Twas a muggy morning at Bagpipe. It felt like it needed to rain but didn’t. I don’t think I have been back since the last time I Q’d, so probably owe somebody something. Hopefully this will suffice. The swift folk had already left, the PAX in attendance heard rumblings of a Mic Check appearance but was not to be. YHC gave a disclaimer that I was proud about, but Patent Pending had heard enough and started heading out. Fearing a Q jack, the PAX were wrangled and off we went.
Mosey across Ballantyne Commons to the small fountain in front of the deck for COP.
Sharon Towers x 10 IC
IW x 10 IC, YHC started to give the call for IWs but Tagalong sidetracked me, but apparently just putting your hands on your head is the universal call for IWs as all veteran PAX started IWs on the count.
Low Slow Squat x 10 IC
Peter Parker x 10 IC
Parker Peter x 10 IC
The Thang:
Mosey up the deck to the crosswalk with a backwards run up the first incline. Instructions given that resembled a starfishish type workout, except for the shape, which we could only come up with a tuning fork. But the PAX partnered up with 8 making a nice even number. Each partner would run out to one of the 5 points in any order, do the called exercise and back to the crosswalk to do the partner exercise. The five points being:
Mosey back down the steps past the firepit through the buildings to the corner arch for a little Dora 1-2-3. Same partners were responsible for 100 dips, 200 calf raises and 300 LBCs. Partner 1 would whittle away at the goal while Partner 2 ran around the arch with lunge walks every other side. Flapjacked. And switched to Broad Jumps in round 2, and Squat Walk in round 3. All Pax finished in round 3.
Mosey back to the firepit in front of the brightest sign I know of for Mary.
Freddy Mercury x 15 IC
Rosalita x 15 IC
Flutter x 15 IC
High Flutter x 15 IC, only 1 Flutter in the Cooter2 workout regimen
American Hammer x 15 IC
Mosey back to launch. Had 2 minutes to spare.
10 Burpees OYO
Hold plank for last minute.
Enjoyed the chatter this morning guys, strong group that stayed together start to finish. The guesstimating on the tuning fork set worked out well as all parties were back about the same time. The tiles in the atrium were a bit slick but could be avoided. A few guys with kids graduating high school so congrats all around. Apparently there is a Cooter3 now floating around the region, I feel like it might be time to retire the name. War Eagle gave the go ahead for some back to normal type F3 staples last night on slack, so YHC thought we would ease back into it by incorporating some hand slap merkins. I’ll save the front partner carries for next time. But great group, enjoyed meeting some new faces, and thanks for having me out Cooter2 and Cable Guy.
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