Area 51 July 4th Convergence

Area 51 July 4th Convergence

72 men gathered at South Charlotte Middle School for a July 4th Area 51 convergence.

Three Qs were on point, with PAX rotating at 7:20 and 7:40.

Joker’s Q:

Paddy Cake Merkins

Partner Leg Press

Partner Curls

Partner Decline Merkins

Partner Rows

Partner Squats

Partner Incline Merkins

Partner Dips

Partner Carolina Dry Docks

For groups #2 and #3, certain items above were dropped and replaced with lunge walks and bear crawls.

Runnstopper’s Q:

Jog perimeter of track, jump fence
Line up along sideline- plank, butts high – marine crawl through tunnel.

Partner up.
Partner 1 carry partner 2 across width of football field. Flapjack

Partner 1 hold hands straight out- partner 2 high alternating knees to touch partner 1 hands x13


Partner 1 wheel barrow partner 2 hold legs


1 minute squat hold.

Jog to pavilion people’s chair – alternating legs up while holding arms above head

2nd group

Jog straight to track

Line up along sideline- plank, butts high – marine crawl through tunnel.

Partner up.
Partner 1 carry partner 2 across width of football field


Parter 1 carry partner 2 across width of football field


Partner 1 sprint width of football field, 13 burpees return to partner 2 whom is doing mirkens.


Partner 1 sprint width of football field, 13 burpees return to partner 2 whom is doing LBCs


Partner 1 sprint width of football field, 13 burpees return to partner 2 whom is doing Carolina dry docks


Jog to pavilion people’s chair – alternating legs up while holding arms above head

3rd group
Jog straight thru woods to playground.

1st set
Pull-ups x13
Mirkens x13
Mountain climbers x13
Hold plank until all finished

2nd set
Jump up (knee up alternation knee,optional) x13
Decline Mirken x13
Dips x13

3rd set
Pull-ups x13
Burpees x13
Jumping squats x13

Jog back through the woods to pavilion people’s chair – alternating legs up while holding arms above head.

Busch’s Q:

Circle of Pain Back Rows- 20 – flapjack
20 Mountain Climbers to 5 Merkins – repeat for 1 minute
Fence Dips – 25
20 yard Dragon Walks
Partnerheld/Wheelbarrow Decline Merkins 25 – flapjack
Sprint 200 yards
Speed Skater Single Leg Squats – 20 each leg
Circle of Pain Back Rows- 20 – flapjack
Fence/Handstand Merkins – 20
Lemon Squeezer Abs
Sprint 200 yards
Circle of Pain Back Rows – 20 – flapjack
Merkins – 20
Naked moleskin:

  • Strong turnout for the Area 51 convergence, including a handful of FNGs.  The rain came down pretty hard around 6:45AM, but conditions were good once the clock hit 7:00AM.
  • 1 minute squat hold – to a rendition of the Declaration of Independence led by a Canadian [Strange Brew]! Something is clearly wrong with that, but hey it worked and we all sang along!
  • Joker’s partner exercises brought the 2nd F to a new level.  It was close to a mutiny during the first group, so YHC made some modifications for groups #2 and #3.  The partner leg press and  the partner CDD may be keepers, but the other exercises were a bit of a bust.



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Joker author

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Strange Brew
11 years ago

Well done Q’s, great beat down on such a great holiday. Thanks to Dolphin for the flag run it. Partner leg press definitely a keeper.

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