Let’s Carry Tractor Tires

Let’s Carry Tractor Tires

DiCCS Given

Warm Up – Mosey up to Cuthbertson Road, down around Mt Chiseled, length of parking lot, .6 mile opener.  Lots of stretching.

The Thang – Pick up your cinder block and head to Mt. Chiseled.  Two teams were formed.  It would be a competition.  The team with the most points win, and boy you didn’t want to be the loser today.

Round One

Team 1 – Carry, as a team the 200+Lb Monster Tire from the island in front of the church all the way to the sign on the entrance road and back.  You could use all team members or a fraction of the team.  Whatever team member was not carrying had to bear crawl the distance.  Repeat back to start.

Team 2 – 10 blockees, then run a lap around Mt Chiseled.  Continue until Team 1 was complete, get as many blockees in, this would be your point total, you had to complete the run around Mt. Chiseled in order to gain points for the blockees.

Teams then Flapjack so the team that was carrying the tire could do the exercise to earn their points.  This flapjack method was carried out for each round.

Round Two – Same, however I added the fact that when the team carrying the tire arrived at the sign, before heading back to the start you had to complete 10 Burpees (you’re welcome)

Round Three

Exercise – Run as many times around Mt Chiseled as possible, each lap is a point.  Tire Carry – this time tire was rolled by two team members to end of parking lot and back.  Remainder of the team had to bear crawl and time wasn’t called until last team member crawled back to start.

Round Four

Exercise – 30 curls and Run around Mt. Chiseled.  Tire Carry – Same as round one (Tire Carry)  except stop at far end of parking lot.  Before turning back, 10 Mike Tysons.

Round Five

Same as round 4

Rifle carry to COT

Ye Olde Moleskin – Holy snickers, I almost spilled merlot.  The idea of carrying the tire came to me the night before.  When Chainsaw asked if I was drinking when I thought of it, I said yes, and he said I must stop drinking, agreed.  The competition thing came to me from the Dredd post I read about competition, check it out https://www.collisionlearner.com/post/the-power-of-competition?fbclid=IwAR1UrA5E8a74K8o9TFF_54xyBy_FKiO_ZUztZbjTFS9QEv8akkiqwvDyuqw

In terms of the ‘threat’ I put out regarding the losing Team, my original idea was for the losing team to have to rifle carry the tire back to the shed.  That didn’t happen for the following reasons :  1.) Somebody would have gotten hurt  2.) Both teams were tied and counting after the first couple rounds waned.  3.) Objective of pushing each other as a Team, as a unit. was accomplished.

I took us out – Prayers for Zack (O69’s son), Blood Drive, Church on The Street, Christ’s Closet – all F3 events info on Group Me.  Memorial Day Convergence at Waxhaw Elementary – 3 options to choose from : The Murph, Hour Long Bootcamp, Mash.  Coffeteria to follow. Holiday Hours in effect.

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Rudy author

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