15 strong at Watchtower after Penalty Box ditched us to see which statement made last night in the Playhouse was going to be a lie:
- The Q is the worse
- We will do a lot of running
- PAX arms will not work properly after workout
DCCS: Recommended headlamps. YHC grabbed his phone. Mumbling disclaimer about PAX’s health
WARMUP: The usual mixed in with 2 new-ish ones
- Slow in-and-outs (bottom half of burpee without the push-up)
- Air Gore (small jump while holding Al Gore . . . Never straighten the legs)
THANG: Mosey to neighborhood entrance on right
- Half group run down Waxhaw Indian Trail sidewalk til it ends . . . 5 knee slap burpees
- Other half run down first street on left . . . 5 knee slap burpees
- Flapjack
THANG 2: Partner/Team Mini-Murph
- Teams of 4
- 2 guys run around school
- 2 guys repeat 10 pull-ups, 20 merkins, 30 squats until partners return
- Repeat 3 times
THANG 3: Wall Webb
- 1 Mike Tyson
- 4 Quadrolators (kind of like a flutter donkey kick)
- Repeat up to 5/20 and work back down
THANG 4: Lightpole sprints
- Jog 1 lightpole
- Sprint 1 lightpole
- Repeat around parking lot
CLOSE with Mary and 1 minute of Have a Nice Day
- For Mental Health Month, PAX were encouraged to speak up about something they HAVE or ARE facing
- Kudos to Rudy and Chatterbox for being vulnerable and sharing past struggles
- Memorial Day Murph is going to be tough . . . Prepare your mind and body NOW . . . Don’t give into the voice
that says to rent Boitano’s house for that weekend to purposely miss the pain
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