbers x 20

Squats (low, slow, 1 rep per full cadence) x 15

CDD x 20

Jumping Lunges x 5

Jog back to the school picnic tables for

3 rounds of: Dips x 20, Reverse Ab extensions x 10, step ups x 10 (per leg obviously)

Off to the entrance area for, oh no wait, multiple people at the entrance not looking like they are going anywhere, Q mental audible to the football field

2 Groups, group 1 run to the end of the field and back while group 2

complex merkins (10 wide arm, 10 regular, 10 diamond) until group 1 gets back then flapjack

Repeat with LBC’s

Mosey to almost the end of the field, where group 1 bear crawl to the road while group 2 flutter then flapjack

Partner up for Prairie Fire Mary x 10 and flapjack

Rosalita x 25

Heels to Heaven x 10 (counting barely audible)

Dolly x 20

Russian Twist x 10

Bicycle x 10

Mosey to assembly area for COT, no wait, still a minute left

10 burpees on your own and plank when done for remainder plank work


Since it seems like the workouts that YHC has attended recently have been a little light on the Mary it was predetermined that Mary was going to show up in all her glory today.  YHC’s co Q Jack was forgotten and surprisingly not missed as the set had to be audibled due to a crowd of civilians at the intended AO and alternative pain had to be arranged (it was).  One of Charlotte Mecklenburg’s finest observed the PAX assembling from the upper parking lot but the planting of the shovel flag seemed to alleviate any other concerns that a bunch of guys dressed in black workout gear might have otherwise created.  During the initial run to Panera it was noted that a fence has now been put around the entrance to the “Pit” and as such is a potential disappointment to future Centurion workouts.


A great effort by the PAX today, a few notables worth pointing out, Philmont went the entire workout without stopping, looking strong thanks to his own strong commitment and cheering by the other PAX.  Senator Tressel and Chelms (close to being WD’s between the two of them after Jamboree) were usually first to the plank, showing us younger folks how it’s done.  Not too much else to say, YHC was smoked after yesterday and today, had to spend the little remaining O2 on the Weinke and probably missed a few other notable efforts (throw in your own comments below!).


Area 51 July 4th Convergence

72 men gathered at South Charlotte Middle School for a July 4th Area 51 convergence.

Three Qs were on point, with PAX rotating at 7:20 and 7:40.

Joker’s Q:

Paddy Cake Merkins

Partner Leg Press

Partner Curls

Partner Decline Merkins

Partner Rows

Partner Squats

Partner Incline Merkins

Partner Dips

Partner Carolina Dry Docks

For groups #2 and #3, certain items above were dropped and replaced with lunge walks and bear crawls.

Runnstopper’s Q:

Jog perimeter of track, jump fence
Line up along sideline- plank, butts high – marine crawl through tunnel.

Partner up.
Partner 1 carry partner 2 across width of football field. Flapjack

Partner 1 hold hands straight out- partner 2 high alternating knees to touch partner 1 hands x13


Partner 1 wheel barrow partner 2 hold legs


1 minute squat hold.

Jog to pavilion people’s chair – alternating legs up while holding arms above head

2nd group

Jog straight to track

Line up along sideline- plank, butts high – marine crawl through tunnel.

Partner up.
Partner 1 carry partner 2 across width of football field


Parter 1 carry partner 2 across width of football field


Partner 1 sprint width of football field, 13 burpees return to partner 2 whom is doing mirkens.


Partner 1 sprint width of football field, 13 burpees return to partner 2 whom is doing LBCs


Partner 1 sprint width of football field, 13 burpees return to partner 2 whom is doing Carolina dry docks


Jog to pavilion people’s chair – alternating legs up while holding arms above head

3rd group
Jog straight thru woods to playground.

1st set
Pull-ups x13
Mirkens x13
Mountain climbers x13
Hold plank until all finished

2nd set
Jump up (knee up alternation knee,optional) x13
Decline Mirken x13
Dips x13

3rd set
Pull-ups x13
Burpees x13
Jumping squats x13

Jog back through the woods to pavilion people’s chair – alternating legs up while holding arms above head.

Busch’s Q:

Circle of Pain Back Rows- 20 – flapjack
20 Mountain Climbers to 5 Merkins – repeat for 1 minute
Fence Dips – 25
20 yard Dragon Walks
Partnerheld/Wheelbarrow Decline Merkins 25 – flapjack
Sprint 200 yards
Speed Skater Single Leg Squats – 20 each leg
Circle of Pain Back Rows- 20 – flapjack
Fence/Handstand Merkins – 20
Lemon Squeezer Abs
Sprint 200 yards
Circle of Pain Back Rows – 20 – flapjack
Merkins – 20
Naked moleskin:

  • Strong turnout for the Area 51 convergence, including a handful of FNGs.  The rain came down pretty hard around 6:45AM, but conditions were good once the clock hit 7:00AM.
  • 1 minute squat hold – to a rendition of the Declaration of Independence led by a Canadian [Strange Brew]! Something is clearly wrong with that, but hey it worked and we all sang along!
  • Joker’s partner exercises brought the 2nd F to a new level.  It was close to a mutiny during the first group, so YHC made some modifications for groups #2 and #3.  The partner leg press and  the partner CDD may be keepers, but the other exercises were a bit of a bust.



Burpees for America’s 237th Birthday

15 hearty souls ventured into the gloom and found themselves celebrating July 4th one day early.  There were no beers or burgers at this celebration, but burpees abounded.

The Thang:

Jog to Wendy’s for some 1st meal COP (in cadence):

  • SSH x25
  • IW x25
  • Mountain Climbers x25
  • Peter Parkers x25

Jog to another section of asphalt and find a spot you like (we’ll be here a while)

10 burpees a minute for 10 minutes (100 burpees)

Mary (In cadence)

  • LBC x20
  • Rosalita x20
  • Bicycle x20
  • Greg Lougais x10
  • Russian Twist x10

10 burpees a minute for 10 minutes (100 burpees)

Jog back to launch point

10 burpees a minute for 3 minutes (30 burpees)

7 burpees (yep – 237 burpees total)

More Mary

  • LBC x20
  • Dolly x20
  • Bicycle x20
  • Rosalita x20


Naked Moleskin:

1)      Set a goal and then tell everyone about it.  I think the PAX thought YHC had lost it when they learned the plan was to complete 237 burpees today.  Many times the Q likes to hide what he has lurking around the next corner, but YHC needed to commit himself and the PAX to the task that lay ahead. #FEBA

2)      There was some chatter after the first 10 burpees but it died down pretty quickly after that as everyone tried to focus on the task ahead

3)      Strong work by all to complete what was a mentally and physically challenging workout.  Shout out to The Worm and Loogie with strong second posts

Tabata – That is all…mostly.

It was a small group that showed up for a Wednesday workout at Anvil, but there was nothing small about the downPAINment they received.  After a brutal Fast Twitch beatdown from Purple Haze on Tuesday, YHC decided to stay away from the running and deliver an upper body beatdown via Tabata. 

The Thang

Little baby jog over to the grassy area beyond the baseball field and pick a rock you wouldn’t be ashamed of (some people apparently have no shame). 


•SSH x 20 (cadence)
•Imperial Walkers x 20 (cadence)
•Merkins x 20 (cadence)
•Squats x 20 (cadence)


4 minutes per exercise = (20 seconds of fun + 10 seconds of rest) x 8 rounds per exercise
•Burpees / mountain climbers
•Bicep Curls / tricep curls
•Goblet squats / Mary Catherines (both with rock)
•Shoulder press / CDD
•Merkins / Diamond merkins
•Heels to heaven / CCVs (left right)
•Staggered push-ups (right/left)

Mosey to the baseball field.  Can’t leave without at least a little bit of running.

Baseball diamond
•Bear crawl to first base – 10 merkins
•High knees to second base – 10 jump ups
•Job backwards to 3rd base – 10 Mtn climbers
•Sprint home
•Sprint to right field foul pole
•Run to left field foul pole
•Sprint to home plate

Naked Moleskin

It was a small group today, but that always allows for some good chatter to be heard by all #2ndF.  It has been a while since YHC has done a Tabata workout, so it was brought back as an effective tool to delivery some upper body pain.  T-claps to Young Love and Crabcake for choosing boulders…I could see the pain on your faces during the shoulder press exercise.  Everyone was soon feeling similar pain as the Tabata entered into the Merkin phase.  A deadly combination of merkins and diamond merkins prompted an “unsavory” call and had the group on their knees, literally.  There was plenty more upper body work to follow that, so by the end of the workout some of the pax were wondering how they would do any of their daily activities that require arm movement.  To cap off the workout we squeezed in some running, not to mention some bear crawl at Purple Haze’s request.   Nice work briscuit for a strong finish on the sprints!


  • July 4th Convergence at South Charlotte Middle (aka Death Valley) – starts at 7am.
  • RSVP for Pig Pickin’ on July 13th
  • New KB workout Foxhole launches July 8th at Elon Park Elementary 0530 – Honey Bee and Market Timer are site Qs
  • New workout in Indian Trail (Outland) starts July 13th on fields between Sun Valley High School and Middle School.  Countertop is site Q.

Heat Advisory in Death Valley


The gentleman above posted a sub 7 minute mile in Death Valley this week as temperatures reached 129 degrees.

Not to be outdone, 23 winners showed up in the Valley for not one but two miles of humidity and PAIN. 


SSH x 20

Imperial Walkers x 20

Merkins x 20  Hold it!

Carolina Dry Docks x 20 Hold it!

Mountain Climbers x 20

shake out your shoulders and mosey to the track…

Partner up, the faster the better.

Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 crushes a lap.

1 – Merkins, flapjack

2 – Squats, flapjack

3 – Burpees, flapjack

4 – LBC’s, flapjack

5 – Dry Docks, flapjack

6 – Calf raises, flapjack

7 – People’s Chair, flapjack

8 – Manmaker pushups, flapjack, recover

Mosey to Lot for Mary.

Finished strong with plenty of Dollys, Flutters, and Merkins.



We started with a nice circle to warmup only to have Yo-Yo Ma show up 30 seconds late and YHC try to decide how to keep the PAX out of his way.  If you haven’t seen Yo-Yo Ma slide into a parking lot you are missing quite a bit of excitement.  #themask  

Quite a bit of moaning as we crushed shoulders on the warmup.  The feedback did not stop when the PAX noticed the trend of exercise to failure and then run a lap.  I often wonder how much we run at a workout, today left no unanswered questions there. 

Props to Stagecoach, Radar, and The Hoff for rocking the rucks today.  Peer pressure creates poor decisions. 

Thank you guys for letting me lead and posting for what is surely to be a warmup for tomorrow’s Independence Day convergence beatdown.

Announcements: Convergence 7:00 at South Charlotte Middle, HDHH audible in effect as Bulldog and Snakebite have cleared the path for us to invade Hembsteads pool clubhouse for some Cornhole and BYOB.  Bring your boards if you have some.  There is a canopy if we need it and if that fails we can always head over to Vitners.

What The Deck???

14 F3 faithful jumped out of the rack and arrived on time at Bagpipe for a 5:30am date with Mary and her 14 sisters.  We wasted no time getting to the work.

The Thang:

Short jog to the corner of Ballantyne & Johnston road for a warm up COP:

SSH X 30

Squats X 20

Imperial Walkers X 20

Merkins 5 X 5 in your own time

Mosey to the Premier Deck with the hope of keeping my PAX sheltered from the rain but fully exposed to the PAIN – abs were the focus for the remainder of our time together and Mary’s Deck seemed like a fitting place to make it happen.  Busted out a set of Merkins while the PAX gathered to begin our time with Mary and her sisters.

The Plan was as follows: each Brother counted out their number(total of 14).  From there a run to the first level for a drop to the deck with #1(Haggis in this case) selecting his favorite personal abdominal exercise.  You guessed it…he picked Heels-to-Heaven.  Each member led their abs rotation with the goal of NO REPEATS.  A unique abs torture at every level of the parking deck.  We covered everything from Dolly to Protractor to Superman and everything in between – extra credit for the creativity out there.

Well done men – everyone remembered their assigned number which was key, everyone pushed the reps on the abs pain, no repeats.  Bonus sprints broke out between Mary reps with Mighty Mite, Haggis, Soft Pretzel and Frehley’s  turning on the jets.  Impressive to watch and it hurt to try and keep up with the speedsters.

Mary’s deck chewed up our time and talent.  Finished with 4 minutes for a quick run back to the launch point.

COT at the cars with help from Might Mite on the count off and attendance while our PAX reformed.

Welcome to our two FNGs this morning – named them up with FX and Goonies.


Convergence on July 4th – check the website for details.

Bagpipe is always looking for new Qs to share in the fun…encourage our PAX to give it a try.  Doesn’t have to be perfect, just a loosely constructed BeatDown.

posted by Haggis for Puppy Luv