14 of Area 51’s finest convened at McAlpine Elementary for a holiday weekend beatdown.
The Thang: Purple Haze Q
As soon as the clock struck 7 PHaze picked up the shovel flag and began jogging to the entrance of the school. After about .5 miles, we stopped on the corner of Highway 51 and Elm Lane.
SSH X 20
Burpees X 13
Imperial Walkers X 20
Burpees X 13
Merkins X 10
Burpees X 13
LBCs X 20
Burpees X 13
Mini Convergence with The Rock: Runstopper Q
The newly combined forces of Day Zero and the Rock circled up to take on an especially angry Jack Webb.
1 Merkin + 4 arm presses, 2 merkins + 8 arm presses,…all the way to 15 merkins + 50 arm presses
The convergence now finished, Purple Haze picked up the shovel flag and started the half mile back to McAlpine. Upon returning to McAlpine the pax began the…
World Tour of Pain: Mighty Mite Q
Mosey down to the track for instruction
Turkish getups with rocks X 10
Run a quarter of the track
Russian Twists X 20
Run a quarter of the track
Hindu Merkins X 15
Run a quarter of the track
Sumo Squats X 20
Return to the beginning of the track
Plank up in a circle around YHC’s yellow corona shirt for the Merkin Mexican Hat Dance
The pax rotate counterclockwise around the circle, doing a merkin every 3 paces. Once a full revolution has been made, turn it around and go clockwise around the circle until a second revolution has been made.
Complete another lap around the track with the same Turkish getups, Russian twists, Hindu Merkins, and Sumo Squats
Plank up and wait for the rest of the pax at the end of the lap.
Mac Tar Gai X 10.
Wheel Barrow Merkin Race.
Pax partner up for a 30 yard wheel barrow race. The only catch is, YHC yelling stop and instructing the participants to do wheel barrow merkins. About 15-20 merkins were completed over the 30 yards. Flapjack.
Return to the Turkish getup rocks for Alternating Squat/ Overhead Presses X 20
Circle Up for Mary
Heels to Heaven X 15
Rosalita X 20
Protractor for 1 min
Burpees X 13
At the start of DayZero Baracus had just completed the jog over from the preRock Kettlebell work. He was less than pleased when he learned we would be returning from whence he came.
Purple Haze’s COP was burpelicious. YHC doesn’t recall ever being so happy to see Runstopper showup.
YHC’s thoughts during the Jack Webb
“10- He always stops at 10. Nice mini convergence. Great idea Purple Haze!
11- He’s just trying to be funny. We’ll just do one more Jack Webb round and be done with it.
12- Twelve is a nice even number. This has to be where we stop.
13- Ok, I get it. We’re unlucky. C’mon!
14- Am I going to be able to Q the second half of this workout?
15- We’re done?!? I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to see Runstopper leave…”
Great work by the 2.0’s on pushing everyone else during the World Tour laps.
Spackler inspired the Merkin Mexican Hat Dance with his Corona infused tweets night.
YHC tried to give the pax an opportunity to help decided on the next exercise after Mac Tar Gai. Instead, they learned the perils of an inefficient democracy and began the wheel barrow merkin race.
Sign Up for the Pig Pickin that is next Saturday (7/13) at Olde Providence. Bug Eater needs a count of how many people will need to be fed. See the email for more details.
Foxhole: New Gear workout starts up on Monday at Elon Park Elementary(on the western end of Ardrey Kell Road. Next to Sports Connection). Market Timer and Honeybee are your Q’s. Bring a kettle bell.
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