“Who needs the Big Leagues?” said a hockey player sent down to the minors and rejoicing when practice is called off.

  • When:July 26, 2014
  • QIC: Big League Chew
  • The PAX: Hacker, Big League Chew(YHC)

“Who needs the Big Leagues?” said a hockey player sent down to the minors and rejoicing when practice is called off.


SSH 10x

Toe Touches 10x

Running late so lets do this!

Farmers Carry with a 10 merkin chaser to Mount Olympus .5 miles

Kettle Bell Ladder at top of the Mountain as follows;

Goblet Squats, Swings, Snatches/Rack and Press, and Lawn Mowers or Bent Over Rows

4 Rounds





Run down Mount Olympus and back between rounds

Farmers Carry with 10 Merkin Chaser back to ELE.

Run around Track 1x

Pull Ups 5x

Flutter Kick Dollys 20x

4 Rounds

Game Over!


No one showed…oh wait there is Hacker at the last second. He seemed hesitant but I applied the EH and said , “Lets do this, me and you!”

Someone came in hot but before I could get around the car to see who. They bolted like lightening out of the parking lot. I guess the Big Leagues ant for everybody! (eheemmm Night Court)

Cheech and Chong must be in town because their “Up in Smoke” van passed us doing Farmers Carries. Contact high while doing 1/2 mile farmers carries makes for interesting PT.

I was on my way to the Rock but Hacker pulled in just in time. Thanks for not backing out Hack.

Hack seemed to spend a lot of time waiting on me during rounds. Sorry to slow you down, brother. It was a pleasure pting with you. I hope you got your moneys worth.

What we lack in pax we made up for with the combined 1 mile Farmers Carries!

It was an honor to lead today!

Oh yeah, T-claps to Mr Hanky and Kobra Kai for crushing the Goruck Challenge today. They must be smoking what Hacker and I smoked from the “Up in Smoke” van!

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Big League Chew author

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