What is “heavy”?

What is “heavy”?

14 pax for the monthly “heavy” edition of RockZero.  What does “heavy” mean, anyway?  For some, it’s a bootcamp with a little less running and a few more exercises; for others, it incorporates a few rocks curled or pressed overhead.  For YHC?  It looks like this:

The Thang



One mile run around the campus, dodging traffic, as needed.  (again, #disclaimer) (with a choice of muddy shoes or speeding cars, we opted for cars…)  (mid-pack about an 8:30-8:45/pace)

Station work:

  • Pair up, size & speed don’t matter.
  • Rotate among the stations until time is called.
  • Partners on the sled station are the rotation timer.
  • Partner A does the station work; Partner B alternates among (1) merkins, (2) old school situps, and (3) lunges walks (20 reps each); then flapjack.
  1. Sled – about 210 pounds of kettlebells (deload as necessary).  Strap in and pull about 20 paces to that tree, then either pull it back or flapjack with your partner.
  2. Double KB Farmer Carry – deadlift two 70# (32kg) kettlebells and carry them 20 paces to that tree and back.
  3. Two-hand KB swing – 20 swings with a 62# (28kg) kettlebell.  Substitute with lighter bells as desired.
  4. Barbell curls – bicep curls with an ez-bar loaded with two 25# plates.  Unsure of bar weight (20#?), so guessing 65-75# total.  Reps OYO.
  5. Goblet squats – full depth squats with a 70# (36kg) or 53# (24kg) bell in the goblet position.  Reps of your choosing.
  6. Lawnmower row – 10 to 20 reps per side with a 53# (24kg) bell.
  7. Sprints – about a 40-50 yard sprint to the cone.  Jog or sprint back.

Intermission – another mile around the campus.  Maintained approximately 8:30-8:45 pace.

Second half:

  • Repeat the station work.
  • Close with another mile around the campus.  Maybe a little slower this time but estimate it was still sub-9:00.
  • Mary as we ran out the clock – 0800 exactly for Flipper, 1:00 exactly for YHC (20 seconds later) – depending on when you chose to toss in the ole towel.




  1. Isabella Santos – 9/29
  2. Crane Relay – 10/26
  3. Let them soar – ruck a 5k – 11/10
  4. Vagabond – 11/10

Trembling Moleskine:

#Cobains for the late BB; 2.0 soccer and then travel took up the weekend.

Hopefully everyone got a lot out of this workout; YHC did.  Those 3 runs (plus 1 reconnaissance run to measure the distance) were just as tough as the weights (well, almost), as they were not a mosey in YHC’s book.  Tclaps to Hammer for pushing the pace, with Flipper and Gummy in close pursuit.

With a 3 mile “suggested” minimum, YHC aimed to deliver.  #missionaccomplished as we hit 3.9 miles, due to the sprints and the 1.0 mile lap being modified to about 1.10-1.15.  #cobains to those who saw YHC listed as Q and thought this was the low-mileage option.

One modification on the run was the slight detour onto Rea Rd to avoid mud in the field.  It did require some alertness by the pax, but it wasn’t too bad.  #disclaimer

Even with all the running nonsense, we still managed to cycle through all 7 stations (thx Hoover for the impromptu addition of the curl bar station) twice each, once before the intermission run and once after intermission.

Tclaps to the 2.0’s joining in the fun.  Jimmy Dean was taking ’em down on the Sprints, while Boondocks was grinding out the weights (observed swinging a KB that would nearly lift him off the ground each time).

Big League Chew representing as WD, showing age is only a number, as he hasn’t lost a step.

A little Meathead flavor was present, with 80’s rock hairbands providing background tunes for the station work.

If not before, we now all have a common understanding of “heavy”.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today.


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High Tide author

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Cheese Curd
Cheese Curd
5 years ago

Hell of a Saturday!

5 years ago

Great workout High Tide. It was a hell of a Saturday and I felt every pound I lifted while cleaning up Hurricane Florence debris from my yard. Definitely earned my post workout beer and then some.

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