It’s Raining (4) Men

It’s Raining (4) Men

All the weather pundits agreed on one thing for this morning, 42 degrees and 100% chance of rain all morning.

Five things were promised ahead of this morning’s Asylum workout.

  1. Cover would not be used
  2. It would be raining
  3. Heavy things would be lifted
  4. Running would actually happen at a workout
  5. Waffles would not be on the menu

4 men decided that it’s better to act stupid in the rain than sleep in bed and feel guilty about not posting all day.

DiCCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety)

Mosey to the back lot of Target near the gate to Wesley Oaks.


  • Side Straddle Hop x 20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC

The Thang:

I pre-parked my vehicle back there and it was loaded with 15 cinder block coupons.  I guess I was optimistic.  Time for some “cindercides”

  • Start with 5 man-maker burpees with broad jumps over the coupon between burpees
  • Run to the end of the parking lot and back.
  • Grab your coupon and run to the next island for 5 more man-maker burpees with broad jumps over the coupon
  • Run to the end of the parking lot and back
  • Grab your coupon and run to the next island
  • Continue until all 6 islands have been visited with exercises also performed at both ends
  • 40 total man-makers with broad jumps over the coupon

More cindercides back the other way

  • 10 cinderswings at the start
  • Run to the end of the parking lot and back.
  • Grab your coupon and run to the next island for 10 more cinderswings
  • Run to the end of the parking lot and back
  • Grab your coupon and run to the next island
  • Continue until all 6 islands have been visited with exercises also performed at both ends
  • 80 total cinderswings

More cindercides back the other way

  • 15 cinder curls at the start
  • Run to the end of the parking lot and back.
  • Grab your coupon and run to the next island for 15 more cinder curls
  • Run to the end of the parking lot and back
  • Grab your coupon and run to the next island
  • Continue until all 6 islands have been visited with exercises also performed at both ends
  • 120 total cinder curls

At this point time was running short and we had to make it back to my vehicle to return the coupons

  • Run to first light pole with coupon, 10 overhead presses w/ coupon
  • Run to second light pole with coupon, 10 overhead presses w/ coupon
  • Run to third light pole with coupon, 10 overhead presses w/ coupon
  • Run to my vehicle with coupon, 10 overhead presses w/ coupon
  • 40 total coupon overhead pressed

Mosey back to COT, 3+ miles of cindercides completed



Well the experts got it right today.  Not only did it rain this morning, it poured.  The entire time.  It’s still pouring outside.

Props to Dana and Damascus for posting today knowing we would not seek cover.  Shop Dawg would have posted either way but he didn’t even know who was on Q when he got there so props to him for not caring one way or the other.  On a site note has anyone else noticed there are six (6), yes six different variations of Shop Dawg on WordPress.  Hopefully I picked the correct one.

After about 5 minutes it doesn’t matter that you’re cold and soaking wet anymore, it’s just the first 5 minutes that sucks.  Can you make it past the 5 minute mark?  This also applies for when it’s 22 degrees outside.

The third bullet point of F3 from the main F3 page is “Our workouts …Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold” and I think that’s why is even more important on days like this to have the workout outside, in the elements because that’s how life works.  Sometimes life is 55 degrees with clear skies and seems too easy.  Sometimes life is 42 degrees with driving rain in your face and the last thing you want to do is get out of bed and face it.  Maybe if you can sling around a soaking wet cinderblock in driving rain for an hour while freezing then just maybe you can face that next challenge in your marriage, with your family, or in the workplace just a little easier.  Maybe?  – “How you do anything is how you do everything”.

Hopefully today was a good mix of strength, speed, and endurance.  It can happen, rain or shine, hot or cold.

Everyone did a great job of staying on task today, putting their head down (somewhat due to the driving rain), and getting in the work.  Well done!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead today.


  • Christmas Eve. Bushwood is converging tomorrow at Watchtower at 6:30am.  BE THERE.  Holiday apparel is encouraged.
  • F3 is closed on Christmas Day, enjoy the time with family and friends. Maybe reach out to a PAX we haven’t seen in a while and invite him back this week.
  • Christ Closet even on January 11th at 8:00pm to “fold everything”! Location TBD but probably at Five Stones or Union Methodist.

About the author

Gerber author

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