Fat Tuesday

Fat Tuesday

10 PAX showed up at Bushwood for a cool and crisp round.  Speaking for myself, a much needed work-out after a food and drink filled weekend and fartsack Monday.


Mosey around parking lot.  SSH, IW, Moroccan Night Clubs, Plank & Mountain Climbers.  Stretching – up/down dogs, calves, runner’s pose.

The Thang

Mosey to Marvin Creek entrance.  20 steps-ups (10 each leg) on knee wall.

Mosey to Turkey Hunt cul-de-sac.  Every mail box on left alternate between 10 speedskaters, 5 squats.

Mosey down Groves Edge, 5 merkins at each driveway on right.

At Red Twig Court, run to end for 15 Big Boys.  Repeat.

Mosey back to school and rock pile.  Grab a rock, grab a lane.

  • Curls x 18, run to opposite end of lot for 9 plank jacks.  3-sets total.
  • OH Press x 18, run to opposite end of lot for 9 bomb jacks.  3-sets total.
  • Chest press x 18, run to opposite end of lot for 9 Bobby Hurley’s.  3-sets total.
  • Rifle carry rocks back to pile

Mosey to front bus lot, grab the wall:

  • Air Press (in cadence) x 25
  • Air Jabs (in cadence) x 25

Jail break or Mosey back to COT.


Good work out with close to 3 miles.  Good to have some SE Waxhaw residents / PAX come to the NW side of town.

Announcements / Closing

Take care of yourself in this crazy world but don’t hesitate to help others as well.

About the author

Deep Dish author

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