Olympus visits the Night Court and the Big Leagues

Olympus visits the Night Court and the Big Leagues

10 Ladies posted for a wintery mix(so says the weather man) Kettle Bell smokefest.

Night Court is now in session!


SSH 25x

Merkins 20x

LBC 20x

mosey to the BB court parking lot.

3 exercises 10x 3 rounds 3 times

1. KB Bicep curls

KB Tricep extensions

goblet Squats

Sprint to 2nd BB Goal 5 burpies, then 10 burpies, then 15 burpies

2. Swing

Lunge (L&R)

Sumo Squats

Sprint to 2nd BB goal 5 burpie, 10 burpis, 15 burpies

3.High Pulls

wide arm merkins

dolly w/kb press

sprint to 2nd BB goal 5 burpies, 10 burpies, 5 burpies

Then called up to the Big Leagues;

20 KB swings 5x nonstop

Run around school

Partner up!

P1 cross fit bur pie w/ 2 KB (KB merkin, renegade row, burpie squat press)

P2 run around the island

flapjack 4x

P1 Goblet squat

P2 Run around island

flapjack 2 x

P1 kb Snatch

P2 Run you know were

Flapjack 2x


Circle up facing out for team russian twists to the left then to the right

Plank facing in KB drags to the left then to the right

10 merkins


-Lots of “Hat Dropping” this am. See Kevlar BB if you don’t know what that is.

-Wolfman wanted to run so we did.

-100 swings was paired down from the planned 300. Some didn’t like the nonstop swing…. ehahm WM. Practice those swings ’cause if I’m on Q I will bring ’em back out.

-T-claps to Lab Rat for being my partner and lifting that 20k KB.

-T-claps to Night Court for the smokefest sentence he passed down on the Pax. Wasn’t sure how my part would go down after that.

-T-claps to the PAX for a strong finish after a brutal start. Great teamwork on the ending cop.

T-claps to Spider for his first post to Olympus.

– Yes YHC still 49 and holding.

Thanks Gullah for letting us lead. It’s a real honor to lead a strong group of men. Anytime you need help I’m here.

About the author

Big League Chew author

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The Hoff
The Hoff
10 years ago

Nice work Night Court and BLC! With me
On the IR,it is with great appreciation seeing how you guys have stepped up this year for us when needed. Great team work! I hope to be back next week (promise no log work, lol)

And WM…enough cardio for you today? KB swings are a cardio intense move when rep ranges hit 50+ and next week lets shoot for 300!

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