Size matters…In the partner pull

Size matters…In the partner pull

14 Pax gathered to ease into their week. Nothing fancy, just a well-rounded Weinke that allows for modification or maximum exertion – dealer’s choice. Disclaimer given. Commence workout.

The Thang:
– Jog 2 laps around parking lot as we pick up the stragglers (Floor Slapper & another PAX that blended into the fray)
– IW 20x IC
– Willie Mays Hayes 20x IC
– Circuits: 3 rounds of: 10 HR Merkins IC; Plank for 3 10 counts; Mary 20x (dropping one plank count and one Mary on Rounds 2 & 3)
– Mosey to wall for some chair action. YHC demands 90 degrees b/c we’re only doing three rounds. Clover doesn’t not comply. YHC avoids eye contact w/ him b/c it’s close quarters. Air presses 20x IC. Rinse and repeato 3x.
– Mosey to track
– 1 lap around track w/ LSS at the corners 5/10/15/20. Plank and wait for the six.
– Indian run 1 lap around track. YHC laps Gummy on the sprint from front to back. #FastTwitchMuscles
– Mosey to middle of track infield for Jack Webb.
– Jack Webb ladder 1 to 5 (w/ double the number of air presses; 1-2; 2-4 etc). YHC gives poor instruction and some PAX complete full Jack Webb w/ 4 air presses on the first round. Way to push yourselves.
– Mosey back to track 20 lunges each leg #TimeWaster
– Mosey back to launch
– Partner Pulls (a new fav of YHC after Taco Stand debuts this at Da Vinci the week prior). Pull partner from one b-ball goal to the next. Flapjack. Rinse and repeat back down to launch point. Every muscle group below your waist is now totally spent.
– Mosey to end of b-ball goals and back to let the legs recover.
– Stay w/ partners. Partner 1: Mary of your choice. Partner 2: 1 lap around parking lot at your fastest pace. Flap jack. Rinse and Repeat 3x

Solid showing at Basecamp. Thanks to Thunder Road for his continued leadership. Thanks to Gummy for always commenting that YHC Q’s are “a warmup” for the first half. It’s a marathon not a sprint….which I wouldn’t know b/c I never have and never will run 26.2 miles….ever. Sardine was a solid partner for the partner pulls. Despite what all the M’s say, size matters – especially in this particular exercise. Thanks to Geraldo for the take out. Strength & Honor. S&W – Out.

Announcements: Christmas Party. Check Slack et al communication platforms.

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Scratch & Win author

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