Five PAX arrived at Homecoming with no idea that the following Monday was Sugar Ray Leonard’s birthday. Yes, Sugar Ray Leonard of the famous ¡No más! fight with Roberto Duran where Duran called out for it to stop. They may not remember already how that tied into the workout, but they left knowing what ¡No más! means.
Mosey through parking lots and onto 12 Mile Creek Rd and back to the Elementary school parking lot, stopping occasionally for some exercises:
Grab 2 bricks from the side of the school and line up near the playground for a series of exercises while a PAX ran to the end of the parking lot and back.
Now mosey with the bricks back to the drop-off loop.
At each light pole, do 15 of the exercise below plus 5 merkins on the bricks
Mosey back with the bricks in a waiter’s carry.
Head to the parking lot for a game of ¡No más!
All PAX perform a called exercise until someone has had enough and they call out ¡No más! (Spanish for “No more” or “That’s enough”.) Whoever calls it out does 2 burpees and the other PAX keep with that exercise, then the group runs a lap around the parking lot.
Return the bricks and then mosey to the front of the school for a set of negative Superman on the flagpole base.
Mosey to the band tower for calf raises and squats to the top.
Back to COT and finish with a Febreze.
What a great morning to be at Homecoming — fantastic fighting weather. YHC got into a fight once or twice in about 6th grade and looking back on it now, it probably was on the caliber of Napoleon Dynamite and his brother Kip getting into a scuffle. Must have been a sight to behold. YHC doesn’t care about boxing and it was quite the stretch to work this theme in, lovingly borrowed from Chastain last year, but it makes for some vague backstory.
The men brought some good spirit to the fight today and the PAX made it to about the 30s In Cadence for most of the exercises, except the SSH that went into the 50s and fortunately someone called it out of sheer boredom — completely understandable.
Kudos to Southern Tip and Dunkin who held strong and didn’t tap out at all. Legal Zoom rightfully pointed out the obvious to YHC that it’s not an air press when holding bricks. Swift and Honeycomb also battled the rising sun during the fight, so they had the extra battle.
Everyone realized that the negative Superman on a brick wall is not a comfortable exercise and may ruin Saturday night plans. No chose the quick exit from the top of the band tower, so that’s a plus. Two small bricks can get heavy quickly and YHC is now realizing that he could have offered an inspirational thought at the end about battling small challenges in life alone and how we should remember Mental Health Awareness Month and not suffer alone, but the moment passed. Anyone reading should consider that thought and don’t be afraid to share your bricks or relieve others of theirs.
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