A Little Road Work…

A Little Road Work…

10 HIM showed up outside the Regal Cinema, ready to put in their work for the morning. With all the construction going on around Stonecrest these days, I thought I’d keep it simple and lead a workout that highlighted the areas of Stonecrest that still need work, the parking lot. Lights went out at 5:30 sharp. Perfect disclaimer provided (FNG was in the numbers) and off we went.

The Thang

Quick lap around the Regal Cinema (Out to Elm Ln. and around the theater) to get the legs loosened up.

Warm-Up back in front of Regal.

  • SSH x 15
  • IW x 15
  • Peter Parkers x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • LSS x 15

Fully loosened up and stretched we headed over to the entrance to the long main straight that runs in front of the shopping center.

Parking Lot Tour

  • From the first row of parking spaces near the ATM all the way to the last row past Target, run the length of the row of parking spaces and complete called exercise. Next row, repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Continue all the way down the parking lot.
  • At the end of each row complete an increasing (10, 15, 20, 25) then decreasing (25, 20, 15, 10) number of the following:
    • Upper Body (Merkins, CDDs, Offset Merkins, Werkins, +others)
    • Abs (LBCs, Heels to Heaven, Big Boy Sit Ups, +others)
    • Lower Body (Squats, Jump Squats, Lunges, Jump Lunges, +others)
  • Circled up for some Mary throughout as we waited for the 6 to get in.

Mosey to the back of Target

  • Break up into groups of 2
  • Bataan Death March behind the stores
  • PAX in 6 does 3 Burpees, runs to the front of the team line. Repeato until we get back to Regal.

AYG down the straight in front of Regal to push out the last drop of effort.

Mary until time is called

Called time and COT.


  • As mentioned in the title, with all the work they’re doing @ Stonecrest, they need to spend a little time on the parking lot. Some of those ab exercises were like rubbing your back on a cheese grater. Just a note for future Qs.
  • Not a whole lot of mumble chatter going on this morning. Could be the post ‘Cinco de Mayo’ effect. Even though the discussions were minimal everyone put in the work.
  • It was awesome to see the group of vets rally around the FNG this morning. I think it’s easy to forget our first morning experience in the gloom and simply push, push, push. Most of the guys who I know can go non-stop held back with the FNG for most of the workout. Great way to show that F3 isn’t just about the workout, it’s also about the fellowship we build as we connect with other men.


  • Welcome FNG Frank “Camila”. Rousey brought Frank out this morning and after digging into his background (e.g., Cuban, Loves Cigars and Whiskey, In the Real Estate business, etc., etc.) someone brought up the song ‘Havana’ sung by Camila Cabello. So, Camila it is.
  • Otherwise, all quiet on the announcement front. Everyone still in post-CSAUP recovery mode.

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Point Break author

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