Summer gone? Not so fast.

Summer gone? Not so fast.

15 PAX showed up at Dromedary for a hump day post.  Humidity was back with a vengeance so reminder that summer in Charlotte has not gone away yet.


Mosey around parking lot.  SSH, IW, Moroccan Night Clubs, Plank & Mountain Climbers.  Stretching – up/down dogs, calves, runner’s pose.

The Thang

Entrance road to around globe – Alternate light poles on left with 2 exercises.  10 SSH’s / 5 Bobby Hurley’s .

Mosey to MRMS front entrance courtyard / canopy:

  • Air Press (in cadence) x 20
  • Air Jabs (in cadence) x 20
  • Big Boys x 10
  • LBC’s x 20
  • Heels to Heaven x 15

To the MRMS rear patio.  Whiteboard with exercise routine on display.  Sets/reps consisted of:

  • Dips x 10
  • Step-Ups x 20 (10 each leg)
  • Dry Docks x 10
  • Squats x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • Speed Skaters x 20 (10 each leg)
  • Plank Jacks x 10
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 (10 each leg)

Run lap around track.  At half way point, 2 Burpees.

Repeat all of the above one more time.  MRMS canopy changed up slightly with PAX calling out ab exercise of choice after arms.  MRMS rear patio changed to 15 reps each, 30 for legs.

Mosey back to MRHS parking lot.  7-Ladder consisting of Mike Tysons & Bomb Jacks.

Mosey back to COT.


Rain held off but work-out and humidity had everyone drenched.

Announcements / Closing

Convergence, IPC and 9/11 event all planned for Saturday.  Stay tuned for more details and logistics.  Prayers for family members of One Star, JWow and Johnny Utah.

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Deep Dish author

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