14 F3 faithful jumped out of the rack and arrived on time at Bagpipe for a 5:30am date with Mary and her 14 sisters. We wasted no time getting to the work.
The Thang:
Short jog to the corner of Ballantyne & Johnston road for a warm up COP:
SSH X 30
Squats X 20
Imperial Walkers X 20
Merkins 5 X 5 in your own time
Mosey to the Premier Deck with the hope of keeping my PAX sheltered from the rain but fully exposed to the PAIN – abs were the focus for the remainder of our time together and Mary’s Deck seemed like a fitting place to make it happen. Busted out a set of Merkins while the PAX gathered to begin our time with Mary and her sisters.
The Plan was as follows: each Brother counted out their number(total of 14). From there a run to the first level for a drop to the deck with #1(Haggis in this case) selecting his favorite personal abdominal exercise. You guessed it…he picked Heels-to-Heaven. Each member led their abs rotation with the goal of NO REPEATS. A unique abs torture at every level of the parking deck. We covered everything from Dolly to Protractor to Superman and everything in between – extra credit for the creativity out there.
Well done men – everyone remembered their assigned number which was key, everyone pushed the reps on the abs pain, no repeats. Bonus sprints broke out between Mary reps with Mighty Mite, Haggis, Soft Pretzel and Frehley’s turning on the jets. Impressive to watch and it hurt to try and keep up with the speedsters.
Mary’s deck chewed up our time and talent. Finished with 4 minutes for a quick run back to the launch point.
COT at the cars with help from Might Mite on the count off and attendance while our PAX reformed.
Welcome to our two FNGs this morning – named them up with FX and Goonies.
Convergence on July 4th – check the website for details.
Bagpipe is always looking for new Qs to share in the fun…encourage our PAX to give it a try. Doesn’t have to be perfect, just a loosely constructed BeatDown.
posted by Haggis for Puppy Luv
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