You okay man?

You okay man?

Date: 2024-04-17 AO: sacs Q: Starch PAX: Cheese Curd, wildturkey, lex_luthor, geraldo, Focker, Rousey, fire_hazard, Roulette, snowflake, None FNGs: 1 None COUNT: 10
WARMUP: Mosey to Davie Park Potato pickers Merkins Low lunge Low slow squats
THE THANG: Laps around half the soccer field with a workout in each corner for 25 reps each: Plank (1 minute) Overhead press Merkin Rows Squats Calf raises
When walking between corners on the short side of the field, we bear crawled halfway, dragging our sandbags as we went and then walked the other half.
Long ways, we did sandbags throws halfway and then walked the rest.
More was planned for the field, but YHC had to take a pit stop off the side of the field to rid myself of weakness… in the form of puking.
As this was happening, Cheese Curd took over for a couple minutes and led the PAX through some workouts – overhead press, flutter kicks, American Hammers.
Once the weakness was expelled, we rucked back to the SCMS parking lot.
Back in the SCMS parking lot, we did farmers carries with some exercises to break it up: Flutter kicks with sandbag presses Mountain climbers Big boy sit ups Plank
MARY: Throughout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: WTF this weekend Savage Race in June
COT: I took us out. It was a memorable VQ.
It was a good morning with an awesome group of PAX. Really appreciate y’all for putting in work today and stepping up/checking in when I was calling dinosaurs.

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