40 is the new 30…Bring it!

40 is the new 30…Bring it!

The Shovel Flag was planted and 14 of my F3 brothers helped YHC celebrate my 40th b-day in style with some pain management!

The Thang:

Run with dumbbells to lower lot, some lunges to warm it up.

SSH x 40

Imperial Walker x 40

Spartan Merkin x 10

Wide-arm Merkin x 10

Diamond Merkin x 10

Jacob’s Ladder with dumbbells- Spartan Burpee at top with dumb bells, of course

Run back to CDS for Wall work

People’s Chair- 40 sec

Wall Plank- 40 sec

People’s Chair- 40 sec

Balls to Wall- 40 sec

Dumb Bell work-

Shoulder press x 10

Curls x 10

Tricep extension x 10

Rinse, repeat

Teamwork- 40 yard station DASH (Burpees while you wait on your teammates)

Station 1- Hairburners

Station 2- Hariburners (Yep, Why not?)

Station 3- Tire Pulls

Station 4- Sled Pull

Station 5- Tire Flips

Mason Twist with Dumbbell – (20ish count)

Nakedman Moleskin:

Gotta love the Nibbla, calling YHC out on the 40 theme after the SSH’s. 

Strong work on the hill, men….noticed Harley, Countertop, and Joker leading the way there.

Donkey Kong- totally vertical on Balls to the Walls, impressive!

Inaugural launch of Tiger Rag’s new toy, the SLED!  Crowd pleaser for sure….key, stay low.  Run Stopper killed it.

Hops turns the big 4-0 on Saturday, come help him celebrate at ARea 51.

Hope you boys enjoyed the variety today.

F3/Dads- this Sat at 0930-1030 -meet near the Train, bring the 2.0’s

Sept. 8th- Launch of  The Rock at Calvary..according to Run Stopper, “The Rock will break you”.  There some hill there that may be named Everest…come find out what it is all about.





The Rock… T-minus 19 Days…

26 men gathered in the gloom for a Saturday morning dose of pain and suffering. 

The Thang

 Countertop – QIC


  • SSH x 30
  • Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Merkins x 20
  • LBC x 20
  • Arm Circles/stretches

Sprints, crawls and burpees

  • sprint to mid field / High Crawl back / 30 Spartan Race Burpees
  • sprint to mid field / High Crawl back / 20 Spartan Race Burpees
  • sprint to mid field / High Crawl back / 10 Spartan Race Burpees


  • 20x dolly (and hold)
  • 15x flutter
  • 15x rosalita (and hold)
  • 15x flutter
  • 15x freddy mercury (raised)
  • 8x knee up

Ochocinco – QIC

  • Lap around campus
  • Playground… alternating pull ups and jump squats
  • Field work… high knees, sprints, etc.
  • Merkins

Nakedman Moleskin

-The QICs were forced to improvise, adapt and overcome… well, actually it was just a girls soccer tournament that posed the challenge… but, with the large field overtaken by some of Charlotte’s finest young soccer players, the Area 51 PAX bounced around the campus fringes to find suitable space for a proper beatdown.

-After a nine month hiatus, Special K made an appearance in the gloom.   Welcome Back!

-Feats of strenght and speed:  Donkey Kong tapped into his inner primate, demonstrating tremendous knuckle-walking speed in the bear crawl.  Ochocinco and Far Side turned on the jets in the 50 yard dash. 

-Five members of the PAX conducted a scouting mission at the new Charlotte South workout site — The Rock — that will officially launch on Saturday September 8th at Calvary Church.  Indications are that this site will have much to offer, including a hill that may leave you running home for momma.        


65 degrees and dark

12 Pax set out for an early morning jog on the McAlpine Greenway.

The Thang:

6 miles for those who set out at 5:15. 4 miles for those leaving at 5:30. Or anywhere in between for those who felt like doing their own thang.


Bratwurst was kind enough to show up down south this morning and take it easy on us novices. Our comfortable pace brought some us in at a 7:30 pace.

It’s nice to see more pax showing up even if they are not completely comfortable with the running thang. Guys were scattered all over the greenway at different distances and paces. The more the merrier. And it all beats dreaming about your sub-spartan effort in the fartsac!

Then there are the regulars, along with your QIC’s, Ray Charles, Joker, Callaway, and Donkey Kong have made all the rounds so far. Strong work men.

Death Valley – Gridiron Sharpening Gridiron

The Thang:

Most exercise performed while carrying a football.   It was a decidedly football-flavored workout with Death Valley regular Pretty Boy Quarterback turning 37 today.   A fumble at any point resulted in a penalty of 5 burpees.

Run one lap around track

SSH’s x 37

Squats x 37

Merkins – Right hand on football x 10; then x10 with Left hand on football

Mountain Climbers – Right hand on football x10 then Left hand on football x10

200 yard medley relays x 4 with 4-man teams with football as the baton.  (50 yard sprint, 50 yard karaoke, 50 yard backpedal, 50 yard sprint)

50 yards of lunges while threading football between legs with each lunge

40 yard bear crawls x 2

50 count combo of burpees and makthar ndiaye’s

Jog to hill

7 hill runs with 3 merkins at top and bottom of hill

People’s chair balancing football on legs

6ish minutes of Mary to include the seldom utilized Cumberland County Viaducts


Naked Moleskin

Strong turnout for an admittedly unorthodox workout with footballs included.  The mystery-wrapped- inside-an-enigma known as Donkey Kong showed up with tape-wrapped Goruck bricks as his football which made the downpainment decidedly more difficult for him.  McGee, on the other hand, chose a Frisbee from his trunk in the absence of a football.

TigerRag and Callaway among others did their best to try to force fumbles hoping to punish the unsuspecting with the obligatory burpees.

All in all – a good showing from the boys in the Southlands with McGee still a part during his summer stay in the South.



250 Burpees and a Strong Handshake

Eighteen Pax posted for the first installment of Spartan-specific training, Skunk Works style.



  • SSH x 20
  • Fingertip Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 20



Partner Up for Stations.  1 Pax performs exercise while other Pax performs 30 Spartan Burpees.  Flapjack at completion of burpees.

  • Towel Pull Ups
  • 30 Spartan Burpees
  • Chain – Supine Pull Ups
  • 30 Spartan Burpees
  • Dumbbell Forearm Curls: Std, Twists, Reverse
  • 30 Spartan Burpees
  • Rock Pinch each hand
  • 30 Spartan Burpees
  • Hand Clamp Plate Press (2-10 lb plates, alternate arms)
  • 30 Spartan Burpees
  • Tennis Ball Squeeze
  • 30 Spartan Burpees
  • Weighted One Handed Tire Pull (“The Nibbler”)
  • 30 Spartan Burpees
  • Farmer Carry (2 -35 lb plates)
  • 30 Spartan Burpees
  • One Handed Weighted Bag Carry
  • 30 Spartan Burpees
  • Screwdrivers (All)
  • 30 Spartan Burpees
  • Fingertip Plank (30 sec)
  • Forearm Stretch Plank (Fingertips toward toes)
  • Fingertip Plank (30 sec)





  • With the Spartan Beast a mere 60 days out, the Skunk pax got to work tightening up the weak spots:  rope climbing and burpees (the easy, Spartan kind).  Due to the trivial fact that we didn’t have a climbing rope, we worked on the prerequisite course to rope climbing (and a respectable handshake)–grip strength.  And lots of burpees.
  • Father Time’s brisk pace prevented the Pax from making all 9 stations (the 10th was a duplicate), but most made it through eight.  That’s 240 Spartan Burpees per pax.  Strong Work by all.
  • Why do our #SadClown / #SoloFern friends need F3?  Because of exchanges like Callaway to Joker:  “We’ve already done 240 burpees, might as well make it 250.”  And so they did.
  • Donkey Kong, sensing climbing (#Wheelhouse) might be in the offing at future workouts starts asking about access to the roof of the gym….Um, no.  And send our greetings to Faye Wray.
  • The Skunk Works itinerary will take a decidedly Spartan flavor the next 8 weeks.  Metro Pax encouraged to follow Nibbler’s example and join us.  Actual climbing ropes, barbed wire and mud to be featured in coming weeks.
  • A51 Expansion News:  Area 51 will add a second Saturday workout called The Rock, on Sept. 8, at Calvary Church.  Start EH’ing your Ballantyne and Pineville friends. T-Claps to site Q’s, Mall Cop, Hops and Run Stopper for getting this done. Details to follow.

McGee Takes Gold

89 [QIC]

-SSH X20

-Imperial Walker X20

-Merkin X15

-LBC/Dolly/Flutter X15 each

-3 stations at playground [3 sets of each]:

a] Pull Ups X10

b] Jump Ups X20

c] LBC X20

-Peoples Chair [3 sets of one minute] with Decline Merkins X10 in between sets

-Burpee ladder with alternating exercises [Merkins, Mountain Climbers, and Burpees on top of Burpees, etc.]

Joker [QIC]

Olympic Themed Events

– 800 Meter Race

– Leap frog [with partner]… not sure what the Olympic connection is here, but roll with me

-Partner carry

-Rock squats [100 reps aggregate in partner format]

-Merkin competition [first 3 to 50 reps win medals]

-100 Meter Race X3

-Modified Mary

Nakedman Moleskin [and I don’t mean Randy Travis]

-McGee turned out a strong performance, medaling in every event [including a number of Golds].  Michael Phelps beware, but rumor has it that the IOC has launched an investigation into McGee’s performance [blood doping allegations surfaced among the PAX].  All kidding aside… great work McGee.

-Grandmama has got wheels, showing endurance and speed with medal performances in both 800 M and 100 M events

-Quarter Pounder showed his inner Usain Bolt today, demonstrating that being 6’5″ can have its advantages in the 100M sprints… strong work.

-Tiger Rag and Joker battled for Bronze in the 800 M.  The finish has been disputed, so a coin flip or race off may be necessary next Saturday.

-APK… welcome back to the gloom… hope to see you on a consistent basis.

-Donkey Kong sportin the clean shaven look today… it’s a good look.

-Triple claps to the FNGs today.  Strong performance for The Oracle and Boss Tweed… with Boss Tweed as both an FNG and War Daddy today [58 years young!].  Joker 2.0… nicknamed One Liner today… seemed to enjoy himself today.

Shadows and Sweat

8 pax gathered in the nightime gloom of the greenway. Shadows were our only companions.

The Thang:

Ray Charles and The Shore set off at 5:15, while the others arrived at 5:30 for a shorter jog. Distances covered ranged from 3 miles to 6.


Variety was the rule of the day. Most creative goes out to Ray Charles who just seems to weave his way back and forth on the greenway for 45 minutes or so. Most persistant is Thin Crust who works hard to cover 3 miles or so. He’s definitely carrying less pounds every week though. Strong work brothers.

At 5 in the morning on the greenway, you either bring a headlamp or follow the faint moonlit glow of the trail. There are no other lights. It’s a great way to start the day.


The Greatest American Hero returns…

14 Strong posted this morning at Death Valley. 

The Thang:

 -Warmup: SSH, Imperial walkers, Toned down version of  “The Shore Shoulders”, Carolina Dry Docks, and squats.

-Jog to ball field:  Merkin pyramid- 1 push up and hold for 5 seconds at the plank position, building up to 8 then back down to 1 holding plank position for 5 seconds after each rep (strong start and a definite crowd pleaser).  Walking lunges followed by a second round of  Merkin pyramid to 5 and back down…was even more popular the second time.  

-Jog to building and 3 minutes of the People’s Chair (2×1.5 mins)

-Jog to track for team mile run/150 burpee race: 2 man teams one team member runs a lap while the other does burpees.  First team to complete 1 mile and team total of 150 burpees wins.   Funny how some exercises look different on paper….

-6 MOM: Dolly 30, flutter kick 30, mountain climbers 25, LBC’s 30, and the Superman.

-Indian run around field and back to parking lot.

-Plank-o-rama: regular, right arm/leg up, left arm/leg up, mission impossible.


-T-Claps to Joker and Run Stopper for crushing  the competition in the team mile run/150 burpee race and then offering to help out other teams with hitting the 150 burpee mark (based on the count shout outs it appears that Run Stopper carried his team on the burpee leg…just sayin).    I think a few of the Pax experienced flash backs of elementary school and sweating through the dreaded “picking teams for kickball” ordeal.  In the future teams will be assigned randomly.

-The singing of the theme song to “The Greatest American Hero” tv show was a nice addition to the end of 6MOM.   Those singing were obviously cheating and not doing the exercise! 

-Sparky posted second day in a row!  Will he make it three at tomorrow’s Devil’s Turn??  Welcome back 89.




Hills and Whistles-Love em!

The Shovel Flag was planted at 0520, 15 brave souls posted to launch at 0530 in the gloom…just beating the rain.

The Thang:

Run around church campus to bottom of The Hill

SSH x 25

Imperial Walker x 25

Prison Squat x 25


Jacob’s ladder with Bear Crawl Up and Crab Walk Down- Burpees at the top

Plank, Elbow Plank

Back to CDS lot for Circuit Work Station– partner up (1min each then switch w/ partner) Listen for the Whistle!

Tire Flips/Farmers Carry with shrugs

Pull-ups/ Incline rows

Partner Merkins/Med ball sit-ups

Walking Lunges with 10lbs/15lbs

Chairs Dips/ Weighted Burpees

Box jumps/Med Ball toss

Run the Track w/ karaoke

COP- Mary

LBC x25

Dolly x 25

Rosalita x 25

Mason Twist- 50 count


Naked Moleskin:

The Shore posted today with a Captian America shirt and his new gloves recommended and sponsored by the PBR (not Pabst Blue Ribbon but Pro Bull Riders)…not quite sure what The Shore thought we were gonna get into this am but as always he was ready.

T-claps for strong Hill work to Pretty boy QB, Ray Charles and McGee (who called BS btw, Good to see ya McGee)

The Nibbla and Sparky posted!  Welcome back brothers.

Joker needs to stop drinking milk before Skunk Works- his lactose intolerance seems to kick up a mulititude of 1-man salutes….although it didn’t seem to keep the fire ants off of him.

FYI..Mall Cop is allegic to “some weed” on the field.  Somebody get the calamine lotion out of the first aid kit.








Full Moon and Friends

7 pax, 2 frogs, 2 rabbits, and one deer set off in the full moon to burn off some early morning steam.

The Thang:

2 pax ran the full 6, Ray Charles zig zagged his way to about 5, and 4 others posted at 5:30 to run 4.

The Moleskin:

It was a full moon this morning. Those left in the fartsac missed it.

Out on the greenway, the frogs are about the same size as the bunnies.

Stone Cold set the pace for the 6 milers this morning. 46 minutes something for a 7:45 pace. Not bad.

Joker lead the way for the 4 milers, practically sprinting his way to the finish. Strong work.

The way Ray Charles was all over the course this morning you’d think he was blind or something. About 5 miles later he found his way back to the start with the rest of the pax.