Centurion, Warriors In Search of Pain

Centurion, Warriors In Search of Pain

The Warriors of Centurion found their daily dose of pain this morning at Charlotte Catholic High School, the day after an epic beat down by the 4th of July Q’s.

The PAX started out with a little dynamic stretching, not well counted (to say the least) by YHC but after that started off to the Panera parking lot for a COP warm up of:

SSH x 50

IW x 25

Merkins x 10

Mtn Climbers x 20

Squats (low, slow, 1 rep per full cadence) x 15

CDD x 20

Jumping Lunges x 5

Jog back to the school picnic tables for

3 rounds of: Dips x 20, Reverse Ab extensions x 10, step ups x 10 (per leg obviously)

Off to the entrance area for, oh no wait, multiple people at the entrance not looking like they are going anywhere, Q mental audible to the football field

2 Groups, group 1 run to the end of the field and back while group 2

complex merkins (10 wide arm, 10 regular, 10 diamond) until group 1 gets back then flapjack

Repeat with LBC’s

Mosey to almost the end of the field, where group 1 bear crawl to the road while group 2 flutter then flapjack

Partner up for Prairie Fire Mary x 10 and flapjack

Rosalita x 25

Heels to Heaven x 10 (counting barely audible)

Dolly x 20

Russian Twist x 10

Bicycle x 10

Mosey to assembly area for COT, no wait, still a minute left

10 burpees on your own and plank when done for remainder plank work


Since it seems like the workouts that YHC has attended recently have been a little light on the Mary it was predetermined that Mary was going to show up in all her glory today.  YHC’s co Q Jack was forgotten and surprisingly not missed as the set had to be audibled due to a crowd of civilians at the intended AO and alternative pain had to be arranged (it was).  One of Charlotte Mecklenburg’s finest observed the PAX assembling from the upper parking lot but the planting of the shovel flag seemed to alleviate any other concerns that a bunch of guys dressed in black workout gear might have otherwise created.  During the initial run to Panera it was noted that a fence has now been put around the entrance to the “Pit” and as such is a potential disappointment to future Centurion workouts.


A great effort by the PAX today, a few notables worth pointing out, Philmont went the entire workout without stopping, looking strong thanks to his own strong commitment and cheering by the other PAX.  Senator Tressel and Chelms (close to being WD’s between the two of them after Jamboree) were usually first to the plank, showing us younger folks how it’s done.  Not too much else to say, YHC was smoked after yesterday and today, had to spend the little remaining O2 on the Weinke and probably missed a few other notable efforts (throw in your own comments below!).


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Strange Brew author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
11 years ago

I guess only those that had to work today were willing to make it out. Who to blame for not having double digits in the PAX?

Runstopper – Volunteered to Q early in the week and than is a no show once he finds out Strange Brew has already stepped up
Champagne – After meeting him yesterday and neighbors July 4th party, thought I had him hooked. Guess the late fireworks show was just too much for him (or maybe the xx number of beers he had)
Hops and Abbacus – haven’t been seen since we did the Devils workout. Don’t worry, I think the local priest exercised any bad spirits
Farside – Hear he has already started training for Mud Run but would prefer to see it myself.

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