Prepping for Dryuary

Prepping for Dryuary

Damascus texted yesterday morning just as I was really getting to the meat and potatoes of my heart felt apology to my beer fridge in the garage.  I was right in the middle of my “but the kids will come and store their juice boxes with you and maybe even their ice cream” when I looked down to see the text I need an emergency fill in.  Knowing Monday mornings are my kryptonite I decided to take the Gig to ensure my posting and keeping Zin from blaring his horn in my driveway at 5am.  I also need to kick start my Dryuary motivation into high gear because let’s be honest it’s going to be rough.  I think Clemson has a better chance of beating LSU in the Natty than me making it a month or DW has a better chance of not Qing in 2020 or Fuse has a better chance of doing a full burpee and not a Aussie burpee but nonetheless in the spirit of “what in the what did I just sign up for” let’s go do this thing!

8 guys joined me this morning for a mainly dry tour around the Wesley Chapel storefronts and into Wesley Oaks neighborhood.  It was a really fast group so we were able to cover ground pretty quickly and move from one station to the next.

That Thang:

Warm up: 20 SSH, 15 IW, 10 LSS, 20 Merkins and stretch

Mosey to Hickory Tavern for 50-40-30-20-10 Descending reps

50 Air Squats, 40 Walking Lunges, 30 Dips, 20 Merkins, 10 Burpees, When you finish elbow plank until everyone is done.

Mosey around HT and Brooklyn back to where we started for a TABATA Style 30 Seconds on, 10 seconds off, we alternated between Makhtar N’Diayes and Steps Ups, 2 rounds each.

Line up for Burpee Indian Run to Wesley Oaks!  This is always a brutal test especially when you have someone like Ice 9 that runs past the front guy by 50 yards in a full sprint.  I had the unfortunate role of of going behind him and it was awful.  Upon the call for recovery I couldn’t breathe and get out the next exercise.  Let’s do every light pole on the right and alternate 20 Bobby Hurley’s and 20 Speed Skaters, up to main entrance and back.

Mosey to Pets Mart for some Partner Work:  100 Donkey Kicks between partners.

Grab some wall for air presses and Jabs with heel raises and toe raises thrown in.

Mosey back to start for 3 minutes of Ab work and Done!



I was already really sore from a brutal Q on Saturday from Zin Man at Homecoming so this morning was tough to keep up with this group.  The descending rep scheme is something I wanted to try for awhile and it seemed to go over pretty well.  I always enjoy trying to throw something new into each Q, sometimes it works and other times it falls flatter than the beer in my fridge come February.  Props to Ice 9, that dude is a machine!  That Dude has one speed called Balls to the Wall!


Convergence tomorrow at Bushwood with Pushed back Holiday Start Time of 6:30

Convergence on Wednesday at Cuthbertson at 7am.

Dryuary starts the 1st.  Can’t Wait!



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Banjo author

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