15:50 Jack Webb? Say it ain’t so!

15:50 Jack Webb? Say it ain’t so!

20 strong and able-men gathered in the shadows of Calvary Church for a little surprise pop in at day zero.


  • SSH x30
  • LBC x30
  • Prison Squat x30 
  • Merkins x30
  • Mountain Climbers x15

Ninja Turtle grabbed the Shovel Flag and led us on a nice easy Indian run down 51 to Elm to meet up with Day Zero as Purple Haze was in the middle of his COT.

Circle up for a little Tiger Rag Special aka Jack Webb

  • 1 merkin; 4 arm raises.
  • 2 merkins; 8 arm raises continue until 15 merkins and cap at 50 arm raises for merkin #11 to 15

Pay homage to Old Glory by repeating the pledge of allegiance, optional for our Canadian and British PAX 🙂

Rickshaw grabbed the shovel flag lined us up and jogged in formation down to the green-way, across Rae Rd up to 51. Pull into the Library.

Partner up.

  • Partner #1 Run to end of parking lot 200 yards and do 10 burpees
  • Partner #2 Mirkins until he returns
  • flapjack
  • Partner #1 Run to end of parking lot 200 yards and do 10 squats
  • Partner #2 LBCs until he returns
  • flapjack
  • All partner #1 and #2 Run to end of parking lot 200 yards

Jog back to Calvary for Tibatia

20 sec on 10 sec rest

  • Flutter
  • Dolly
  • LBC
  • Squats
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Russian Twist
  • Merkins
  • Wide Arm Merkins


Naked Moleskin

so need to call out Wolf-man for his Farah Faucet impersonation… whats up with tying his ASU shirt up to show his abs? Did he think we were on TV again? #TMI

Nice surprise dropping for our PAX (both PAX at Day Zero and The Rock) meeting up at the corner of Elm and 51. Not so nice surprise introducing Jack Webb and his 15 merkins and 50 arm raises… im sure it looked easier on paper, but then again i didnt write it down just felt the energy and went with it! T-claps to Purple Haze for coordinating!


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Run Stopper author

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11 years ago

Great job today guys. I’m still smoked from all Jack Webs.

11 years ago


Purple Haze
11 years ago

Runstopper, thanks for joining up with the men of #F3DayZero this morning. Your ultimate JackWebbs brought us to our knees. My shoulders are toast.

Senator Tressel
Senator Tressel
11 years ago

I happened to see the Jack Webb comment this morning and saw that Run Stopper had you guys at 15 merkins and 50 arm raises. I Q’d the Fort on Saturday and we did JW up to 10 merkins and 40 arm raises. I was introduced to that pain at an Area 51 convergence a while back that was Q’d by, you guessed it, Run Stopper.

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