Stiff Upper Lip

  • When:02/06/15
  • QIC: Sussudio
  • The PAX: Turkey Leg, Young Love, Voodoo, Alf, Donkey Kong, Puddin' Pop, Spackler, Joker, Geraldo, Good Hands, Floor Slapper, Bulldog, Uncle Si, Tackling Dummy, Harley, Tiger Rag, Simba, Steinbrenner

Stiff Upper Lip

“You got a question?  You ask the 8 Ball.”  David Puddy

[Shaking the magic 8 ball….]  “Will there be a Kevlar Backblast today?”

[The All-Knowing Dodecahedron of Omniscience twirls in blue toilet water, contemplating a response…. ]

  1. It is certain
  2. It is decidedly so
  3. Without a doubt
  4. Yes definitely
  5. You may rely on it
  6. As I see it, yes
  7. Most likely
  8. Outlook good
  9. Yes
  10. Signs point to yes
  11. Reply hazy try again
  12. Ask again later
  13. Better not tell you now
  14. Cannot predict now
  15. Concentrate and ask again
  16. Don’t count on it
  17. My reply is no
  18. My sources say no
  19. Outlook not so good
  20. Very doubtful
  21. Looks like an Arby’s night

The 8 Ball is a hopeless optimist.  Or a people pleaser.  Maybe both.  Today, however, it was the bearer of bad news: “Fat chance, pal.”

Not many takers on the pre-KB.  Alf blasted us yesterday; Bulldog changed jobs; Harley mangled his fingers at Skunk (DISCLAIMER); Busch, Fletch, Cottontail all DR, AWOL, etc.  Sussudio sat in his truck with his little dog.  Spackler sat in his heated seat and seat-danced to the rhythms of Central American supermarket Muzak.

Our Q, Sussudio, disclaimed the Pax–not a professional, modify, at your own risk, etc.  It would have been a good time to note that carrying a speaker for the workout would be ill-advised.  He led us straight to the pile, instructing the pax to  grab a rock acceptable for both exercising and running.  Thus began the quarter-mile rock run with pain stations, the first being diamond merkins on the rock.  Enter: The Kong.  DK emerges from the shadows, without a rock, and not receptive of the offer to carry mine.  DK, rather, spends the next five minutes rooting and grubbing the adjacent woods and/or duck pond for a rock suitable for his sophisticated tastes.  Which he does and joins us for a round of Rock Louganis.

Proceed to flagpole area. Group 1 exercises with rock.  Group 2 runs to the gate and back to the benches to relieve Group 3.  Rock exercises included curls, tri extensions, squat and press, overhead press, and Divot the Sidewalk.  [I may or may not have gotten a little saucy at this point and , regardless, recommended we move rocks to the asphalt].  Bench work included dips, step ups, incline merkins, and jump ups.  Running work included running up the hill then running back down.


Move to the underused, underlit playground area, where we mostly pretended to do burpees, as well as meerkins and unmentionable things with the swings.  Redeposit rocks, line up along the shoulder of the road for instructions.  Next exercise is the Jail…..breeeaaaakkkk, go! (insert doppler effect of Sussudio running away from the Pax while calling the exercise).  I think Uncle Si still beat him, though.  Various Mary to round out the event.

Plenty of announcements in the COT:  Golf, BRR, Mud Run, Church On the Street.  Unknown to most, but stated as a matter of fact, it was announced that Sussudio is the newly installed co-Site Q at Kevlar,  As if one fleet-footed, diminutive British soccer Site Q wasn’t enough.  Given the jingoistic developments, there’s little choice but to solicit new names for the Site.  Like Bagpipe, we need a name fitting of the personalty(ies) behind it.  [Which for Bagpipe was me, by the way; Haggis wanted to call it Corporate Takeover.  Rolls right off the tongue….]  Stiff Upper Lip?  Winning entry gets a can of Spotted D.

Turns out Sussudio has never read a backblast.  Claims he can’t find them. Bookmark this, my friend:  He did manage to create a Twitter account @sussudioF3.  But I suspect Minimum set it up and runs it.

That’s it.

Cheers, lads.

About the author

Tiger-Rag author

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9 years ago

Rename site to: “Waterloo” – site where the Duke of Wellington (with help from the Prussians) defeated perhaps the most famous diminutive Frenchman. and everybody hates the French, right?
They say an Englishman laughs three times at a joke. The first time when everybody gets it, the second a week later when he thinks he gets it, the third time a month later when somebody explains it to him. Don’t wait a month to tell them TR.

9 years ago

Boston or BTP (Boston Tea Party), where we regularly refusenik the Brit leadership.

Reply to  Simba
9 years ago

I like Boston Tea Party. Much better.

9 years ago

There is so much pure comedy in this that it may take a while to process. I did see the twitter selfie that Sussudio took while driving, but I too believe that it is a spoof account.

I think that all Kevlar workouts henceforth should be set to Benny Hill music.

Stump Hugger
9 years ago

I vote for Hops idea!

But consider calling it “Sherwood Forest” found in Nottinghamshire, England. The famous tale of Robin Hood and his Merry Men! And when the going gets rough, Robin blows three great blasts on his horn (aka drop your hat). That’s when his Merry Men appear (PAX). Some say they are a small group of outlaws (Fast Twitch,Swift). Others say there were 140 or 150 Merry Men in Robin’s band. Some tales even say there were 300 stout (Meatheads) fellows in the band.

Reply to  Stump Hugger
9 years ago

SH were you watching Turner Classic Movies last night?
I’m for the Boston Tea Party as well.

Stump Hugger
9 years ago

Geraldo – Merry Men skipping through Sherwood Forest carrying rocks & tea kettles.

Mall Cop
9 years ago

I am rolling on the floor with laughter on this one TR! My vote is to rename the site “Spotted D”, although the “Boston Tea Party” suggestion is awesome too!

9 years ago

What’s the name of Sussdio’s dog? There’s your new site name. Or, keeping with the Phil Collins theme, “True Colors”

Ickey Shuffle
9 years ago

What about “Yorktown” to represent where Cornwallis surrendered to General Washinton?

Good Hands
9 years ago

Doesn’t everything end in -shire over there? Just stick a “shire” on the end of Kevlar….Kevlarshire.

9 years ago

In the words of Bulldog, I say we rename this site “PANTS”

9 years ago

The new site disclaimer should be simplified to “mind the gap”

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