
Beast Mode

ByMermaid Oct 21, 2015

Posted by Mermaid for Cane 17 pax at Anvil for a beatdown administered at the hands of Cane.  Schedule had site-Q Young Love listed to Q.  He

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Post Season: The Men of October

ByBoutique Oct 14, 2015

The air was crisp, the ground was wet with dew and a bakers dozen PAX defied the urge to sleep in and got better, stronger, sandier! The Thang:

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ByMermaid Sep 30, 2015

POSTED by Mermaid for Iron Horse 20 men entered the brisk fall morning to slow trot through the weinke at Anvil.  YHC notices someone who looke

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Nothing Exciting – just Hard Work

ByChampagne Sep 23, 2015

19 Men decided to start their Wednesday off right by ignoring any warnings about angry Qs, and form police to post at Anvil and get better. Coup

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Back in the Saddle

ByBrushback Sep 16, 2015

The M has been selfishly taking away my Wednesday workouts to pursue her own fitness aspirations. That's going to have to change. Missed the Anvi

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Taper? We Don’t Need No Stinking Taper

ByMermaid Sep 9, 2015

Posted for Van Pelt by Mermaid Shovel flag planted firmly by Young Love once again. Perhaps we should taper before the BRR?  Taper does not me

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Anvil birthday boy helps QIC provide gifts to the PAX

Bylobstaroll Sep 2, 2015

As is normal course of business for the QIC, he arrived just in time for a quick stretch....and we are off. PAX were lead on a tour of the parki

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Anvil Combos

ByMermaid Aug 26, 2015

YHC and Cane pulled into a deserted Calvary lot.  9 more strong PAX arrived for iron sharpening at Anvil.  A few PAX pushed hard on the 0530 st

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Deconstruction of the Hindenburg

ByYoung Love Aug 20, 2015

12 men of purpose gathered in the gloom determined to faithfully steward the parts of creation they were predestined to tend. As iron sharpens ir

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(Dis)Comfort Zone

ByScabby Aug 12, 2015

At 5:30 a virtual shovel flag was planted, the disclaimer was given, and 18 men of purpose ran off into the foggy gloom. The Thang: Jog to the

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