
Up and down Gma- ouch!

ByStone Cold Feb 19, 2016

The Pax slowly started to emerge from their warm urban chariots, gathering with mumblechatter, greetings, and handshakes.  The gloom was chilly

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#JukeJeep – special HeadBangers edition

ByFreedom Feb 12, 2016

It was a cold morning, the air was thin and apparently so was the Oxygen as Header, right off the bat, left Sinsei standing as we took off for a

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Pig skin and flurries

ByHeader Feb 5, 2016

The Workout(w/pigskin) Warm up run-.25m /length of front parking lot and back COP SSHx25 IWx25 MCx25 LBCx15 Little JW- burpees/squats Mosey t

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Starfish and Jack

BySanka Jan 29, 2016

Warmup: Lap around track SSH x 20 IC IW x 20 IC   The Thang: Divide in to 4 groups for the Starfish Round 1 (10 of each exercise) W

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Burpees, Merkins, burpees, Merkins, burpees….

ByHeader Jan 15, 2016

Cotton Tail took the lead this morning as 21 men including 1 FNG showed up for a good ole fashioned F3 workout. Knowing that Cotton Tail and his

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What’s behind the blue door?

ByHeader Jan 8, 2016

It was a perfect morning for a group of men to come together for a workout known as F3. It wouldn't be Joust if we didn't have to wait for Jetti

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Yeti nailed his VQ!

ByHeader Dec 18, 2015

It was 5 min before we were to head into the gloom when we realized yeti, our VQ was no where to be found! Come to find out that he and Peacock

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ByGood Hands Dec 5, 2015

24 PAX entered the gloom for another Friday Jevlar adventure. Short disclaimer and off we went. Mosey to track, 1/2 lap mixed in with some high

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Save the neck for me Clark

ByHops Nov 27, 2015

No SF from Joust, Kevlar or Mountain Goat....nor site Q's for that matter...yet 12 pax mustered nonetheless, were duly disclaimed by Geraldo, and

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Cowgirls and Nipplers

ByBulldog Nov 20, 2015

Strong turnout today at with 30 plus in attendance for the final pre Thanksgiving installment of Jevlar. THE THANG Disclaimer 10 burgess (15 i

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