What’s an “AMRAPathon”?

What’s an “AMRAPathon”?

“Coupons and questions”

Being my first Q I dug deep into my early days of cross fit ( retired now for almost 3 years ) to make sure no PAX could possibly feel like they didn’t get their monies worth. Let’s face it, we get up before the masses to congregate and act like a bunch of idiots so the last thing you want is to feel like it wasn’t worth it… So, with that I decided to come up with not one good AMRAP but three. I guess you could say I’m a fan of this type of workout. I had our stage prepped with over a dozen coupons and dumbbells. Eyebrows were raised as PAX started to gather. Dang… 5:29 already so time for DICCS.


Mosey across the parking lot and up to the entrance, quick u-turn back down to circle up on the far right side parking lot.
SSH x 20 IC
Merkins x 15 Hold
Mtn Climbers x 20 IC
LSS x 15 IC
Alright, mosey back for our first set of instructions and AMRAP #1 – I heard a random comment whilst moseying back that I have incredible range of motion when doing squats… Fill in your one liner here________________.


I knew I had to stay on point if I was to explain three different workouts AND have the full 10mins for each AMRAP so got right to it. Had my ipad timer ready, cheat sheet board set up and on we go;

AMRAP #1 – Coupons
* Coupon swings x 20
Hot lap around main parking lot
* MM Burpees x 10
Hot lap
* LBCs x 25
Hot lap
* Thrusters w coupon x 10
Hot lap
Rinse and repeat until time.

I don’t think any of us made it two full rounds but every PAX seemed fulfilled so we’ll call AMRAP 1 a success. No time to waste so mosey to next point of pain.

AMRAP #2 – Partners
* Air squats aka squats / Sprint and back
* HR merkins / Sprint
* Lunges / Sprint
* Mike Tysons / Sprint

We quickly partnered up and assigned who was sprinting and who was doing an above average exercise until said sprinter returned to provide relief. I confused Swimmers when my cross fit lingo came out again referring to squats as “Air squats”. Is there a F3 Urban Dictionary yet? Timer started and we’re off… before I knew it Catfish and Easy Button were coming in hot from their first sprint. Way to make it easy on your partners first round! Not even half way in I realized the second light pole was waaaaay to far to use as our timer so called an audible and shortened our target. Probably because I hate counting past 15 or 20… No gear on this one, just making full use of physics and planet earth’s gravitational pull. No sooner than we called time we had to move to our third and final AMRAP and complete what I #’ed the #AMRAPathon the night before. You can’t create a new # on a message board and not deliver.

AMRAP #3 – Partner Relay
P1 P2
Coupon dips x 10 Peter Parkers
Coupon jump squats Mtn Climbers
DB Curls Plank Jacks
Partner Burpees x 40

Everyone was still on their feet and gas left in the tank. I realized we were coming up short on time so tried to get our partners split up and ready for more instruction… At this point it kind of fell apart but we continued to do above average things for a prolonged period of time which was the point anyways. P1 executes reps and then relieves P2 performing a ground exercise. Round and round we go and I’m reminded that it’s really hard to be in two places at once trying to make sure the PAX knew what was coming up next. Wanting to be there as our next group came in for the next exercise I realized I had left my partner Catfish floundering doing Peter Parkers for probably 3 or 4 minutes. Sorry man! He looked exhausted by the time I got back so I don’t think he cheated. We worked until the bitter end finishing up with 40 burpees shared with our partners.


We had 13 total PAX come out today which I was totally stoked about. As my first time at Q I had no idea what the turn out would be but was a perfect number for what I had been tossing around in my brain for over a week now. Big thanks to Fuse Box for approaching me and forcing encouraging me to step up and lead and also Banjo for his encouragement and feedback as I prepared for today. With that if I may have a moment to share; I restarted a new career in real estate 2.5 years ago, leaving a company where I was with my team probably more than my family. Work life was crazy out of balance at that point and I think what helped keep me going was being able to lead a team of awesome people and always staying just outside of my comfort zone. Although I have been able to catch up and spend so much more quality time with my family that team of awesome people and camaraderie has been a void in my life since I left and F3 has brought that back and I’m grateful for everything F3 stands for and does in our community.

Lastly, when you’re behind the camera it’s a bit nerve racking and I’m pretty sure I didn’t get any names right and definitely gave Rockwell some early “Respect”… At least Easy Button got a good chuckle out of it.

Big shout out to Catfish for beating me to the AO this morning to help set up! How long were you out there stretching by yourself?! Also to Rudy for unloading gear after hours. Schneider still showed up with a mild injury and really helped keep me on pace with time and each mosey to the next event. As always every PAX grabbed a coupon or something to help break down before heading off to whatever their next thing was. Honored for the opportunity to lead such an awesome group of guys this morning.


Don’t forget to RSVP for the holiday party. I finally remembered last night. Forgot you could just post a comment and be added.

Please keep our fellow PAX and their families in your prayers. There are always struggles and there has been recent loss in one of our brothers extended families.

About the author

Glidah author

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